Last Person #5

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I am back from taking the kids trick-or-treating. But there is one thing I cannot quit figure out, although I am not complaining, but I do not know why a woman, answering the door, to give out candy to children, was dressed exactly like this, with pretty much the same figure.

I am back from taking the kids trick-or-treating. But there is one thing I cannot quit figure out, although I am not complaining, but I do not know why a woman, answering the door, to give out candy to children, was dressed exactly like this, with pretty much the same figure.

I was in the wrong neighborhood.
Took a mental health day yesterday and built a license plate guitar......
Took a mental health day yesterday and built a license plate guitar......
That sounds like fun. I really need to get back to learning to play the two guitars I have. When I plink, I almost sound like I know what I'm doing. The illusion is shattered if I actually try to play something.
That sounds like fun. I really need to get back to learning to play the two guitars I have. When I plink, I almost sound like I know what I'm doing. The illusion is shattered if I actually try to play something.

I love playing music, especially on home built instruments...helps keep me sane
Try the Didgeridoo..... it annoys the neighbors and it prove to them you have no sanity so they are afraid to tell you it annoys them and they leave you alone.........
Saw a lot of cute kids yesterday. My daughter was Rey from Force Awakens, and we ran into a toddler who was dressed up as BB-8. It was really cute, because completely unprompted, the toddler began following my daughter around and they hit about 4 houses together.
Saw a lot of cute kids yesterday. My daughter was Rey from Force Awakens, and we ran into a toddler who was dressed up as BB-8. It was really cute, because completely unprompted, the toddler began following my daughter around and they hit about 4 houses together.
We had fun with Halloween. We go to my mom's house, because they live in a big neighborhood where lots of folks go Trick-or-Treating. Many cute kids. My mother gave candy, and my wife handed out books (including some for the adults and older kids).
We had fun with Halloween. We go to my mom's house, because they live in a big neighborhood where lots of folks go Trick-or-Treating. Many cute kids. My mother gave candy, and my wife handed out books (including some for the adults and older kids).
Lol. Books?
that's very generous of you guys! I gave out candy I bought from Costco.

So, what kind of books? Like goosebumps and series of unfortunate events?
Books...Candy...sheesh... I had Elvira :rolleyes:

Actually the more I think about that, the more I am beginning to feel it was rather inapropriate to give out candy to kids dressed that way..... I also think this means I'm getting old
that's very generous of you guys! I gave out candy I bought from Costco.

So, what kind of books? Like goosebumps and series of unfortunate events?
Similar. They are all either books Maria is the illustrator for (she does illustrations for children's books for a couple of authors) or which she translated from Russian (she has a large number of translated works). Because she has rights to them, she can get copies published at a low cost, so a dollar or two per book in most cases.
This year Halloween was pretty good . Spent Halloween with so friends eating pizza and watching movies. Everyone brought 2 bags of candy from the store, one for the party and the tricker treaters. it was fun jumping out scaring people. We even had a scarecrow filled with fake blood. It was on the roof tied to a rope. Whenever a group of people got close one of us would pull it down and it would fall on the front porch (it scared a lot of people too):p
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Books...Candy...sheesh... I had Elvira :rolleyes:

Actually the more I think about that, the more I am beginning to feel it was rather inapropriate to give out candy to kids dressed that way..... I also think this means I'm getting old
Sugar candy for the kids, eye candy for the dads... What's wrong with that?
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