At the snail's pace the movement to legalize pot is moving forward, it may well come to that... unless you plan to live a
very long time.
Pot is not harmless. It destroys lives and health. It is illegal in most locations of the US because the majority of citizens want it to be illegal, which is reason enough right there.
Pot is
not harmless, and it
can mess up people's lives. And, I agree that historically speaking, a majority of people have supported the laws making it illegal. However, I don't know how much longer that will remain the case.
Medical marijuana, which I would otherwise be in favor of, has become nothing more than backdoor legalization for the recreational use of pot in California.
"Nothing more"? For many, that may be true. But don't deny that there are others who support "medical marijuana" laws for what they were intended. Along with the majority of voters in my state, I've twice supported propositions to allow for "medical marijuana". I'm less certain about movements toward "de-criminalization" and still oppose outright legalization.
I remain against it. Nothing will ever change my mind on this subject.
I can't fault you for your honesty, Bill. But you never know. You've changed my mind on a few particulars. For example, after thinking about it, I've come to accept that marijuana
can be a gateway drug. But it doesn't
necessarily lead to using harder drugs or a messed up life. Just because you pass through one gate doesn't mean you have to go through the next.
For example, most of my friends and I illegally smoked our first cigarettes in junior high (gateway # 1). We moved on to drinking beer, then hard liquor. I came within a hair's breadth of dying from alcohol poisoning at age 15. Also damned near killed myself driving drunk at 16... and lost a total of three acquaintances to drunk driving (gateway #2). Later, I started "socially" smoking weed off and on (gateway #3) and finally, about the time I was finishing college, tried psilocybin mushrooms a couple of times, and peyote tea once (gateway #4).
Then, I got serious, stopped using tobacco, weed, alcohol and anything else. I will enjoy an occasional beer or glass of wine with dinner, but never more than about twice a month, and never more than two. Most of my friends who I still keep in touch with have gone pretty much the same route. Interestingly, none died from drug use, but I've lost several adult friends to alcohol. Two were long-time alcoholics and died from the effects of their alcohol addiction. A third was another of my friends who died in a car wreck, driving drunk. Incidentally, I've also been hit by drunk drivers,
OK Bill, I believe that we each ultimately take the most stock in our own experiences. You once related yours in relation to marijuana use. Well my experiences have shown me that marijuana abuse can be destructive to one's person and family, and that it can be a gateway drug to harder stuff. But so can tobacco and alcohol. In fact both of those legal addictive drugs (yes, nicotine
is a drug) have killed people I know.
Alcohol damned near killed me on several occassions. Marijuana has not killed anyone I'm aware of... although the laws against it have messed up more than a few lives. And made a lot of criminals rich.
So based on my experiences, I don't have a problem if people choose to smoke pot, responsibly, moderately, and preferably at home. It's not my business. I'm too busy taking care of my family, my job, and
my martial arts addiction.