Kenpo/Kempo Schools in New York ??

Which Kenpo/Kempo schools you would recommend & why?

  • Chinese Kempo

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Japanese Kempo

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Okinawan Kempo

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • American Kenpo

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I'm looking for a Kenpo/Kempo schools in New York City ? Prefereable in Kosho Ryu Kempo. But if there's other is fine... And prefereable in Manhattan, but doesn't matter that much if it's in another location but at least inside of NYC. Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, or Brooklyn are the boroughs I can get to .

Thanks in advance
Maybe... Someone can give a directory for


Chuan'Fa ???
No problem

Too bad, I couldn't find nothing there
Except 1 guy in NEW YORK, but he's in Upstate.
You might want to check out Robert Somma's Bronx Kenpo Karate Academy. I believe he is on E. Tremont Aveneu. He is one of Mr. John Sepulveda's students.
Take care
Originally posted by Zeke

You might want to check out Robert Somma's Bronx Kenpo Karate Academy. I believe he is on E. Tremont Aveneu. He is one of Mr. John Sepulveda's students.
Take care

E. Tremont far from Manhattan :(

Bad neighborhood too :mad:

Manhattan is a little tiny bit safer than Bronx.

Harlem, UPTOWN all bad parts of manhattan, bronx = most of it.
Originally posted by Shinryu

E. Tremont far from Manhattan :(

Bad neighborhood too :mad:

Manhattan is a little tiny bit safer than Bronx.

Harlem, UPTOWN all bad parts of manhattan, bronx = most of it.

Hey Shinryu,

Me and some friends will be in New York in a couple of weeks for the start of a trip, and we're staying at the Skyline Hotel, which it says on the website is "Located in Mid-Manhattan's West Side", is that a bad area?

The actual address is:

Skyline Hotel
725 Tenth Avenue at 49th Street
New York, New York 10019

I'd rather know now that when I get there!



hmm, this should probably be a PM really, oh well I've typed it now...
Manhattan Karate Club
Owner: Gene Eckhart
Upper West Side
New York, NY 10024
United States
Phone Number: (212) 787-9025
Head Instructors: Gene Eckhart - 4th degree black belt
Organizations Affiliated: Academy of Kenpo
Kenpo Style: Parker

[email protected]
Last Updated: Jul 1, 2002
Comment: Teaching the complete Kenpo system privately in Manhattan.


American Black Belt Academy
Owner: Tom LoVarco
4891 Merrick Road
Massapequa, NY 11762
United States
Phone Number: 516-795-8531
Head Instructors: Tom Lovarco & Eddie Spadaro
Organizations Affiliated: WKKA
Kenpo Style: Parker
[email protected]


Kemnpo Academy
Owner: CJS
111 East Miller Street
Elmira, NY 14904
United States
Phone Number: 1-607-732-1142
Head Instructors: Caglar Juan Singletary
Organizations Affiliated: D.K.K.A. & Masters
Kenpo Style: Other
[email protected]


I found these ones by clicking here.
Originally posted by satans.barber

Hey Shinryu,

Me and some friends will be in New York in a couple of weeks for the start of a trip, and we're staying at the Skyline Hotel, which it says on the website is "Located in Mid-Manhattan's West Side", is that a bad area?

The actual address is:

Skyline Hotel
725 Tenth Avenue at 49th Street
New York, New York 10019

I'd rather know now that when I get there!



hmm, this should probably be a PM really, oh well I've typed it now...

hEY nO PROBlem...

Mid-town is not a bad area. Not at all.

But I don't know about that specific place, anything from 100street and up starts getting bad, the baddest in manhattan is harlem. or 100street-155 is the worst, i live in 171street, but theres lots of drug , that's what you'll see.
Originally posted by Kirk

Manhattan Karate Club
Owner: Gene Eckhart
Upper West Side
New York, NY 10024
United States
Phone Number: (212) 787-9025
Head Instructors: Gene Eckhart - 4th degree black belt
Organizations Affiliated: Academy of Kenpo
Kenpo Style: Parker

[email protected]
Last Updated: Jul 1, 2002
Comment: Teaching the complete Kenpo system privately in Manhattan.


American Black Belt Academy
Owner: Tom LoVarco
4891 Merrick Road
Massapequa, NY 11762
United States
Phone Number: 516-795-8531
Head Instructors: Tom Lovarco & Eddie Spadaro
Organizations Affiliated: WKKA
Kenpo Style: Parker
[email protected]


Kemnpo Academy
Owner: CJS
111 East Miller Street
Elmira, NY 14904
United States
Phone Number: 1-607-732-1142
Head Instructors: Caglar Juan Singletary
Organizations Affiliated: D.K.K.A. & Masters
Kenpo Style: Other
[email protected]


I found these ones by clicking here.

Thanks, I saw the Kenpo directory, wow I didn't know NY has such little Kenpo schools, maybe there's Kempo :shrug:

2 schools of those are far,
and the 1st one, is private ? too expensive i'd say then.
Originally posted by Shinryu

and the 1st one, is private ? too expensive i'd say then.

Private doesn't always mean expensive (right, Mr Farmer?).
Call him up, the worst that will happen is that you can't afford it.
The best is a long developed relationship!
Originally posted by Kirk

Private doesn't always mean expensive (right, Mr Farmer?).
Call him up, the worst that will happen is that you can't afford it.
The best is a long developed relationship!

OkaY. ThAnKz.
Bronx Kenpo Karate Academy.

Mr. Somma is a good friend of mine and is very knowledgeable about the art of Kenpo. He has been a student of Mr. Sepulveda since around 1992 or so.

I understand the Bronx is tough, but that's what makes Mr. Somma's classes unique. He incorporates real world knowledge into his teaching. If nothing else go check him out.

Bronx Kenpo Karate Academy
3432 E. Tremont Ave
Bronx, NY

(718) 828-6288


In regards to Mr. Somma , I can only agree with you :asian:
Take care
I'll see how it goes.

First I gotta get straight in SCHOOL. then I can join.
Does anyone know if Mr. Somma's school is still in operation? I haven't been able to find anything online about it.