Kenpo Sign


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
Thanks To WarriorSage :) Mountaineer Martial Arts studio has new Window dressings~!

The Universal Pattern and Kenpo Karate are done in Red and black and look Great~!

The photography Studio next door was very impressed and we're going to hook them up with Ron :)


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The Mountaineer Martial Arts is done in Gold with black trim and look very sharp.. Will get better pics in the daytime.. took just a few minutes to apply the lettering tonight and we are Very pleased with the result..

Thinking about figures facing each other in black.. in neutral bows.. down below the phone number..

Thanks again Ron.. Fantastic Job!~! The banners are next :)



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How did you do the.. err.. "window dressing"? Is it painted on the window?

Looks good BTW.
Hey everybody,

Warrior Sage is one of the nicest guys you could ever want to meet in Kenpo. I have worked out with him on a few occassions and have to say that he is a credit to our community. If you ever get the chance to spend some time on the mat with him, do it. You won't regret it.


P.S. His vinyl signs are really cool. They definately look better and last longer than any paint job you could ever put on a window.
Ron has done some work for me which people are always asking about, I should really leave a picture of it sometime. His heart is as much in Kenpo as I've seen anyone's. He doesn't do motion Kenpo, he does Emotion Kenpo, there's a huge difference. Ron couldn't play today otherwise we'd be meeting at the studio for a good workout but he's your man when it comes to vinyl lettering for your studio and car needs and I'm sure could always use the business. He also does T-shirts with cool Kenpo stuff on them.

Have a great Kenp day

Makes me Dizzy (ier?) walking into the studio:D

It SURE was fun watching them put it up too...............:rofl:

Whoop - Whoop Nyuck-nyuck!
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Thanks To WarriorSage :) Mountaineer Martial Arts studio has new Window dressings~!

The Universal Pattern and Kenpo Karate are done in Red and black and look Great~!

The photography Studio next door was very impressed and we're going to hook them up with Ron :)

I'm very jealous!:(
Very Cool and Creative!!!

Just when I am getting ready to order a new sign too.

Hmmm..... I need T-Shirts also.

Great referral putting the pics up on the internet Tess.

Thanks :D
Ron did my logo a couple years ago for my car and I am still impressed. He does great work!
Thanks for all the kind words. I guess I need to break out my checkbook and get caught up on my friendship dues, neh?

I must admit I have alot of fun doing this stuff and I'm pleased with the things I've made for people. I do have to admit that for the past year or so, I've been a little slower than I'd like in getting jobs done. So if you need something and can wait a couple weeks, then bring it on.
