Is there a such thing as too much Kenpo?

Lil Tenzan

White Belt
Excuse me if I seem like a noob. I just joined the forum. I was just wondering am I studying Kenpo too much. First I studied Parker's American Kenpo, then I have studied White Tiger Kenpo, and now im thinking about studying Villari's Shaolin Kenpo. Do you guys think it's time for a change or what?
Excuse me if I seem like a noob. I just joined the forum. I was just wondering am I studying Kenpo too much. First I studied Parker's American Kenpo, then I have studied White Tiger Kenpo, and now im thinking about studying Villari's Shaolin Kenpo. Do you guys think it's time for a change or what?
I'm thinking its time you tried Kicknastics.:)
Excuse me if I seem like a noob. I just joined the forum. I was just wondering am I studying Kenpo too much. First I studied Parker's American Kenpo, then I have studied White Tiger Kenpo, and now im thinking about studying Villari's Shaolin Kenpo. Do you guys think it's time for a change or what?

You don't say how long you've studied each one. Was there are particular reason you jumped from one to the next?

Excuse me if I seem like a noob. I just joined the forum. I was just wondering am I studying Kenpo too much. First I studied Parker's American Kenpo, then I have studied White Tiger Kenpo, and now im thinking about studying Villari's Shaolin Kenpo. Do you guys think it's time for a change or what?

i think you've already done that yourself. although EPAK, white tiger, and villari's are all Kenpo systems, they are each different kenpo systems. there are different things to learn from each. however, your goal should be to become as proficient as possible in each before moving on to another. just how long did you study each system?

the main reason students look for other systems to study is because they feel their primary system is lacking of something else they desire. is this the case? to say, "i've studied 3 systems of Kenpo, should i move on?" is not going to generate an honest response. you're likely to be welcomed with more questions than answers.

personally, i would rather master ONE system, than be half-*** in several.

good luck in your search.
Let's see, I started training in Martial Arts when I was 4 at a school called Karate International we moved when I was 9 yrs old. That's when I started studying American Kenpo. I ended with a 3rd Black Belt, I was 15 then. I would have continued but the school ended up shutting down. I messed around with Judo for a while but since I only made it to orange belt I don't really consider that studying. I started Training in White Tiger Kenpo and ended up with a 1st Black Belt at age 21 (I'm 25 now.) I didn't have a real reason for quitting White Tiger I just wanted to put more effort into my college work and studying. I haven't been in a dojo since I stopped at 21 evn though I continued to train. Now I am ready to get back into a dojo. I was gonna go for Shaolin Kenpo when I began to wonder am I studying too much Kenpo and should I go for something else like Judo again maybe.
Let's see, I started training in Martial Arts when I was 4 at a school called Karate International we moved when I was 9 yrs old. That's when I started studying American Kenpo. I ended with a 3rd Black Belt, I was 15 then. I would have continued but the school ended up shutting down. I messed around with Judo for a while but since I only made it to orange belt I don't really consider that studying. I started Training in White Tiger Kenpo and ended up with a 1st Black Belt at age 21 (I'm 25 now.) I didn't have a real reason for quitting White Tiger I just wanted to put more effort into my college work and studying. I haven't been in a dojo since I stopped at 21 evn though I continued to train. Now I am ready to get back into a dojo. I was gonna go for Shaolin Kenpo when I began to wonder am I studying too much Kenpo and should I go for something else like Judo again maybe.

you were a third degree black in American Kenpo at the age of 15?

wow. i'm at a loss for words.

if i were you, i'd go back through and relearn American Kenpo.
Let's see, I started training in Martial Arts when I was 4 at a school called Karate International we moved when I was 9 yrs old. That's when I started studying American Kenpo. I ended with a 3rd Black Belt, I was 15 then. I would have continued but the school ended up shutting down. I messed around with Judo for a while but since I only made it to orange belt I don't really consider that studying. I started Training in White Tiger Kenpo and ended up with a 1st Black Belt at age 21 (I'm 25 now.) I didn't have a real reason for quitting White Tiger I just wanted to put more effort into my college work and studying. I haven't been in a dojo since I stopped at 21 evn though I continued to train. Now I am ready to get back into a dojo. I was gonna go for Shaolin Kenpo when I began to wonder am I studying too much Kenpo and should I go for something else like Judo again maybe.
Personally, I don't think you've studied Kenpo yet. But what do I know.
Well guys I mean we're talking about 2hr 30 minute class, 6 days a week. Well I went 6 days a week anyway. I had the time. Anyway it's my fault really as I decided to take the test and passed them. But I wouldnt say you are wrong because maybe I am the screw up here. I know the system I was taught foreword and backwards but I'm not bragging about being the rank I am, infact i don't even like to say "duh huh huh well I'm a black belt" Cause it sounds like bragging. But I don't want to come off as an a-hole or how do you say it um poser. So I think I will take you guys advice and go back and try to get into a good Amercan Kenpo school because i'd rather have you guys respect than disgrace. With that being said thanks for you guys imput.
But I wouldnt say you are wrong because maybe I am the screw up here.

Hey, not so fast, I don't think anyone here is blaming you. You were 15 years old, adults you knew and respected were the ones teaching you and awarding rank - they were the screw ups, not you. There is no way in hell that a 15 year old has the maturity and mastery necessary to hold the title of "Senior Instructor" - but you had no real way of knowing that at the time. I think everyone here would blame your head instructor, not you.

As for your original topic, I would stick with EPAK - but I'm biased. IMO, stay away from Villari's and associated kempo, I was not impressed. But that is just one beginner's opinion.
You got all that out of Kenpo? As Monty Python says "Now for something completely different. Pentcak Silat, Escrima, Praying Mantis Kung Fu, Shorin Ryu Karate etc, etc. Try a different brand of cereal, thats what I'd do. But thats why I'm Karate Drifter.
You got all that out of Kenpo? As Monty Python says "Now for something completely different. Pentcak Silat, Escrima, Praying Mantis Kung Fu, Shorin Ryu Karate etc, etc. Try a different brand of cereal, thats what I'd do. But thats why I'm Karate Drifter.

Yeah, I hear ya. I went from kajukenbo to american kenpo to praying mantis kung fu. My reason for switching is that they are either to far away or there is no school here in my area. Funny though how praying mantis kung fu is just 2 miles from my house. This is not a common school to find let alone in my backyard. :)
Any style is only really as good as the instructor is. You might be more interested in finding a good school that is convenient and that has a good instructor and worry about that more than the style.
you were a third degree black in American Kenpo at the age of 15?

wow. i'm at a loss for words.

if i were you, i'd go back through and relearn American Kenpo.
Thinking same, in the 70s and 80s never knew such a young man. I'm sure they were out there, but not in my corner of the woods.

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