What are they????


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Lets try to find some definitions of
and how they interrelate and oppose each other. Can they all be the same thing or are they totaly different.
Some dictionary definitions:

Spirituality - The state, quality, manner, or fact of being spiritual.

Religion - A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

Philosophy - 1: a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school [syn: doctrine, school of thought, ism] 2: the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics 3: any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation;


I believe a religion can be a philosophy, but not the other way around. Both can have a spiritual nature, but they do not have to have one.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Some dictionary definitions:

Spirituality - The state, quality, manner, or fact of being spiritual.

Religion - A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

Philosophy - 1: a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school [syn: doctrine, school of thought, ism] 2: the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics 3: any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation;


I believe a religion can be a philosophy, but not the other way around. Both can have a spiritual nature, but they do not have to have one.

Ought to make the dictionary definitions a sticky... While folks banter about words from languages being used to mean whatever that individual wants them to mean (which is really ludicrous when you think about it), I think the simple dictionary definitions should serve as a benchmark when discussing these issues in this forum.

:asian: :tank: :asian:
Spirituality - The state, quality, manner, or fact of being spiritual

OK, so now we have to define spiritual...especially since the next definition refers to a spiritual leader...

Religion - A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader

and the next definition kind of "falls apart" in #3 below, unless you limit that to "personal philosphy"...

Philosophy - 1: a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school [syn: doctrine, school of thought, ism] 2: the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics 3: any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation

I do believe in "personal philosophy;" many people say they have one, but do they live it? That gets back to another post, one on honor...(but let's not get sidetracked)...

From Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary:

The primary definition of spiritual is: "of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit..."

OK, now we define spirit: "An animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms"...secondary definition is,"supernatural being or essence."

I'm not trying to poke holes...just trying to get everyone on the same page (as was Kaith)...one of the first tenets of Philosophy is to define your terms...discourse can only be fruitful IF the terms used are understood by everyone...
Given those definitions, I hold that spirituality and religion are not mutually inclusive...one can be spiritual without being religious and one can be religious and have NO inkling of spirituality...

Most people fall in the middle ground and are religious AND spiritual...

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I believe a religion can be a philosophy, but not the other way around. Both can have a spiritual nature, but they do not have to have one.

Hi Kaith

why cant it be the other way around? Why cant a philosophy be a religion?

Originally posted by chufeng
discourse can only be fruitful IF the terms used are understood by everyone...

agreeded. But that is soooooo difficult, because we always assume that we CAN understand each other.

One description of Buddhism is that the philosophy of the Buddah got away from him and became a religion. Alan Watts decribes Buddihism as Hinduism for export.

I am haveing a great deal of trouble with Alan Watts.
Originally posted by don bohrer
Religion is mans attempt at a relationship with God. Philosophy is mans attempt to relate to life.

So your saying that a realationship with God isn't a relationship with life?

Philosophy: A system of beliefs one uses in daily life. It can be either part of a school of thought, or more likely, pieced together by an individual from many schools of thought to suit that individual's needs.

Religion: A system of beliefs force-fed to an individual by other individuals in funny robes and/or hats. 'Cross pollenation' of beliefs between systems is generally frowned upon, though they mostly say the same essential things. Most often, a 'higher power' is involved. Oddly enough, the 'higher power' usually is not impressed by funny robes and/or hats. Go fig.

Spirituality: The belief that other individuals in funny robes and/or hats can force feed others a system of beliefs. One can have spirituality without having religion, but always has a philosophy.

What do you expect from me? I ain't had my coffee yet!

Originally posted by Cthulhu
Philosophy: A system of beliefs one uses in daily life. It can be either part of a school of thought, or more likely, pieced together by an individual from many schools of thought to suit that individual's needs.

Wouldn't one call that moral? Moral is they way a person comes to terms with ethical questions.

Religion: A system of beliefs force-fed to an individual by other individuals in funny robes and/or hats.

I know we've been there before, but......but...but..Religion is a philosofy that has absolut truths. That means truths that cann't be discussed. Like God is good. Why should/could he be good?

Spirituality: The belief that other individuals in funny robes and/or hats can force feed others a system of beliefs. One can have spirituality without having religion, but always has a philosophy.

I agree on that.

What do you expect from me? I ain't had my coffee yet!


Ritual handling = religion ;)

I know it's a pick on words and meanings, but I'm in the mode....

Ah, but truth is subjective.

For example, to me, it's a truth that 'Cool World' was the biggest piece of crap to ever (dis)grace the silver screen.

Brad Pitt fans may think otherwise.


Originally posted by Cthulhu
Ah, but truth is subjective.


Yes, I agree on that. Does is make this truth objectiv now we agree ? ;)

Just joking.

But of truth is subjectiv, then life itself has to be subjectiv, which in a sense means that the reality of religion itself is subjectiv. And if a thing is subjectiv you can't nessary say it's a universal truth, can you?

Tot a true Confucian, tho I have to agree with his perspective on this topic:

Why waste your time trying to understand or define things that are of little difference?