Itf - itf - itf????


Green Belt
I hope someome can clear this up for me.

am I wrong when I see 3 ( ? ) ITFs canada, austria? and is it korea (please correct me if wrong )

Which one is the real ITF (or claims to be) if your a graded in one would it be recognised in one of the others??
I assume they all use the same uniform?


From what I recall, it loosely went like this:

ITF North Korea claimed that Gen Choi had wanted them to control the ITF. There was a bunch of stuff about shady meetings etc flying around the net when it happened.

ITF Vienna (the center of the ITF before this whole shakeup appeared) refused to recognize the North Korean claim.

ITF Canada headed by Gen Choi's son, appeared as well.

They all claim to be the real ITF for one reason or another. Can't miss either way since whatever org you choose, you'll be doing the "proper" TKD while the other orgs are doing swillish TKD with poor stances, bad technique etc that nobody ever respected, but were too polite while unified to say anything about til the break.
They all claim to be the real ITF for one reason or another. Can't miss either way since whatever org you choose, you'll be doing the "proper" TKD while the other orgs are doing swillish TKD with poor stances, bad technique etc that nobody ever respected, but were too polite while unified to say anything about til the break.

I can't agree with that last sentence. It sounds too much like "My style is better than your style". There's plenty of good TKD outside the realm of the ITF(s).
From what I recall, it loosely went like this:

ITF North Korea claimed that Gen Choi had wanted them to control the ITF. There was a bunch of stuff about shady meetings etc flying around the net when it happened.

ITF Vienna (the center of the ITF before this whole shakeup appeared) refused to recognize the North Korean claim.

ITF Canada headed by Gen Choi's son, appeared as well.

They all claim to be the real ITF for one reason or another. Can't miss either way since whatever org you choose, you'll be doing the "proper" TKD while the other orgs are doing swillish TKD with poor stances, bad technique etc that nobody ever respected, but were too polite while unified to say anything about til the break.

This is not accurate. General Choi's son broke away and formed his own ITF while General Choi was still alive. I believe it was in January of 2002.
I can't agree with that last sentence. It sounds too much like "My style is better than your style". There's plenty of good TKD outside the realm of the ITF(s).

Marginal means it as a swipe towards the ITF since Gen. Choi was pretty outspoken when he was alive about how if you weren't doing Taekwon-Do his way you weren't doing Taekwon-Do.


No, I mean it as a swipe towards the pointless insularity each group demonstrated during the break. The forums were ulcer inducing during the time.

People snarking back and fourth over whether or not an L stance was 70/30 or 60/40. (Were they breaking out scales in class?) Members of each group claiming that the others weren't doing "true TKD" etc. (They were doing pretty much exactly the same things.) A pathetic display all around.
Yeah,this was a part of my 2nd Dan test. We had to research this and give our opinions. No right or wrong but we had to detail each org. They were all pretty much the same to me.
No, I mean it as a swipe towards the pointless insularity each group demonstrated during the break. The forums were ulcer inducing during the time.

People snarking back and fourth over whether or not an L stance was 70/30 or 60/40. (Were they breaking out scales in class?) Members of each group claiming that the others weren't doing "true TKD" etc. (They were doing pretty much exactly the same things.) A pathetic display all around.

Interesting. I don't recall the L-Stance weight distribution debate. A check of the encyclopedia would've speedily resolved that. Nor do I remember a lot of people saying others weren't practicing "true TKD." I do recall some rather heateded political debates. Those didn't revolve around the topic of Taekwon-Do techniques as far as I recall, however.


Interesting. I don't recall the L-Stance weight distribution debate. A check of the encyclopedia would've speedily resolved that. Nor do I remember a lot of people saying others weren't practicing "true TKD." I do recall some rather heateded political debates. Those didn't revolve around the topic of Taekwon-Do techniques as far as I recall, however.


I think he meant back stance. L stance is even distrabution as you are in a standing position vs. bent knees.
I think he meant back stance. L stance is even distrabution as you are in a standing position vs. bent knees.

L-Stance is 70/30 and Fixed Stance is 50/50. there is no back stance in ITF Taekwon-do anymore.


Strange. I must've missed that entire conversation. Do you recall who was involved in it?


I can't say that I do. It was years back.

In any case, it struck a bad note with me. Couple that with "interesting" comments from ITF-C'ers on a USTF mailing list I was subscribed to at the time, I got my fill of politics early on.

I honestly don't see the point for the back and fourth at the time since we're all still basically doing the same stuff even now.
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I can't say that I do. It was years back.

That's too bad.

In any case, it struck a bad note with me. Couple that with "interesting" comments from ITF-C'ers on a USTF mailing list I was subscribed to at the time, I got my fill of politics early on.

There will always be politics in Taekwon-Do, just like there's always politics in all aspects of life. I'm always amused when people decide to form a new organization "with no politics." Unless you make everyone give up their own opinions this is simply not going to happen.

It would have been nicer if many of the people, on all sides of the debate, had been able to be a tad more courteous.

I honestly don't see the point for the back and fourth at the time since we're all still basically doing the same stuff even now.

Depends on what you're talking about. Discussions on techniques can be rather illuminating in that you can see hat other people are doing and compare it to what you're doing. This can make you realize when you're actually performing something incorrect according to the central theories of your own style or simply lead you to come to a better understanding of why or how to perform the techniques in question. These things can be very valuable, I think.

As far as political discussions go, even these can be constructive as they allow one to see others' opinions and, hopefully, the reasons why they hold such opinions in the first place. Of course, this, like technical discussions, will largely depend on the people involved in the discusision.



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