Major Outage Hits MartialTalk

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
On Wednesday night, at about 2am, we were hit with an extremely nasty surprise.

We were blown off the map...not just us, but our entire server was utterly and completely trashed. While the cause is under investigation, the results are evident. We suffered a complete and total data loss. All information on the server was irrepairibly lost.

I've been working non stop since then to bring over 150 web sites back up, many without current backups.

Myself, my staff, and many of my associates have been up with minimal time for sleep since then. I've had about 8 hours sleep myself since early thursday morning. To say I need a nap is an understatement.

So, whats the situation with MartialTalk?

Heres the straight shot.
We lost about a weeks worth of posts and sign ups.
There are several glitches that are still being worked out.
A few of our modifications are working halfway, and causing some display issues.

You will all notice the modified address...we are now at This is for 2 reasons...1 is it let me work on bringing things back up without interuption. The other is that in the future we will be greatly expanding the scope and mission of MartialTalk.

I want to thank all of our members and supporters for their patience during this time. I also want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who offered their help, or well wishes while we worked on things, and to the support staff at our datacenter who went above and beyond to help us out.

We are not through...we will rise from the ashes and become better than we were.

Congratulations and thanks to Bob Hubbard and the others who worked so hard on resurrecting MartialTalk. Thanks to a backup strategy, hard work, and luck, only about a week's worth of posts have been lost.
Awesome job you guys for getting things working working so well again! I don't know how you do it, but I'm sure I speak for us all in saying how much your efforts are appreciated in making posting possible again. :asian: :asian: :asian:
Thanks guys!

Good luck with getting the rest of the stuf back together.
Short update, then im getting some sleep...

I've already gotten notification of a number of hiccups, and ran into a few myself. We litterally crowbared this place back up, and it looks like a few patches are leaking.

To this end, I'm stripping out all of the mods I've put in and taking us back to 'factory spec' for a little while. Once we've stabilized the core, I'll start putting them back in. Gonna be a little bit 'vanilla' for a week or 2, but we'll come out of this leaner and meaner. :)

Thanks again!
Get some Sleep Bob
and then start bright and early next week pulling off the next miracle. I cannot have you getting soft and all.

BTW I hear Santa is looking for some help in the scheduling department.

Serious thanks for all the great work your team has done.

In the words of one of our former advesarys:
"I fear all we have done is awakened a sleeping giant....."
Cheers and good work Mr. Hubbard!
Ah, I'm reminded of the first series of Star Trek.
The Enterprise alone in space
"What was that?
"Clingons of the starboard bow Capt."
"Scotty, Give me all you've got."
"The warp core's off line Capt, it's the dilithium crystals, there all gone."
"Steady bones, we've been in tighter situations than this."
"But Jim."
"Loosing your nerve now will serve no purpose doctor, it's not logical."
"You cold blooded pointy eared Vulcan, what would you know about emotions?"

And so the Enterprise worked it's way through yet another disaster, safe for one more week.

You guys at Martial Talk have the same spirit, and thank god you do. I hope you get everything up and running as before [if not better] soon.
Thanks for all your hard work and efforts above and beyond everyone. Take a bow.

You have done a wonderful job! I enjoy this forum very much. Thank you for being so dedicated and for making the sacrifices that you have made to get through this difficult time.
Yeah, I missed you too. Glad your back again and keep up the good work :)
Originally posted by Hollywood1340
In the words of one of our former advesarys:
"I fear all we have done is awakened a sleeping giant....."
Cheers and good work Mr. Hubbard!

Oh great, John Wayne is making a comecack!:eek: :rofl:
Let me add my words of A job well done. Hope you get some sleep and rest. Thanks for getting the site back up as fast as you did.
Another short update:
I've striped us down to 'factory specs', and things look to be stabilized. Please let me know if you encounter any problems.

We lost all posts, and member signups that were made between Dec 7th and Dec 12th. If you signed up during that time, please resign up.

I realize it'll take a while to get things back on track, but want to say again, thank you to everyone for their patience, understanding and well wishes. It is greatly apreciated.

I've got a couple more client sites to bring back up, and then can focus on putting all the neat tweaks back in here. :)

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I've got a couple more client sites to bring back up, and then can focus on putting all the neat tweaks back in here. :)

Well thanks for putting us up high on the list of sites to just
bring back up! The tweaks can wait, no one's going anywhere.

And don't over do it! "If you haven't got your health, you haven't
got anything" - Count Rogan, the 6 fingered man (Princess Bride)