Kug Maky Ung Ryu Ninjitsu


Yellow Belt
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Kanagawa, Japan
Spelling is the least of my concerns, as a boy, when the whole ninja craze came around, it was spelled either way, later in an attempt to split hairs and seek legitimacy and seperation, people began emphasizing the ju spelling in pompous fashion.

original ninja were men of little means and were by nature pragmatic guerillas skilled in asymmetric warfare. The closest thing to anyone training in the modern equivalent of ninjJItsu, are the various special forces operators. They are the truest practicioners of the concepts of ninjitsu today.

I myself am a combat veteran of two deployments to Iraq. My unarmed combat experience includes training in modern army combatives, competition experience in BJJ, Judo, and Shingitai JiuJitsu, and training in kickboxing.

My Kug Maky Ung system of ninjitsu will emphasize modern weaponry such as combat pistol and long range shooting, as well as knife and club.Some traditional weaponry will be trained, mostly to satisfy my sons' interests.

I have self studied from various bujinkan and koga resources and feel well qualified to synthesize my own ninJItsu ryu and make it my family art. Our training sessions have thus far been so fun for my kids that they dont even realize they are working hard.
Wow. Obvious troll is obvious. But just in case you really are serious...

1) What makes you think that military experience and training in various MAs other than ninjutsu somehow qualifies you to found your own ryu of ninjutsu?

2) What makes you think that 'self-study' from ninjutsu 'resources' counts as an acceptable and legitimate substitute for actually training in a system of ninjutsu?

3) What actual experience and training do you have in ninjutsu? i.e. What ryu have you trained in, at which dojo, under which sensei, and what grade have you been awarded by that sensei?


Green Belt
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
It is clear to me that this is not the place to share the enthusiasm I have for this journey. I stand by the fact that for me and my two sons we are in fact training ourselves in a ninjitsu ryu which we are creating, this is fun and rewarding. Sorry to have troubled those who take offense to this. I am not sure what lies beneath some of the responses I have received, but I have my guesses.

The ryu I am creating works for me. There are those without the financial or geographical means to train under a "real" ninjitsu system. This applies to my situation. Therefore I am fulfilling the desire within myself to train in ninjitsu as best I can.

I believe that because my ryu focuses on modern combative skills with a focus on improvisation and asymmetry, along with taijutsu principles for our unarmed combat, tempered by real world experiences,that what I am doing qualifies as ninjitsu. My perception is my reality, despite what you may think.


Yellow Belt
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Kanagawa, Japan
I don't train in Ninjutsu either. It is not my martial art and I have no reason to defend it in any way, and I'm really not offended by your posts.

But here's the thing: If you lack the financial or geographical means to train in a real ninjutsu system, then you simply are not training in a real ninjutsu system. And that means what you are attempting to create - effective or not - simply cannot be a real ninjutsu system either.

Regardless of whatever desires you may be fulfilling, and regardless of your own personal perceptions of reality, you are attempting to create your own branch of a MA in which you have - by your own admission - no actual experience. By all means enjoy what you are doing, but why bring yourself into disrepute by trying to name it after something in which you have no actual training?


Purple Belt
Dec 18, 2008
Reaction score
Hicksville, NY
I am guessing from what the OP stated, that since I was a Ranger, with years of MA experience, that I to am a Ninja. I will make my own ryu and call it Merrill-ryu Ninjitsu.


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
Just because you read a few books on a subject, and maybe, just maybe, do a few things similar to what an established group does, doesn't make you a Ninja.

I can read all of the works of Shakespere, and start writing my own tales in the language of his day, but a bard it doesn't make me.

Of course, you didn't invent a tourny history, or spend years beating up trees in your back yard, but even if you did it wouldn't make you Dux or Tew, or your system on par with their own particularly interesting versions of the night arts.

Create your own mix n matcher art, call it whatever you want, but if it to be true ninja, it has to come from true ninja. Anything else is as real as the costumes worn on Halloween.

Anyway, why call it something it isn't?
Are you Japanese? If not, why name it in Japanese? Just call it "Johnson Family Style" or whatever your name is, and be done with it. You say you wont market it, but a fancy psudeo-japanese name and the ninja buzz word, sure sound like marketing hype to me.

I smell BS here, big time. Epic Fail!


Master of Arts
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
It is clear to me that this is not the place to share the enthusiasm I have for this journey. I stand by the fact that for me and my two sons we are in fact training ourselves in a ninjitsu ryu which we are creating, this is fun and rewarding. Sorry to have troubled those who take offense to this. I am not sure what lies beneath some of the responses I have received, but I have my guesses.

What you are doing is fooling your sons into thinking they are practicing some form of legit ninjutsu. Having trained in the martial arts in Japan,having a wife who is Japanese who has a family crest that may belong to a ninja family(I doubt it does) I still could not create my own Ninjutsu ryu-ha.

The ryu I am creating works for me. There are those without the financial or geographical means to train under a "real" ninjitsu system. This applies to my situation. Therefore I am fulfilling the desire within myself to train in ninjitsu as best I can.
Psst. I saved money and left to Japan when I was 20 making $6.00 an hr. I figured hardwork trumps lazy creating my own style.

I believe that because my ryu focuses on modern combative skills with a focus on improvisation and asymmetry, along with taijutsu principles for our unarmed combat, tempered by real world experiences,that what I am doing qualifies as ninjitsu. My perception is my reality, despite what you may think.
So why don't you call it special forces CQC or something. If you just said Goshinjutsu(just means self defense)


Purple Belt
Dec 18, 2008
Reaction score
Hicksville, NY
So why don't you call it special forces CQC or something. If you just said Goshinjutsu(just means self defense)
Or call it what it is. Mixed Martial Arts. You took several MAs, mostly grappling, and mashed them together. I was an Army Combative Instructor and it looks NOTHING like any kind of Ninjutsu or Taijutsu I have ever seen. The Jujutsu you studied may come the closest to what you want, but calling in ninjutsu is like taking an old muzzleloader rifle and calling it an assault weapon. And I am not a ninjutsu practitioner, but I have studied it enough to know what it ninjutsu and what is not.

Why not create you own version of JJ? That would be better than calling it ninjutsu.


Green Belt
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
This will be my final post on this matter. Too many of you clearly fear that which does not fit what you feel to be the truth. Those that somehow feel that their expression of ninjitsu is the only valid one remind me of religious zealots. Perhaps this is to justify for yourselves the untold thousands some of you have spent in your quests.

Just because someone tells you they are the only true heir to something does not make it so. The venom spewed, not just at me , but with broad brush at various other ninja groups forces me to conclude that perhaps your systems have failed at teaching you some of the finer points of the martial way.

Many seemed to have not even read my posts clearly enough to discern that , though I mentioned my belief that Spec Ops most purely define modern ninja practice, I never stated that my military background was Spec Ops. Stating that I have two deployments to Iraq does not imply anywhere that I am/was in Spec Ops.

Clearly this bunch feels they have something valuable to protect and I can admire and understand that, however I must disagree with your methods. You rely to much on what others tell you and fail to find truth for yourselves. Names and such ultimately mean nothing, principles , concepts and applications are where the truth is found.

Yours in the pursuit of the warrior way, EZ


Master of Arts
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
Too many of you clearly fear that which does not fit what you feel to be the truth. Those that somehow feel that their expression of ninjitsu is the only valid one remind me of religious zealots. Perhaps this is to justify for yourselves the untold thousands some of you have spent in your quests.
People who practice Ninjutsu,People who lived in Japan and speak the language and know the culture tell you that you can't do it and you have the GALL to tell us we are wrong?

Just because someone tells you they are the only true heir to something does not make it so. The venom spewed, not just at me , but with broad brush at various other ninja groups forces me to conclude that perhaps your systems have failed at teaching you some of the finer points of the martial way.
If they have the proof to back it up. Most Ninpo schools that are not part of the Bujinkan,Genbukan and Jinenkan are fraud because they can not trace a legit linerage back to Japan.

So where is the line between legit Ninjutsu with linerage in Japan passed down thru Kuden(thats oral transmission) with actual scrolls and your madeup pseudo Ninjutsu? I never been in Special forces but I read some books on it I would be hard pressed to go and fool myself and the public on the world wide web that I can create my own Special forces school.

Many seemed to have not even read my posts clearly enough to discern that , though I mentioned my belief that Spec Ops most purely define modern ninja practice, I never stated that my military background was Spec Ops. Stating that I have two deployments to Iraq does not imply anywhere that I am/was in Spec Ops.
No it means you practiced Spec ops not modern Ninjutsu.

Clearly this bunch feels they have something valuable to protect and I can admire and understand that, however I must disagree with your methods. You rely to much on what others tell you and fail to find truth for yourselves. Names and such ultimately mean nothing, principles , concepts and applications are where the truth is found.

I would trust someone who recieved actual teachings from a linerage not someone who makes it up. All the Koga ninjutsu people say "well um I understand the concepts" Based on what some books written over 20years ago? You think putting together a kick and a punch qualifies you to create a Ninjutsu school? How dare you have the Gall to even think that?! To go on here on a public forum speaking about your new created ninjutsu school then when others who have lived in Japan,trained in Japan,speak the language tell you thats not how it works you tell us we are wrong?! Shame on you sir.

By the way I am not a Ninjutsu practicer either.


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA


Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-MT Moderator-

Folks, remember, MartialTalk is about FRIENDLY discussion. Let's keep it that way, huh, or consequences will ensue. This is the final warning that will be placed in this thread.

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
man, you guys are getting HARSH

and thats comming from ME

think about that for a second......

give the guy a break. he can do whatever he wants to. He can call it whatever he wants to.

I am more interested in the mental part of his endevor.

key elements
what makes it a new art

give the guy a chance


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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give the guy a break. he can do whatever he wants to. He can call it whatever he wants to.


But I can also, by that logic, take a **** on a plate and call it steak and serve it to you for dinner.

Do YOU wanna eat it?

Didn't think so.

Bottom line is, Assclowns like Tew and Dux and Kim using the Term "Ninja" "NinjItsu" and whathave you is as insulting to us as Someone studying Taekwondo and Judo, mashing it together and caling it Ed Pakers American Kempo would be to the Masters and Students of Epak. Its just downright insulting, rude and mostly WRONG.


Master Black Belt
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Rose Barracks Vilseck,Germany
I myself am a combat veteran of two deployments to Iraq.
First of all thank you, what years was you deployed? What unit and how long was you in?
My unarmed combat experience includes training in modern army combatives, competition experience in BJJ, Judo, and Shingitai JiuJitsu, and training in kickboxing.
Who was your instructors, how long was you in BJJ, Judo, and Shingitai? ANd where did you do kickboxing at?


Senior Master
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
First of all thank you, what years was you deployed? What unit and how long was you in?

Who was your instructors, how long was you in BJJ, Judo, and Shingitai? ANd where did you do kickboxing at?

Ditto on the questions above for me as well.

I have been training since childhood and have been around the block a few times, but I still don't have any ninjutsu training. Does this mean I can take all of my training, put it in a blender, and call what comes out ninjutsu? Not in a million years.


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
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Oneonta, NY
This thread has inspired me. I'm going to create my own system combining my years in the Bujinkan and a few months of BJJ, plus a little bit of t3h str33t from my time as a bouncer. Since I'm such a huge Burns & Allen fan, I'm going to call it Gracie Jujutsu. What do you guys think?

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