Last Poster #6

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Just finished cooking a rack of spare ribs....was supposed to go over to the baseball field and let Jacob work on pitching but the weather decided not to cooperate.

Instead just relaxing and watching the rain.
It's insane to me the amount some people pay for an apartment. I'm looking for a one-bedroom, saw a complex renting out a studio for over 2k a month. And I know the's in a nice area but they offer basically nothing. And they're full! People are actively choosing to pay that price.
It's insane to me the amount some people pay for an apartment. I'm looking for a one-bedroom, saw a complex renting out a studio for over 2k a month. And I know the's in a nice area but they offer basically nothing. And they're full! People are actively choosing to pay that price.

Exclusivity through expense is a phrase that springs to mind.

Doesn't matter sometimes whether there's any actual exclusivity, as long as it's expensive (and people know it's expensive)...
over 30 years ago I was an auto mechanic.... today I am in IT....and you know...the way this day has been going....I can't for the life of me figure out why left the auto repair business

Oh and 27 years ago, on September 14th...I took my first step into Chinese marital arts with my very first taijiquan class
over 30 years ago I was an auto mechanic.... today I am in IT....and you know...the way this day has been going....I can't for the life of me figure out why left the auto repair business

Because you'd be in IT now as well. You might as well stay clean doing it.
Ok, this is ridiculous.
I am looking - wild goose chase paired with pipe dream - into wholesale sources for articulated dolls, resembling a GI Joe, or there about.
I have yet to figure out what algorithm was triggered by 12" male doll to show me a bunch of bright pink rumps with anatomically correct openings!
I mean, I was somewhat fascinated by the fact that the artsy collectible bodies can be outfitted with the correct 'bits' in various shapes, like you can change the hands or feet....
But a full size, urm, backside?! I wasn't looking for that!
And I am not looking for a doll where the head costs more than a day's income!
THE HEAD alone!
Ok, so I can get a Connery, Hamill, or Bruce Lee....but still....80 bucks for just the noggin!
Or get a condensing dryer so you don't need a hose at all - just empty the condensate collector when the light comes on ;)
I've never even heard of those. I want to know more, but I'm absolutely certain that'll lead me down an internet rabbit hole that will consume the rest of my remaining attention span for the day.
You know... I go between Russian and English on my computers all the time - because I translate. And it takes some doing to add a second language layout to your keyboard. So... how in the world does one do it accidentally?
You know, from that one time we added Russian on my PC, I somehow keep managing to turn it on. It always takes me a moment to figure out why I can't seem to make any sense with my typing.
You know, from that one time we added Russian on my PC, I somehow keep managing to turn it on. It always takes me a moment to figure out why I can't seem to make any sense with my typing.
Yeah, blame it on the computer....
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