To add on to the growing list of issues with this company..they sent us at 4:54 today our insurance options and told us that we had to fill out the paperwork and sign by Monday morning. It's an entirely new plan, this is the first time any of us are looking at it, so hopefully everyone was checking their emails an hour after some of our shifts ends, and have family around this weekend to review/make their decisions.
The plan itself offers less than our old one, and we have two options. The first one is a solid half of my paycheck each pay period, and the second one would leave me with about $100 a paycheck after that and taxes are taken out.
Going to have to see what I can find on the marketplace, and at this point might just quit and do doordash for a while. Full time the pay would be about the same, less stress, and if I'm having to pay my own insurance anyway, I'm not seeing the benefit to sticking around.