Is This The Most Active TKD Board?

Too much British humor there for my taste. I didn't get Red Dwarf or Dr. Who either.

When I poked around at MAP earlier this week, I noticed a banned person from here had shown up there. I don't miss him at all.

On the other hand, I wish some of the better posters that used to be on MT like Exile would come back.
Too much British humor there for my taste. I didn't get Red Dwarf or Dr. Who either.

When I poked around at MAP earlier this week, I noticed a banned person from here had shown up there. I don't miss him at all.

On the other hand, I wish some of the better posters that used to be on MT like Exile would come back.

No wonder you don't always get my posts then :)

Could we start a campaign to get Exile back? someone resurrected a thread from a few years back and Exile's post was at the top, I got quite excited thinking he was back until I read the date. He was coming to England at some point and I was looking forward to meeting him but he disappeared and I've wondered quite often how he is.
I haven't heard from Exile in quite some time, and the couple inquires I got back seemed to be auto responders unfortunately.
The last I heard from Exile he was so busy with teaching and the family he did not have time to post. I called and left him a message, lets see if he responds.
The last I heard from Exile he was so busy with teaching and the family he did not have time to post. I called and left him a message, lets see if he responds.

As long as he's alright, with his sudden departure I did fear something was wrong.
I've been a member for about a week now. Seems to be all sport TKD information (and highly political stuff at that) which I have no interest in. Any general TKD discussions or should I unsubscribe? The little poking around in the the archive looks like more of the same.

tkd net has evolved over the years. it started as a pretty wild place during the heyday of the internet boom but has settled down into a much different role today. It is not so much about discussion (although there is nothing wrong with discussion) but more so it is a place for information about what is going on in the world of the korean martial arts. Our biggest fans seem to the Korean born senior pioneer types as well as their senior students. Dr. Un Yong Kim, for example, has the digests printed out everyday and he reads the list everyday. I think most would be amazed at how many people like that are members of the list.

If you are looking for a place to discuss how to maximize your down block or front kick, then perhaps tkd net is not for you and maybe you should unsubscribe. But if you are looking for information and insight that goes beyond that, then you might wish to stick around.

I will say that tkd net has changed the perception of the korean martial arts over the years. I can see our posts quoted all over the internet, and in books and magazines. We are probably known for our history discussions more than anything else, but I don't think there has been a single topic that we haven't discussed. Just looking in this forum however briefly, I can see a lot of posting of information that was first posted on tkd net, albeit in a watered down or second hand form.
Like I said I made a post or two raising questions and was summarily let go. Not losing any sleep over it though :)

Sounds like you did lose some sleep over it, since you obviously continue to harbor resentment and hostility towards the list (and me). I recognize your name, but can't remember if you were removed and if so, why. But it wasn't over raising questions, so that is an erroneous statement.

But tkd net is still around, mainly because my seniors continue to encourage me to keep posting and writing what I write. People like Dr. Kim, who we saw last year, told me directly that I was doing a good job and that I should continue. How do you argue with that? But if tkd net isn't your thing, then so be it. It isn't for everyone. Again, we aren't trying to be the biggest or the best; we just try to take care of our target audience, which obviously does not include you, by your choice.

The dinner invite is still waiting for you if you ever get by Chicago, look me up.
I've been a member for about a week now. Seems to be all sport TKD information (and highly political stuff at that) which I have no interest in. Any general TKD discussions or should I unsubscribe? The little poking around in the the archive looks like more of the same.

You are more than welcome to ask questions on anything TKD. It is a member driven discussion board. We receive posts on TKD news from all over the world, which will stir conversations. Yes, it can get political, but so can this place. :) Glenn is also correct in saying that it is viewed by many of the senior pioneers of TKD in America. It was through that I was able to meet Pres. Lee for the first time due to him reading some of my posts. When we were on our delegation trip to Korea last year with the USTC, I met several people from different countries, who also read the list. It was interesting for when I introduced myself and they would ask if I was the same Jeremy from So take it for what it is worth. Stick around a bit and see.
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The dinner invite is still waiting for you if you ever get by Chicago, look me up.
I guess my invitation got lost in the mail. :( ha.ha.ha.ha.

Just an FYI Earl, the AKA Grands will be in Chicago this year at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. Stop by or bring some students to compete. :)
Glenn is also correct in saying that it is viewed by many of the senior pioneers of TKD in America. It was through that I was able to meet Pres. Lee for the first time due to him reading some of my posts. When we were on our delegation trip to Korea last year with the USTC, I met several people from different countries, who also read the list. It was interesting for when I introduced myself and they would ask if I was the same Jeremy from

Yes, taekwondo net is a little different from other anonymous forums, because a lot of our members actually know each other. In Jeremy's case, he got a free tour of Korea for being a member, invited by President Sang Lee himself. Jeremy was on the same tour bus as I was on that trip, and we were the guys hanging out in the back, along with Bruce Harris (International Referee at the 2000 Olympic Games) and others. There were several Olympic referees on that particular tour, all of them members of taekwondo net. A lot of movers and shakers were tour members, so much so that the WTF Secretary General drove one hour from Seoul to Chon Ju to greet us at dinner and give us all WTF Citations. He just sort of showed up one night without notice or invitation. The KTA, Kukkiwon and the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation all had events and activities planned for us, so I guess the WTF didn't want to be left out.
Yes, taekwondo net is a little different from other anonymous forums, because a lot of our members actually know each other. In Jeremy's case, he got a free tour of Korea for being a member, invited by President Sang Lee himself.
Actually, two free tours. :) Pres. Lee, was gracious enough to even make an exception for me as the first tour was supposed to be for master instructors and above and I was not qualified, rank-wise, for it. Actually the picture I am currently using for my avatar was taken on the first tour. It was the Muju TKD Jr. Demo Team.
puunui said:
Jeremy was on the same tour bus as I was on that trip, and we were the guys hanging out in the back, along with Bruce Harris (International Referee at the 2000 Olympic Games) and others.
Again, another excellent time. To talk shop as well just talk about life in general.
I guess my invitation got lost in the mail. :( ha.ha.ha.ha.

Just an FYI Earl, the AKA Grands will be in Chicago this year at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. Stop by or bring some students to compete. :)

When? How do I get a copy of the rules or other info?
When? How do I get a copy of the rules or other info?

January 28-29, 2011...Hyatt Regency Chicago. For Black Belt division rules go to, as we have to follow their rules for black belts. For colored belt rules email me at [email protected]. I will send you the most updated copy of the AKA rules which will apply to those divisions. We will have both NASKA and Non-NASKA divisions for black belts so those local people not wanting to put up with NASKA seeding can go into a non-NASKA division. :)
Forgot about that, and stand corrected. :)

Both trips were excellent but very different from each other. The first trip we were a small group of about 15 or so people from several different states. We were exposed to a lot more historical culture sites and had the opportunityWe did a lot of hiking. The second trip were were 85 people from 13 different countries. This trip we saw a lot more modern culture of Korea and met with more diplomats such as the ones mentioned earlier. Great memories. I definetly owe it to both and the USTC for the opportunity.