King of Gypsies stabbed by 6 men


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Oh lord this is going to cause so much trouble!
I don't know if if places other than Europe have this problem? It's going to be an all out war though to be fair no one 'outside' will be hurt or even involved but bodies are going to be found all over the place now.
Pretty sure we have them, but you don't hear a lot about them.

Mr Welch is known as the King of the Gypsies, a title renowned in the traveller community and is normally given to its best boxer.

I find it interesting that the paper takes pains not to call them Gypsies, yet they themselves call their best boxer... King of the Gypsies.
Gypsies and travellers are two different things which if the travellers are calling themselves gypsies is going to cause trouble too. The Gypsies are the proper Romanies with their own language and customs, the travellers are what the Gypsies call Irish tinkers and thats not flattering. The 'tinkers' don't have Romany blood and are the ones that give the gypsies a bad reputation so it's said.
Aye, it's a subject that has given rise to much confusion and ill blood all round, sad to say. Gypsies are not Tinkers are not Travellers - call a true gypsy either of those and expect at the very least a cold shoulder.

Their history is long and colourful and very, very sad at certain times. I have not seen a 'real' gypsy for a good many years now - all too many of the other sort, however.
Aye, it's a subject that has given rise to much confusion and ill blood all round, sad to say. Gypsies are not Tinkers are not Travellers - call a true gypsy either of those and expect at the very least a cold shoulder.

Their history is long and colourful and very, very sad at certain times. I have not seen a 'real' gypsy for a good many years now - all too many of the other sort, however.

Yep! The 'Gypsy king' comes from Yarm which is not that far from here, too close for comfort for sure. We have travellers in two sites here though they cause no problems, too many soldiers plus we have three different sets of police plus a security patrol here.
"The Gypsy King of Yarm" would make a good XTC song title. Or Peter Gabriel-era Genesis.

We don't have these clowns, but we have our own gang problems. That's all they are.

The bare knuckle fights are actually quite good, they abide by Marquess of Queensbury rules despite what the press may say to sensationalise them. If one fighter goes down they let him up, they even have rounds. Often the fights take place in pub car parks but rarely does it turn into trouble. It's actually good natured and yes I've been at a few as a 'private citizen'.
These people aren't gangs btw.
What I'm talking about is something thats akin to a Mafia vendetta now complete with the silence and revenge.
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We have gypsy bands in the US. We have Travellers. We have Tinkers. Once in a while, all 3 end up in the same town at the same time...

Then there local groups, too.

In the US, they're all most known for scams and cons. And, of course, the occasional outright theft of anything not tied down and laid claim to. (The Gypsies, I've been told, claim that Christ gave them claim to anything in the world for remaining loyal to him on the cross... or something along those lines...)
We have gypsy bands in the US. We have Travellers. We have Tinkers. Once in a while, all 3 end up in the same town at the same time...

Then there are local groups, too.

In the US, they're all most known for scams and cons. And, of course, the occasional outright theft of anything not tied down and laid claim to. (The Gypsies, I've been told, claim that Christ gave them claim to anything in the world for remaining loyal to him on the cross... or something along those lines...)

oh man.......
Gypsies also died in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany and have been persecuted in many countries.
That is sad indeed and a well documented fact, Jews were not the only ones on Nazi Germany's "final solution" list.
But! That IS another topic altogether... :asian:

These so called fight-club guys to me, just don't seem to get it. Oh it's nice to have a round or two and get some personal aggression out and bla bla. But sooner or later they're going to come across someone who won't play by their rules.

Makes me think of H.G. Wells who said: "The first man to raise a fist, is the first one to run out of ideas."
We have gypsy bands in the US. We have Travellers. We have Tinkers. Once in a while, all 3 end up in the same town at the same time...

Then there local groups, too.

In the US, they're all most known for scams and cons. And, of course, the occasional outright theft of anything not tied down and laid claim to. (The Gypsies, I've been told, claim that Christ gave them claim to anything in the world for remaining loyal to him on the cross... or something along those lines...)

So this doesn't offend you Tez3???? YOur not going to take proper action on this fellow???? YOu not mad that he's stereotyping or discriminating against a certain group???? Your not offended??? But you were offended by mine in an early post on a different thread??? And I didn't even discriminate against anyone.
So this doesn't offend you Tez3???? YOur not going to take proper action on this fellow???? YOu not mad that he's stereotyping or discriminating against a certain group???? Your not offended??? But you were offended by mine in an early post on a different thread??? And I didn't even discriminate against anyone.

What on earth are you talking about?
That is sad indeed and a well documented fact, Jews were not the only ones on Nazi Germany's "final solution" list.
But! That IS another topic altogether... :asian:

These so called fight-club guys to me, just don't seem to get it. Oh it's nice to have a round or two and get some personal aggression out and bla bla. But sooner or later they're going to come across someone who won't play by their rules.

Makes me think of H.G. Wells who said: "The first man to raise a fist, is the first one to run out of ideas."

These tend not to be fight clubs as such, strangers aren't allowed unless they know you extremely well. It's as I said very much a 'Mafia', closed to outsiders world so the rules are always adhered to, to not 'play fair' would mean retribution from the 'elders'.
They don't fight to let personal aggression out it's a sport for them which they train for (which is why I posted it on MT). A huge amount of money is involved in betting. They are unlicensed bareknuckle boxing bouts. They are illegal too in that bareknuckles is only allowed in this country within a sporting centre such as a dojo, karate and many other sports would also be illegal otherwise.
Many of the fighters can go back generations to when their ancestors were fighters. it's been going on since the year dot basically.