Learning Chinese chain whip?

Old Iowa Man

Oct 15, 2013
Reaction score
Southern, Iowa in the woods
OK, SORRY - Another question from your poor health guy with NO Sifu in Iowa - Just a yes or no answer is just fine - Can I learn the basics of the Chinese chain whip from DVD or YouTube? I'd start with a soft braided rope with a wood handle and a tennis ball with some weight added to the ball and wear goggles, etc. NO I can't drive and have NO ONE I can learn from - Again this would be for exercise and it would give me hope for my way to recovery from my several illnesses - NOT looking for sympathy! Just help or suggestions or YES or NO. Thanks Much - OIM
OK, SORRY - Another question from your poor health guy with NO Sifu in Iowa - Just a yes or no answer is just fine - Can I learn the basics of the Chinese chain whip from DVD or YouTube? I'd start with a soft braided rope with a wood handle and a tennis ball with some weight added to the ball and wear goggles, etc. NO I can't drive and have NO ONE I can learn from - Again this would be for exercise and it would give me hope for my way to recovery from my several illnesses - NOT looking for sympathy! Just help or suggestions or YES or NO. Thanks Much - OIM

you can play with the item, get comfortable with it, have fun spinning it, but that doesn't mean you are learning the fundamentals. chain whip is a challenging weapon, and can be dangerous to practice because of the flexibility. you can hit yourself with it. rope and tennis ball is a good idea for safety, but not realistic because of weight differences.

but to answer the question: no, you won't learn it this way, not for real.
OK, SORRY - Another question from your poor health guy with NO Sifu in Iowa - Just a yes or no answer is just fine - Can I learn the basics of the Chinese chain whip from DVD or YouTube? I'd start with a soft braided rope with a wood handle and a tennis ball with some weight added to the ball and wear goggles, etc. NO I can't drive and have NO ONE I can learn from - Again this would be for exercise and it would give me hope for my way to recovery from my several illnesses - NOT looking for sympathy! Just help or suggestions or YES or NO. Thanks Much - OIM

No, not only no but hell no.

The chain whip is a great way to maim yourself if you don't have a teacher, and sometimes even if you do. I do not think maiming oneself is a great way to recover from anything
Tried meteor hammer without formal instruction once.... yeah I don't do that anymore.
Did anyone see the movie IRON AND SILK where the guy HAD a Sifu to teach him the chain whip, and he still wrapped it around his head and whacked himself in the face?
Good decision - OK, guys - I get the idea - SORRRRRRY for the question - If I could delete it I would but I don't know how! OIM

no need to delete, it's a legitimate question. You seem willing to take good advice. Not everyone is so willing. smart fellow, save yourself some grief.
Michael - Thanks for the kindness and understanding - I'll still try to think twice before I post again:wink2: OIM

Your posts are welcome. Don't be afraid to ask. :asian:
Yeah, no worries. You have an open mind and took the group's advice, so we think you're cool.

But now I'm wondering ... what's a chain whip? Gotta look that up. Hmm ... ah, some photos. Holy crap! Yeah, I'd poke my eye out with that thing! At least! :D
Thanks for ALL the good advice and kindness - Since I've given up on the chain whip I've decided to go with a 6' by 1" log chain with a monkey wrench on the end - Gotta be safer :uhyeah: OIM