MA for wheelchair users



Hi Everyone,

I am about to welcome a wheelchair user to my dojo for the first time. I have never taught someone in a chair before, so this wil be a learning experience for us both.

I have been researching this subject and am on the waiting list for a course on teaching physical activities to the less abled.

Is there anyone here who either uses a wheelchair or has trained a wheelchair user? If so all and any advce or experiences greatfully received.

Thanks in advance
There is a dojo in Covington Virginia that is run by a man who is confined to a wheel chair. I believe his name is Clay Johnson and his style is American Freestyle Karate. If you want contact information for him send me a pm and I'll zip it off to ya.
I just wanted to say I think this is great and really neat. What a cool experience it should be for both of you to learn from. Best of luck and happy training!!

:asian: :karate:
Best of luck to the both of you.
Please keep us informed on how things are pogressing. It will be a true learning for you both .
Do't be afraid to take a step back and look at how you teach, then take a step forward and change it to fit the need of this person.
There have been some verry strong martial artists in the past who where wheelchair bound. Sorry their names slip my mind but I have seen a few and they where good.
Remember ground work may be a strong point for them. Their arms and hands could be verry strong but then again maybe not. Evaluate each technique and see if it will work.
Again the best to both of you.
I once attended a weekend-long Wing Chun seminar and met and sparred with a gentleman who was confined to a wheel chair. For one thing his upper arms were incredible and his speed (punches) were lightning. He also had a modified chair that the arms came out and he was able to use them as ton-fa's <sic>.
It was one of the most interesting encounters I've had regarding Martial Arts and he showed (me at least) that nothing was impossible for him just because he was "half-man half car".

Find techniques that will work for him and create scenarios where someone might want to be LOW enough to try and attack a person in a wheel-chair so they have a good variety of defense.
