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My I-phone six has been slowly gasping it's last breaths. I'm going to go buy a brand spankin' new I-phone ten in a little while. My wife is, too.
My I-phone six has been slowly gasping it's last breaths. I'm going to go buy a brand spankin' new I-phone ten in a little while. My wife is, too.
My 6s is still going strong. I'm still debating if I'm going to switch over to Android next replacement. I prefer iPhone in most ways, but man there are so many more choices (less expensive ones!) to work with on the other side.
My I-phone six has been slowly gasping it's last breaths. I'm going to go buy a brand spankin' new I-phone ten in a little while. My wife is, too.

Don't do it..... I have is waaaaaaay to also, from the way Mrs Xue tries to use my phone....different enough from the 6 to confuse the heck out of folks
I'm confused about most things anyway, even this I-phone six I've had for three years. I know it will be the same with the ten, but I don't care. I only use it as a phone, a camera and to play on the net. I'm not considering another brand as I don't really like change.

Fortunately, a buddy of mine is meeting us at the phone store. He speaks fluent Apple as he worked for them for years, he'll help us out.
I just realized I'll be working within a few blocks of the 9/11 memorial on 9/11.
Be prepared for it to be pretty crowded. I don't go into the city on my birthday (9/10) for that reason. Tried it once, in I think 2006, for a memorial and it was just too crowded. The ones by my town are nicer IMO. More personal, and I know the people that were impacted who participate. Very different feel.
Be prepared for it to be pretty crowded. I don't go into the city on my birthday (9/10) for that reason. Tried it once, in I think 2006, for a memorial and it was just too crowded. The ones by my town are nicer IMO. More personal, and I know the people that were impacted who participate. Very different feel.
Thanks for the heads-up.
An old friend my sons instructor used to compete against is having a tournament that we might go to.

Gives Jake a chance to compete against new competitors.
Where at? Maybe it's in the good part of the state! (I'm in the boonies)
I have trees, but I'm not in the woods
The advantage of living in the woods - you can leave leaves on the ground and interact with wildlife: birds, lizards, frogs, bunnies, deer, foxes, wild turkeys, an occasional bear or mountain lion. Good times!
Today.... a bacon free, grilled Chicken salad with Russian dressing
What is Russian dressing? I know it's a funny question coming from me, but I honestly don't have any idea. Back in Ukraine, we just used oil and vinegar for salads, mayo, sour cream - that sort of thing. So, what's Russian dressing?
Dance demo during the YMCA Healthy Aging Day was very tiring but very fun. I might have pictures later, once the Y posts them on their FB page. @gpseymour was there and had a chance to watch us wiggle around in full belly dancing gear.
I could never work support. I would have killed someone by now.

I was a few levels above the first line support help desk...

But we were the ones the help(less)desk passed the really complicated problems too - like if someone didn't switch on their monitor AND the base unit...
What is Russian dressing? I know it's a funny question coming from me, but I honestly don't have any idea. Back in Ukraine, we just used oil and vinegar for salads, mayo, sour cream - that sort of thing. So, what's Russian dressing?


A slightly sharper version of Thousand Island Dressing.

Russian Dressing
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