Last Person #5

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I'll be 46 in a little over a week.

And Outside of an obnoxious cold, I'm having pretty good days.
I remember being 45... Seems that's about when the warranty seems to have run out, and I started falling apart. Like needing reading glasses. (And the doc wants me in bifocals now...)
No, its something like flood prevention.... all night was not fun...but my house did not flood so it was all good

Luckily I live in the fens, the drainage systems here are quite unstoppable.

Until the sea itself decides to reclaim my home I don't really have to worry about flooding ;P
I'll be 46 in a little over a week.

And Outside of an obnoxious cold, I'm having pretty good days.

Steve, you old-fart/young-pup, you! (I lean the percentage towards the former)

Had to think back to when I was exactly that age. I was living four miles, as the crow flies, from where I am now.
Cool site - "As The Crow Flies" Distance Calculator

Training in a BJJ school.

Life sure is entertaining. Glad you're having good days, bro. Hope you have many more.
More detail is needed: What did you work on at the seminar?
All sorts of things really. Tai chi push hands, various xingyi animals (tiger, bear, snake, monkey. Ect.) Also weapon forms with ox-tail dao. (I think I'm forgeting something but i'm not sure)
After landing another nice job that I rather enjoy, I have finally come to a conclusion. Working sucks.
After landing another nice job that I rather enjoy, I have finally come to a conclusion. Working sucks.

Move to England, become a student and let the government pay you to drink and passively whine about our political problems ;P
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