Let this be the standard-


Master Black Belt
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score

Checkout the strength and flexibility!!! Major core workout! -This is my standard and goal from now on, aside from my usual goals and developing a neck as thick as an oxs'.

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awesome! but please where board shorts if you post any videos of you doing this stuff.

Cool. Sure thing. I sure hope i can pull off such feats one day.
I was a tad unsure posting, but still i hoped that you wouldn't focus on the pointy legged rump display too much -
more so on the strength and flex it takes to do that stuff..

Cool. Sure thing. I sure hope i can pull off such feats one day.
I was a tad unsure posting, but still i hoped that you wouldn't focus on the pointy legged rump display too much -
more so on the strength and flex it takes to do that stuff..


Erm? thats basically the same as Olympic gymnastic floor work without the jumps etc, I think you guys are seeing things in there that this female isn't!!
Ya'll do understand that the board has a policy against gay bashing, right? What that guy was doing was a set of physical movements done to a high degree of proficiency... sound familiar?
I was on nights too last night...12 hour shift on a Saturday night, fun.
I thought what the guy was doing was amazing, huge control over his body. Didn't look beyond that for anything else.

what he did was VERY impressive. it also looked effeminate, so i made a joke about it. i make jokes about grappling being gay all the time. especially the names: mount, rear mount, rear naked choke.

anyway, just a joke.

If you want to achieve that level of athleticism and fitness.

Choose from the menu then click play and let the animation run its course with colored graphs, arrows and hidden techniques not visible to the eye and pause the animation, if necessary to read and remember that on the same page of the animation you just watched. You need to scroll down to read extra good info.


p.s. the guy that is doing all of that cool running, it is called Parkour and you can check it out on the interactive menu. :cool:
why not a thing tez! just being silly after staying up all night at my job again.

here's a pretty cool display of athleticism:


Here's my 2 cents, damn their good.
While I have much admiration for the athleticism, I must draw the line at this clip .....LOL

kaizasosei said:
This almost completely nullifies the guys strength or what not...


Yep from a man's point of view it does but you got to give it to him he is flexible and fit. He takes good care of himself.

It is just very disturbing that he is dancing like a cheerleading girl. Mind boggling stuff, man ...

He gotta leave that stuff to the girls. He would have been good at parkour and the martial art stuff.

I don't know anything about the gay lifestyle but that is seriously disturbing to see a man act like a girl. I am sure it even bothers the women who see what is supposed to be a man is acting like a girl.

What he does not understand is the term Martial Arts means quite literally Military Arts and another way of putting it. Martial arts are actually a war death dance when two men meet to fight to the death and I am not talking about native indian war dances either.

That is exactly what he is supposed to be learning to be a man of war so that he can protect his wife and the children. It does not matter if he is a soldier or not. He is responsible for their safety and well being.

Here are two good links to learn the warrior's arts of life and death.


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Yep from a man's point of view it does but you got to give it to him he is flexible and fit. He takes good care of himself.

It is just very disturbing that he is dancing like a cheerleading girl. Mind boggling stuff, man ...

He gotta leave that stuff to the girls. He would have been good at parkour and the martial art stuff.

I don't know anything about the gay lifestyle but that is seriously disturbing to see a man act like a girl. I am sure it even bothers the women who see what is supposed to be a man is acting like a girl.

What he does not understand is the term Martial Arts means quite literally Military Arts and another way of putting it. Martial arts are actually a war death dance when two men meet to fight to the death and I am not talking about native indian war dances either.

That is exactly what he is supposed to be learning to be a man of war so that he can protect his wife and the children. It does not matter if he is a soldier or not. He is responsible for their safety and well being.

Here are two good links to learn the warrior's arts of life and death.


http://thelasersshadow.com/Martial Arts Page.html

Oooh ooooh sexism and patronising women now! some of us women can fight for ourselves and defend our famlies you know! We can even defend our menfolk!

"I am sure it even bothers the women who see what is supposed to be a man is acting like a girl."

Er no. Each to their own.
Yep from a man's point of view it does but you got to give it to him he is flexible and fit. He takes good care of himself.

It is just very disturbing that he is dancing like a cheerleading girl. Mind boggling stuff, man ...

He gotta leave that stuff to the girls. He would have been good at parkour and the martial art stuff.

I don't know anything about the gay lifestyle but that is seriously disturbing to see a man act like a girl. I am sure it even bothers the women who see what is supposed to be a man is acting like a girl.

What he does not understand is the term Martial Arts means quite literally Military Arts and another way of putting it. Martial arts are actually a war death dance when two men meet to fight to the death and I am not talking about native indian war dances either.

That is exactly what he is supposed to be learning to be a man of war so that he can protect his wife and the children. It does not matter if he is a soldier or not. He is responsible for their safety and well being.

Here are two good links to learn the warrior's arts of life and death.


http://thelasersshadow.com/Martial Arts Page.html

In the animal kingdom, it is the female species that fights and protects their young, very effectively. The male is big on things, like territory and mates. On this one I have to side with the female species, I’ll fight for my house and car, but I will die for my children, and as a side note don’t dishonor my wife. Also lets not forget the women scorned thing. Give them some sort of equalizer, underestimate them a little, and you have the ingredients for someone’s demise. Just a thought. And also life is not what someone looks like or how they act, but more about how we conduct "ourselves".:asian:
Well gay or not... the guy (in the TOPIC video) has evidently put a lot of work, strength training and practice in to doing what he can do, so should be at least admired and respected for that... particularly if one cannot do that themselves... or has even tried.
Y'know... I would swear that the topic of this thread was an athlete's fitness, strength, and flexibility. Not his sexual orientation (no clue to what that might be, either), or gender suitability for anything.

You wanna talk religion, allow me to point you to the Philosophy and Spirituality subforum.

Otherwise, let me strongly suggest a return to the topic at hand.
Y'know... I would swear that the topic of this thread was an athlete's fitness, strength, and flexibility. Not his sexual orientation (no clue to what that might be, either), or gender suitability for anything.

You wanna talk religion, allow me to point you to the Philosophy and Spirituality subforum.

Otherwise, let me strongly suggest a return to the topic at hand.

I agree, this is not the place to preach, nor is the place to patronise or insult.