Martial Art Urban Legends...

I've heard that one first, I was unsure whether or not to believe it...but now I don't.
I wouldn't be surprised if that doesn't eventually happen in this country. BTW what ever came of the legislation in New York regarding the martial arts community?
Originally posted by theletch1
I wouldn't be surprised if that doesn't eventually happen in this country. BTW what ever came of the legislation in New York regarding the martial arts community?

I don't think I know about that one -- here in NJ I know they were looking to have martial arts instructors registered and "evaluated" by a board of practitioners, but nothing ever came of it. Part of the problem was that nobody could decise who should be allowed to serve on the board. I don't know if that's the same thing they were talking about in NY.
Reading through some promotional fliers, it seems that studying Martial Arts also improves grades in school. Though why learning to throw a kick would impart a better understanding of algebra isn't really explained....
.."I'm going to Henan to study Authentic Kung Fu from Authentic Shaolin Monks"
...Dian Mak (Dim Mak)
...Remove the spine...
...Learn in ________(insert here) weeks
...The most effective......
...All fights end on the ground
...Okinawans learned out of a "Weapons Ban"
...Ultimate Fighting bouts are Truely Ultimate Fighting.
...Chi demos
...High/aerial kicks can be used in Street Fighting
...Blacks Belt as a Fighting Standard
...Tournaments and Trophies show Fighting Ability.
...12th Degree Kung Fu Master
...Kicking to the Groin is easy.
..."Quart of Blood Technique"
Marginal said:
Reading through some promotional fliers, it seems that studying Martial Arts also improves grades in school. Though why learning to throw a kick would impart a better understanding of algebra isn't really explained....
It doesn't... however; MA (any style) does help disicpline the mind as well as the body. Thus the mind learns to focus and thus the student is better able to focus on their school problems and thus better focus leads to better understanding which leads to better grades.
Think about that one.
MACaver said:
It doesn't... however; MA (any style) does help disicpline the mind as well as the body. Thus the mind learns to focus and thus the student is better able to focus on their school problems and thus better focus leads to better understanding which leads to better grades.
Think about that one.
Most of the evidence of the positive effdects of grades and martial arts is ancedotal at best. So in that regard Martial Arts would be the same as a kid studying ballet or the piano!
Some of my personal favorites:

"I (or my Instructor) studied directly under Bruce Lee and (insert legendary name here)."

"Practicing 5 different martial arts at the same time makes you well rounded and a better fighter"

"Tae Kwon Do or ________ would never work in real self defense"

"You have to go to Korea (Japan, China etc.) to really learn your style"

"The best Tae Kwon Do instructors are all Korean"

You can be a Master at 17 and a Grandmaster at 30. Helps if your dad founded the style.

The more colorful the uniform and the more patches you have on it, the better you must be.

If you served in the military, you must know martial arts.
The Kai said:
Most of the evidence of the positive effdects of grades and martial arts is ancedotal at best. So in that regard Martial Arts would be the same as a kid studying ballet or the piano!
Exactly...a "sales pitch"! :)

In fact, I am living proof against this "sales pitch". My grades started to DROP (not shouting, just exclaimation), as I got more involved in martial arts. My parents had to actually ground me from it in order to have my grades pick up.
Marginal said:
Reading through some promotional fliers, it seems that studying Martial Arts also improves grades in school. Though why learning to throw a kick would impart a better understanding of algebra isn't really explained....
itsn't really Martial Arts per se...but physical activity will because of increased blood and oxygen flow to the brain and neurons. this has also been said of kids chewing gum in schools, which I was allowed to through high school. the increase of oxygen helps to conduct quicker and better information transmission from cell to cell and helps slow cell aging.
Chronuss said:
itsn't really Martial Arts per se...but physical activity will because of increased blood and oxygen flow to the brain and neurons. this has also been said of kids chewing gum in schools, which I was allowed to through high school. the increase of oxygen helps to conduct quicker and better information transmission from cell to cell and helps slow cell aging.
Oh-I wondered why there was P.E.!
Some instructors require a B average before eligible for testing. Not an issue with my kids, as they knew their parents required a B average or they would be putting in extra study time. TW
Poor "C" average kids cannot practice. Does this mean that their avrage drops to a "D"?
Only the smart or fortunate can learn?
That's exactly what it means. I've told students in the past I don't want dumb students. By that I mean I don't want students who happen to be great technicians but lousy in school with poor grades. They need to be both. If necessary, I'll take good grades over good technique any day.
In fact, the Chung Do Kwan emblem consists of a clenched fist holding a scroll. The fist symbolizes a strong body, the scroll symbolizes academics. it was established from the early days of Tae Kwon Do that students would excel in learning as well as martial arts. In fact, Won Kuk Lee was trained as a lawyer. So he knew full well the value of education.
I had the same policy as Tigerwoman by the way. Gup students needed a "C" average to test. Dan testers who were in school needed a "B" average to test. And I had them show me their report cards (with parental permission!).
1.) Do grades always reflect intelligence?

2.) If you require a student to already have a "B" average, you really can't say you foster or promote good grades, since you've eleminated the bad grade people to start with
I always got good grades with minimal effort. Grades are probably not a good guide to effort unless you know that person well. I've trained with some delightful MR and Cerebral Palsey students whose grades were not good but whose effort and drive made them examples to others.

Back on Topic (I love Urban Legends.)
1. Crushed testicles cause shock and death!
2. Size doesn't Matter.
3. Men are more violent than women

Actually I'd love to hear some stories that every one swerars happened toa friend of a friend.

I swear that, some years ago, I read a martial arts magazine that had an article about a kung fu woman who could "levitate." And to prove it, they should photos of the woman and her students in the air. Of course, they had to have levitated? They couldn't have jumped or anything like that? She could also levitate other people.

There is a form called Book Set that is practiced by some kenpo schools. I heard that if you practiced it just right, with the right breathing techniques, you couldn't be choked out afterward.

Has anyone else ever been challeneged to a fight, but first the other guy says "but you can't use your karadee, okay"?