martial arts and life..

I have a cat who's a real psycho. He often lays between the front room and the kitchen and when I try to raid the refrigerator at night, he attacks my leg. My wife tell me that she trained him to guard it and help me stay on my diet. Funny thing is that I never see him attack her:)
Originally posted by hand2handCombat

another time, in the shower, the shampoo fell and i threw a push kick at it.

What's push kick?
I asked a guy, who is blue belt in our Kenpo class, also was black belt in TKD, to show me push kick yesterday at the class, but he said that he never heard of such kick.
I can kind of imagine that kick, but it seems need a little bigger space than a shower. Would you or someone else out there describe it for me please?
Thanks :asian:

A push kick as I know it is basically whne you pull up your knee to your chest, and kick straight out with your heel while the foot is pointing straight up. Thats the technique behind it at least. Does that makes sense? I could show you easyier than explain it! :)

Originally posted by 7starmantis

A push kick as I know it is basically whne you pull up your knee to your chest, and kick straight out with your heel while the foot is pointing straight up. Thats the technique behind it at least. Does that makes sense? I could show you easyier than explain it! :)


Yeah, I can visualize the technique very well, but it will be even nicer that you would show me in person. :wink:
*sigh*, wish I could do it. :D
Thank you for your response. :asian:

I don't know how many styles use the push kick, but it can come in handy. He may have been refereing to a deifferent kick, but in Kung Fu thats the push kick we use.

Yeah, I believe this push kick being used in many styles; I think I saw this kind of posture in Chinese Gong Fu also, but just don't know what's others function for, except catching a soap in a shower? :rofl:
In what situation this technique will be used in handy?

Originally posted by MinnieMin

Yeah, I believe this push kick being used in many styles; I think I saw this kind of posture in Chinese Gong Fu also, but just don't know what's others function for, except catching a soap in a shower? :rofl:
In what situation this technique will be used in handy?


Well in the mantis system we use it for very powerful "soft spot" kicks. Most of our techniques are performed in a small space. We use the example of fighting in an elevator. The puch kick allows for a powerful kick at very short range. Its also good for controling kicks as well.

Originally posted by 7starmantis

Well in the mantis system we use it for very powerful "soft spot" kicks. Most of our techniques are performed in a small space. We use the example of fighting in an elevator. The puch kick allows for a powerful kick at very short range. Its also good for controling kicks as well.


It is a very powerful kick! I hope I can do it in the future.
Thanks again, 7sm. :asian:

I work on the 11th floor and practice techniques in the elevator going up or down if no one is riding it with me.
hehe. I do the same. We must be an endless source of amusement for the guys that monitor the security cams.
I work on the 11th floor and practice techniques in the elevator going up or down if no one is riding it with me.

Surely it's more fun if there are other people in the elevator?:D
Sometimes when I get off the elevator as I am leaving I will press all the floor buttons just to piss people off if it's crowded and no one wants to be nice and make room.

But I never fart and leave. That's just wrong.
Originally posted by GouRonin

But I never fart and leave. That's just wrong.

Some people have on appreciation for TRUE comedy! :mad:
here's a few things I like to do in an elevator:

Grimace painfully while smacking my forehead and muttering: "Shut up, all of you just shut UP!"

Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce: "I've got new socks on!"

Stare at your thumb and say "I think it's getting larger."
Originally posted by fist of fury

Grimace painfully while smacking my forehead and muttering: "Shut up, all of you just shut UP!"

LMAO!!!! I have to remember that one. Sometimes when I'm in a elevator, I like to do the zombie thing. For those who don't know what I mean, get as close to the door and act like you are trying to claw your way out while
making a zombie faces. One time, me and several of my friends did this at the same time and got some hilarious reactions.