Israel and Hamas: War looms

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
There are more than Jews in the middle east. Muslims, Christians and god knows who else are also there.

And the Jewish Holocaust was my grandfather's generation, not mine. I'm going to neither forget nor forgive it, but I'm not going to be held hostage by it either.
But, you will stand idly by and watch as people in "palestine" and elsewhere continually try to recreate it.
I'm impressed.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
It's called archeology. Jews have been in that land for thousands of years.

...and the Palestinians moved there from Cuba 30 years ago? By this logic we should give Georgia and the Carolinas back to the Cherokee.

Israel is very much commited to peace. It's just hard to negotiate with countries who don't even want to recognize your right to exist.

The second sentence is true--the first has less evidence to support it. That commitment to peace is a desire to be left alone with things as they are.

I'm mostly for Israel in this matter but they have to find a solution. It's incumbent upon them to do so--they control the land.

Scott T

Brown Belt
Mar 7, 2009
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But, you will stand idly by and watch as people in "palestine" and elsewhere continually try to recreate it.
I'm impressed.

Gee, Don, you're trying to make it sound as though I support one side over the other. Reading comprehension not up to snuff?

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
Gee, Don, you're trying to make it sound as though I support one side over the other. Reading comprehension not up to snuff?

We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.
[h=1]Elie Wiesel[/h]Oh, I am impressed by your ability to overlook thousands of instances of terrorism committed against Israelis. If your next door neighbor occasionally shot at your house, would you just sit there, or would you take steps to make him stop?
Heh, I clicked "Reply with quote" and I did...

Scott T

Brown Belt
Mar 7, 2009
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Elie Wiesel

Oh, I am impressed by your ability to overlook thousands of instances of terrorism committed against Israelis. If your next door neighbor occasionally shot at your house, would you just sit there, or would you take steps to make him stop?
Heh, I clicked "Reply with quote" and I did...

No, I don't overlook it. I also don't overlook the fact that Israel has -- quite possibly -- the best equipped and trained military establishment in the world or that they also like to aggravate the situation by setting up illegal outposts on occupied lands.

They don't need us, they just like the sympathy.

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
If my neighbors frequently fired at my home, you can bet your *** I would shake them down on their way home from work.
Prudence, when carried out by Israelis is treated as wrong.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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No, I don't overlook it. I also don't overlook the fact that Israel has -- quite possibly -- the best equipped and trained military establishment in the world or that they also like to aggravate the situation by setting up illegal outposts on occupied lands.

They don't need us, they just like the sympathy.

We don't just like the sympathy, sympathy gets you no where. However I would spare some sympathy for your lack of education and not knowing any history. America along with the Uk is responsible for what happened in the Middle East because after the First World War it divided the Middle East into chunks allotting rulers for each. The borders of the countries were drawn up without any thought to tribal or national populations. Israel, Palestine as it was then was given to the UK as a Protectorate. In 1919 the British promised Palestine would be a Jewish country as it was reckoned by law it belonged to the Jews. Despite what you may think not all Jewish people left there. The British however reneged on the agreement, the Second World War started, the Mufti of Jerusalem allied with Hitler, became his 'good friend' and preached the Nazi word, the British threw him out he went to live in Germany. After the War and the Holocaust the Jews wanted the British to honour the Balfour Agreement and let them live in Palestine. The British didn't agrre, packed many off to a concentration camp in Cyprus however the Jews persisted and despite the British arming the Arabs and confiscating the arms from the Jews ( though some soldiers did help the Jews) gained Israel first by fighting for Independance ( just like America did) then legally (just like America). In the Declaration of Independance everyone was declared equal citizens of Israel, Jews, Muslims, Christians everyone. Before the war I will point out that the Arabs happily sold great tracts of land to Jews making it legally acquired land, it wasn't until the Jews irrigated and made the land green they thought they would take it back.

The Palestinian refugees you see today are the ones that were told by their leaders to leave their homes because they were going to drive the Israelis into the sea and destroy them forever. They were told that when the Jews were gone they could have their land, homes and 'wealth'. Sadly for them the Jews weren't driven into the sea and they were forgotten about by their leaders. Huge amounts of money given by other countries to help them relocate to somewhere better 'disappeared'. As a side note the authorities want to dig up Yasser Arafat ( the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalems nephew btw) because they believe now he was murdered and by his own not the Israelis, it's all about the money.

You may think history is something dead and gone but it comes back and bites you in the ****, that's why you learn it and hopefully learn from it.

As for dropping a nuclear bomb on the region, that would be a good way to wipe out most of the world, I take it your geography is as poor as your history.

Hamas is a terror organisation, not just against Israel but what is probably worse against it's own people, If Israel didn't exist do you honestly think there would be peace when the Syrians are massacring each other as are the Egyptians, the Iranians hate the West notably America because they put the Shah on the throne, the Iraqies hate the west because of two wars, they hate the Iranians because of their wars. The Muslims are killing Christians in Lebanon, a good many of these countries are killing Kurds. Kuwait is busy bumping off Palestinians because of their siding with Iraq during the Gulf Wars. In Yemen they are fighting each other. Israel actually is only a small part of the problem out there and the only country willing to make peace with anyone.

What happens in the past affect the present and the future, if after the First World War the Allies hadn't been so keen to carve up territories then none of this would be happening now so yes America, France the GB are in a large way responsible for what is happening there now. the arabs know this and hold us responsible so if there were no israel they would still be a huge threat to the world, where and why do you think Al Queda gets so much support? Look at the indentities of the 9/11 terrorists and those caught since. don't think the Arab worlds hatred is confined to Israel, don't think either that Israel is anything more than an irritant to them, it's America and the UK they want to hit back at, this hatred has been fermenting a very long time. We put the ruling houses in control and a huge amount of people hate us for that. The Saudi Royal family was nothing more than local tribal chiefs till we made them 'royalty', same in amny places. Our interference there has never stopped and they hate us for it.

As I can't believe someone can't be so lacking in knowledge of history, geography and current world affairs I must conclude you are actually trolling with the intention of causing outrage and/hurt. I'm answering not for you but for anyone who does actually not know what is behind it all. The religion doesn't matter, it's an excuse people make when they want soemthing the other side has. A good majority of land in Israel that wasn't already Jewish owned because the Jews hadn't left, was sold to the Jews by the arabs. When it became fit to use after a lot of work the Arabs wanted it back. If religion was the point of the war Hamas wouldn't be firing rockets at Jerusalem a city held sacred by them and the home of many devout Muslims.

If you aren't trolling read the history of the world ( perhaps the history of America too), learn geography and think before opening your mouth, then you will have an opinion that isn't ignorant . You don't have to agree with us but you could argue from an educated point of view then rather than a 'dur, let's nuke everyone', it's hardly going to sort anything out only causing more problems than it sorts besides it just sounds so silly.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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As for dropping a nuclear bomb on people would you wish this on anyone? I wouldn't, not anyone.

this contains graphic pictures and really isn't for those who are sensitive but on the other hand you really should look before saying nuclear weapons are the answer.



El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
As for dropping a nuclear bomb on people would you wish this on anyone? I wouldn't, not anyone.

this contains graphic pictures and really isn't for those who are sensitive but on the other hand you really should look before saying nuclear weapons are the answer.

Ironic, considering the one currently nuclear armed country in the region....:rolleyes:


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Ironic, considering the one currently nuclear armed country in the region....:rolleyes:

Well I was wondering whose nuclear weapons he was advocating using, presumably America's.
Israel, as everyone knows, doesn't have nuclear weapons.....


Master of Arts
Dec 24, 2003
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And the Jewish Holocaust was my grandfather's generation, not mine. I'm going to neither forget nor forgive it, but I'm not going to be held hostage by it either.

It's not abouit being held hostage to it. For you, it's a paragraph in a book. For me, it's the numbers on my parent's arms. It's the eason why gathering the entire family was the 5 of us. Why it's still less than a dozen. It's folks I interact with daily who have num,bers on their arms. It's real. And when someone talks about doing it again, it strikes a nerve.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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It's not abouit being held hostage to it. For you, it's a paragraph in a book. For me, it's the numbers on my parent's arms. It's the eason why gathering the entire family was the 5 of us. Why it's still less than a dozen. It's folks I interact with daily who have num,bers on their arms. It's real. And when someone talks about doing it again, it strikes a nerve.

Same with my family and many I know. My daughter, my youngest is 27 and has only known of my family, my parents, no one else.

To advocate genocide, well there's nothing that can be said.
America reacted to 9/11 by invading Afghanistan where they believed the murderers were based, yet Israel is considered to blame for defending itself. If Israel is wiped off the face off the earth, then the radical Muslims will be looking to destroy the West including America, or perhaps especially America next. Far fetched? think of multiple 0/11s, the constant fear of attacks, the fear is already there but it will be trebled more even when there's no Israel. The entire Middle East will be focused on the West.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
Well I was wondering whose nuclear weapons he was advocating using, presumably America's.
Israel, as everyone knows, doesn't have nuclear weapons.....

I am sure the Germans can send them some....the German people want to get rid of them, BAD!

(and of course, it's tongue in cheek....the Middle East glowing in the dark is bad for business)


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
Israel, as everyone knows, doesn't have nuclear weapons.....

Wink-wink. Nudge-nudge. :rolleyes:

It's generally accepted in the community that they have between 80 and 200, and has been for the better part of 30 years-long before Jimmy Carter became the first person to outright say what everyone already knew..and even longer before Mordecai Vanunu-a technician at Demona for a decade-was sent to prison by Israel for saying as much. Sophisticated design, based on the French-less than 8lbs., and possibly less than 5 lbs. of weapons grade plutonium, from material initially provided by South Africa and refined at their Demona reactor complex. Low yield, high thermal yield, meaning less fallout from dropping them on their neighbors.

Mostly tactical weapons that are meant to be used, rather than theater weapons meant as a deterrent.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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However in all these years despite all the aggression, attacks, the Israeli deaths and perhaps the temptation to use them Israel never has.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Master of Arts
Dec 24, 2003
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The capabilities and the temptation was very much there during the 1973 war, when Israel faced the most credible threat of anihilation in it's existence. But the decision was made that until atacked that way, they were not going to resort to any kind of WMD.

As far as the elction is concerned, attacking Israel is the best way to ensure a hard line right wing government will be elected. As rocket attacks mount, 600 from the start of the year to before this latest round, the Israeli public turns more and more to the right.

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