no control



this guy in my MT class, when sparring he goes crazy. ppl tell him to calm down but he keeps showing off, he doesnt listen to the instructor either.

i dont want to start trouble, but if he goes crazy on me, how will i handle the situation.
Get in close and headbutt his nose. When he reels back, kick him in the groin. When he bends over knee him in the head.

Then turn to everyone watching and in a loud voice say, "Whoops. I slipped."
Firstly if the instructor has seen this and not "done" something he should. Conduct like that is not good for learning in.
Some people can be real *** wipes and try to intimidate you like that guy. They try to make up for what they lack so in order to 'scare" you into losing they pretend (more often than not) to go ape s***t.
If he does it to you stay calm and do what needs to be done.
I must agree, it is up to the intructor to deal with this. Have you brought it to your head instructors attention? People like this can be a danger to them selves and others and can give a dojo a bad name.

Despair Bear
I say if the guy can't control himself, he is a danger to himself, to you, and to the life of the school itself. It's really simple. If he "goes crazy" you can politely ask him to calm down. If he won't, you simply don't spar him.

To attack him harder will probably cause him to only fight harder as well, escalating it. If you stop sparing him, he will have to tone it down or there won't be anyone else to fight.

I had someone like that at my Sifu's school. He only came in to hit someone. He didn't care that he was probably hurting them. The upper belts "gave it to him" but that's exactly what he wanted. Unfortunately when he fought lower belts, he ended up scaring them away, hurting the school. Luckily my Sifu heard our pleas and let him go. Otherwise he could have had a big lawsuit waiting in the wings.

I must agree, it is up to the intructor to deal with this. Have you brought it to your head instructors attention? People like this can be a danger to them selves and others and can give a dojo a bad name.

the instructor has seen his conduct and paired him with a guy who has been in the ring. the crazy idiot got is *** kicked and tried to use the moves done on him onto others.
Your instructor needs to made a decision on if he wants this 'liability' training there. It may help to get a number of students together and meet with your instructor as a group to address this issue.

Failing that, you have several options:

1 - leave
2 - clean the other guys clock.
3- refuse to work with him when paired up. Recommend others do the same. If no one will work with "Mr Tough" eventually HE will leave. Or your instructor will have to work with him.

Good Luck.:asian:
Originally posted by GouRonin

"Whoops. I slipped."

Gou.. im sure that will make it ok then... just as long as you say WHOOPS!! ROFL...:rofl: that one had me laughing good!!!
You have t have "that" look on your face. The one that says, it was an accident but you really aren't that sorry.
It is your Instructor's responsibility to take care of this situation. If he can't, then he isn't deserving of the title.
I have no problem with contact, as long as both trainees are willing and of fairly equal skill.However an 'out of control' novice is a pain in the *** and dangerous to other beginers.
Usually a good wack from the instructor works ( sweep em, dump em, smack em in the head, works well), if not you have to make a determination as to wether or not you really want this guy in class.
Yeah, we've had those before, usually people that have been traing for less than a year. You can use these people to for your own training. A good time to put in a quick score and get out practice. Or just practice your defence strategies, let him do all the attacking.
this guy is way too..:mad: . the instructor is a retired champion. he told the guy to go hit the bags. but he threatend with lawyers. he threaten everyone, if he gets hurt, he;ll sue. its just out of control:mad:
Originally posted by hand2handCombat

this guy is way too..:mad: . the instructor is a retired champion. he told the guy to go hit the bags. but he threatend with lawyers. he threaten everyone, if he gets hurt, he;ll sue. its just out of control:mad:

Um, yeah, thats deffinatly when he needs to be "expeled" from the class.
Had a guy like that in the college TKD class I was taking. He kept getting too rough and aggressive with his sparring partners, him a green belt, the others white or yellow. That night, he got a friendly warning, a rather stern warning, and was then booted from the class. He came back maybe once more after that.

I was just glad he left because he never washed his gi.

I think I've heard you talk about that kid before in a bad situation forum where you discussed the "stinky" people in your class that were horrible to train with because they stunk so bad.
"I was just glad he left because he never washed his gi. "

heh thats too funny, are the stinky ones always idiots? Must be a symptom or something.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
If he gos rough meet him and go tougher then knock him out,. he will learn fast not to push your buttons.Your friend Judo-Kid
After 12 years in various martial arts I've met alot of aggressive guys...usually they are new to martial arts (like under a year) and dont know any better. They just need to be taught. Someone mentioned that if you go hard that it will just escalate...maybe sometimes but almost always for me one good hit that sends them reeling smartens them up right away. I think alot of guys will try to overwhelm you until you show them that too much aggression and not enough defence = pain for them.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by hand2handCombat

this guy is way too..:mad: . the instructor is a retired champion. he told the guy to go hit the bags. but he threatend with lawyers. he threaten everyone, if he gets hurt, he;ll sue. its just out of control:mad:

The moment he threatened anyone with anything he should have been out. I can not imagine a school so desperate for students that they are willing to put up with people like this.

Despair Bear