Long Form 4

Ya know, after seeing such in depth discussions of forms (see the kenponet reference above and GoldenDragon's list), it reminds me just how *little* I really know about this stuff.

And my instructor wonders why I kept telling him I didn't feel like I was ready for my Black yet.....:rofl:

Ever see "Joe vs. the volcano"?? "I know he can *get* the job, but can he *do* the job?" Hehe. Yeah. Something like that.

Back to practice, back to study, back to analyzing. Never ends, does it? But, that is a good thing. A *very* good thing.

Yeah, let's see......out of that list of 46 items (not a complete list? :eek: hehe...of *course* not!!) I know/knew.....uh....probably about....uh....like......5? I knew some of the concepts, but obviously, I knew a *LOT* less than I thought I did.

However, I LOVE it when the lightbulb appears over my head, and I have that rushing feeling of "OHHHHH!!!" I had that a couple of times, reading through that list.

Now, I just have to work on some of those items, and actually put them into practice. Eeesh. Okay, I will argue with anyone on that topic about "nothing more to learn when you get your Black Belt".

hehe.....I'd just show them that list and watch their eyes bug out....:rofl:

Oh, yeah....and I'd have to restrain myself from smacking them if they said, "Oh, that....yeah, I know all that." :shrug:

Sure, buddy. So *show* me, already....hehe.....

So, GoldenDragon......quick question: Can I petition you to get a *complete* list of what is in Long 4?

I have had a love/hate relationship with long 4 since I learned it. I love how it works, and how it flows, love what it teaches, but I have NEVER felt like I can do it right, and that bugs me. I have now set a goal that I will someday OWN long 4, but it is going to be a long road. Looking at the whole, I think the reason I don't like it as much is that I don't understand it fully......if I can gain more insights, then I think I will really get to like this form.

Would you be willing to help me out on this one? If the list is too long to post here, well......you have my email...:)

My thanks, sir. You have given me *plenty* to think about in my new "quest" already....


Yes, GoldenDragon, I understand fully, and respect it as well.

Still, thanks for pointing out the door. Now, I just have to open it up myself (for the time being)........

If I can get out that way sometime, I will look you up. Likelihood is, at the present, kinda slim, but fate's been known to be a surprise from time to time.

Thanks again!!


I had heard that Mr. Parker once said something like "Any one that knows ALL about Long Form 4, everything about what is IN it, would deserve a black belt", and he would promote them any day. I am sure it involves more than just the moves. But i curious as to what he meant.
Any Suggestions????
I never knew there was that much in long four i knew about all the angles but golden dragon you have shown me things i never knew.

Well I shall keep reading and finding more out about the forms.

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