is yoga considered a form of martial arts ?

No, as it cannot be used for self-defense that I am aware of.
Not only is it not a martial art, it's not ancient, and it's physically dangerous to practice.

well it is not a martial art these days but there is some that feel it was part of a martial art many years ago. But I am not so sure it ever was an MA or any more a part of one than Qigong is to CMA.

Actually yoga is rather old, just not the version of it you see practiced in America today

Actually it is safe, if practiced properly with a well trained teacher in an established style....just like martial arts. And just like MA DVD learning is not good and can be dangerous
Not a martial art. And I've never even heard it suggested as one. This is a new one on me.
Yes; also, it is a religion.

Maybe a martial art, depending on one’s definition....but I vote no

As to a religion...maybe but again I vote no. There are Hindus today who will argue that it is all Hindu and a religion but yoga is associated with 2 religions Hinduism and Buddhism so I guess it is debatable as to whether or not it can be considered one as much as it can be thought of as being practiced by those who are in a religion... but as for me...I still vote no
No, it isn't even loosely related with a combative or defensive discipline that I am aware of. It might of served an ancillary role in terms of mental or physical preparedness, but that is like saying jumping jacks or pushups are now a martial art.
To answer this...I would have to say no. But then it depends on your definition of Martial Arts
But at some point, we're talking about a martial art. Right?

Threads like this remind me of my high school lit teacher. We were reading Moby Dick and everyone was getting caught up in looking for symbolism. So much so, that the teacher said something that has been useful to me throughout the years. He said, "Guys. Don't forget. Whatever else he might be, Moby Dick is whale." Of course, I'm paraphrasing, but the point then as it is now is that we can't redefine against all reason. While the term "martial art" can be many things, it MUST be, at some point, a martial art. Just like Moby Dick symbolizes many things, but he MUST be a whale.

Otherwise, words are meaningless.

"Hey. What are you up to?"

"Studying martial arts. You know.... Training."

"Really? Looks like you're baking brownies."

"Yeah. Food Network-Fu. The secret is in how you breathe, and really standing like a mountain when stirring."
Maybe a martial art, depending on one’s definition....but I vote no

As to a religion...maybe but again I vote no. There are Hindus today who will argue that it is all Hindu and a religion but yoga is associated with 2 religions Hinduism and Buddhism so I guess it is debatable as to whether or not it can be considered one as much as it can be thought of as being practiced by those who are in a religion... but as for me...I still vote no
The Sun Salutation, is a sun worshiping clue.
and it's physically dangerous to practice.

I used yoga to help rehabilitate from a lower back disc problem...upon the recommendation of my physical therapist. He said many of the stretches he would have had me working on actually are found in yoga too, and he thought I would enjoy taking yoga lessons over a more clinical PT experience. He was right.

I practice yoga regularly today to maintain suppleness in my body. It works for me and I am a believer. However, there are a goodly amount of advanced postures I know about that I have no ambition to attempt - perhaps these are the ones that can be damaging to one's body done incorrectly or performed injudiciously.
well it is not a martial art these days but there is some that feel it was part of a martial art many years ago. But I am not so sure it ever was an MA or any more a part of one than Qigong is to CMA.

Actually yoga is rather old, just not the version of it you see practiced in America today

Actually it is safe, if practiced properly with a well trained teacher in an established style....just like martial arts. And just like MA DVD learning is not good and can be dangerous

everything that THIS guy said. Lol.
However, there are a goodly amount of advanced postures I know about that I have no ambition to attempt - perhaps these are the ones that can be damaging to one's body done incorrectly or performed injudiciously.

So, it would still be fair to say that Yoga is 'dangerous'. I understand that you like some aspects of it, but I'll stand by my earlier statement.
well it is not a martial art these days but there is some that feel it was part of a martial art many years ago. But I am not so sure it ever was an MA or any more a part of one than Qigong is to CMA.

Since modern Yoga only dates back less than 100 years EVEN in India, we can safely say it was never a martial art.

Actually yoga is rather old, just not the version of it you see practiced in America today

Yeah, no. There was something called "yoga" in ancient times in India. No relation to what is taught now, and nothing to do with America. The 'new' yoga started in India as the 'old' one did. But they are in no way related to each other. Yoga as practiced today anywhere is not ancient.

Actually it is safe, if practiced properly with a well trained teacher in an established style....just like martial arts. And just like MA DVD learning is not good and can be dangerous

If you read the link, it's qualified instructors who are being injured. It's dangerous stuff. And it doesn't take much to wreck yourself pretty badly doing it. It was a fad in India when it was 're-invented', it was a fad in the freaky fuzzy 1960s when it came to America, and it's a fad now. A dangerous fad that I hope fades away again fairly quickly.
to put it simply no yoga in and of its self is not a martial art. I have never seen or heard of any self defense uses of yoga as just yoga.