inteview of tkd blackbelt

The Kai said:
Parkers people thought he was jike when trying to show a technique....WOW that's a new one!

Not my words, but it's been discussed by Mr. Parker and several of his students who were present when Mitose visited the Pasadena school and showed them some of his techniques.
Mr. Parker even discusses it in one of his "Infinite Insights" books, but a little more diplomatically.
bayonet said:
Well the interview was a waste. But this is the first I have heard that Mr. Parker was thought of as a "joke" especially within his own association. But consider the source and what website this transcript is posted on. Doc if your reading please shed some light on this. .
I don't think you need Doc to shed light on this, you just need a better reading light or someting... You don't read very cloesly apparently. here is the section you are referring to:

Geary: Did your father ever meet Ed Parker?
Mitose: Yeah.
Geary: How did that go, do you know?
Mitose: They thought that he was a joke (laughs)…that’s what I heard.
Geary: Your father thought Ed Parker was a joke?
Mitose: No. Ed Parkers group thought that he was a joke (laughs) …

This point was clarified IN THE INTERVIEW.

But consider the source and what website this transcript is posted on
sniping personal attack reported.
Thanks for the link; an interesting interview--once you get past the pompous introduction.

It brings up an interesting question--how do you know who to trust in the martial arts? I notice that there are some weird sorts of stutters in the inbterview, once Ed Parker's name comes up...but what comes through, all the same, is the idea that Mr. Mitose was doing things so sophisticated that Mr. Parker didn't understand them.

Somehow, as I wade through, "Infinite Insights," and try to figure out why those, "trick" (Thomas Mitose's words) techniques are as they are, I find that a little hard to swallow.

But more interestingly, it's a pretty reasonable interview, and explanation of some of kenpo's history. The only problem is--and this is still true of a lot of kenpo (and martial arts) today, it's also indistinguishable from charlatanry. The descriptions of Mitose's teaching methods, the account of the past, the discussion of his evasiveness about his own background--well, it might be absolutely all true. Maybe it just LOOKS like self-justifying ********...and I mean that seriously; maybe it's just an appearance.

We don't have any way to tell, other than getting on the mat--and incidentally, the most-overused adage in kenpo is undoubtedly, "Feeling is believing." No it's not, as anybody who's taught or had to deal with some of the characters in a dojo or studio should know.

There's a fair amount of Mr. Parker's own background and personal history which don't look so good, neither. And it certainly isn't just kenpo--I know I make this point a lot, but I think it bears frequent repeating: ALL the martial arts have flaky and untrustworthy accounts of their history, some truly and monumentally full-of-crap teachers and practitioners. ALL of them, too (look at aikido!) have plenty of out-and-out criminal behavior in their pasts and presents.

But I don't at all buy the claim about separating one's martial arts from one's character and actions. I think that's a terrible idea--partly, because it contributes to the present, capitalism-inspired notion that all that matters is technology and mindless efficiency.

I thinbk that a) we need to take a good hard look at what it is that we are teaching in ourselves; b) we need to take Mitose's nasty story to heart--not because of him (he dead) but to help get at our own failings as martial artists and as people...

OK, a bit pompous. Guess the interviewer had an effect.
An excerpt from Robert's post:

There's a fair amount of Mr. Parker's own background and personal history which don't look so good, neither. And it certainly isn't just kenpo--I know I make this point a lot, but I think it bears frequent repeating: ALL the martial arts have flaky and untrustworthy accounts of their history, some truly and monumentally full-of-crap teachers and practitioners. ALL of them, too (look at aikido!) have plenty of out-and-out criminal behavior in their pasts and presents.

But I don't at all buy the claim about separating one's martial arts from one's character and actions. I think that's a terrible idea--partly, because it contributes to the present, capitalism-inspired notion that all that matters is technology and mindless efficiency.

I thinbk that a) we need to take a good hard look at what it is that we are teaching in ourselves; b) we need to take Mitose's nasty story to heart--not because of him (he dead) but to help get at our own failings as martial artists and as people...

OK, a bit pompous. Guess the interviewer had an effect.

I say: No, Robert, not pompous at all, I like it. I have always said no system, style or lineage is immmune to the B.S., the controversy and the bad actors and that is why I try to stay out of that stuff and have the philosophy of 'you mind your store and I'll mind mine'. Actually, I developed this attitude a long time ago in life when I would hear of someone badmouthing another person I knew really over just b.s. and I would interrupt and say: "Give me that person's information and two weeks and watch what I come up with! The old 'glass house syndrome', a lot of hypocrisy goes on.

As far as seperating the man from the art, here's how I feel. Absolutely debate or research about any improprieties if you wish for the sake of either personal curiosity or historical research but that negativism should not over ride any positive contributions that individual made to the martial arts nor should that individual be cut off the family tree, especially a senior or no matter how one cuts it, a 'founder', for Mitose is the one who started this 'big bang' of Kenpo that led to many of the fine systems we have today. Just how I see it.
Hi Folks!
I realize that some people on this thread have gone on a tangent due to the interview that Mr. Geary had with Thomas Barros-Mitose. But, Please realize a couple of points here...

1.Christopher Geary is no martial arts historian. He had not read nor seen "Karate:History & Traditions" by Bruce Haines and since "What is true self defense" is extremely rare [yes, I have a copy] he would not be privy to some of the points that Thomas Mitose was eluding to on the phone.

2.Again, Because Mr. Geary is not a M.A. Historian, He did not realize that Thomas Barros Mitose had MISPRONOUNCED the name of the "Head of the USKA" which is Robert TRIAS, not TREJO as He lists in the written transcript.So, Whenever TREJO is mentioned,it's supposed to be Trias.

3.In the transcript, Thomas says that at time Mitose visited the Parker Studio [BTW, he did so on more than one occasion]That the people thought "he[james mitose] was a joke." However, If you ask Steve Hearing about one of Mitose's visits and what happened when Mitose hit him in the arm with one of his strikes, you might get a different story about how they felt about James Mitose...I know because Steve told me personally and he was there at that time!.What Mr. Parker questioned was some of the techniques that James Mitose performed, specifically one where Mitose knelt down from a standing position and punched his opponent in the foot! Later, Mr. Parker would use the incident to elaborate on the "kick to the head/punch to the foot" analogy.
Simply stated, Mr. Parker added upon the curriculum he was taught and gleamed information from many sources.

4.In regards to Bruce Juchnick,No one person has done more to promote Kosho Ryu Kempo and the legacy of James Mitose than Hanshi Juchnick. No one has made an active effort to contact all the old students of Mitose and gleam wisdom from these men and women and gather them together in one place and organize the information to assist Kosho Ryu practitioners.

I hope that I was of some service,
Hi Folks!
I realize that some people on this thread have gone on a tangent due to the interview that Mr. Geary had with Thomas Barros-Mitose. But, Please realize a couple of points here...

1.Christopher Geary is no martial arts historian. He had not read nor seen "Karate:History & Traditions" by Bruce Haines and since "What is true self defense" is extremely rare [yes, I have a copy] he would not be privy to some of the points that Thomas Mitose was eluding to on the phone.

2.Again, Because Mr. Geary is not a M.A. Historian, He did not realize that Thomas Barros Mitose had MISPRONOUNCED the name of the "Head of the USKA" which is Robert TRIAS, not TREJO as He lists in the written transcript.So, Whenever TREJO is mentioned,it's supposed to be Trias.

3.In the transcript, Thomas says that at time Mitose visited the Parker Studio [BTW, he did so on more than one occasion]That the people thought "he[james mitose] was a joke." However, If you ask Steve Hearing about one of Mitose's visits and what happened when Mitose hit him in the arm with one of his strikes, you might get a different story about how they felt about James Mitose...I know because Steve told me personally and he was there at that time!.What Mr. Parker questioned was some of the techniques that James Mitose performed, specifically one where Mitose knelt down from a standing position and punched his opponent in the foot! Later, Mr. Parker would use the incident to elaborate on the "kick to the head/punch to the foot" analogy.
Simply stated, Mr. Parker added upon the curriculum he was taught and gleamed information from many sources.

4.In regards to Bruce Juchnick,No one person has done more to promote Kosho Ryu Kempo and the legacy of James Mitose than Hanshi Juchnick. No one has made an active effort to contact all the old students of Mitose and gleam wisdom from these men and women and gather them together in one place and organize the information to assist Kosho Ryu practitioners.

I hope that I was of some service,
Great post Kenpo Joe,

For what it's worth, I agree with all four points that you made. I have heard the same story from Mr. Hearing. Besides, Bruce lee performed the same technique on Samo Hung in the movie Enter The Dragon in the opening seen, and everybody loved that one!

I have never met Mr. Juchnick personally, but I have spoken to him on the phone on couple of occasions. He has done more for Kosho Ryu than The GGM himself and his family combined.

QUOTE=DavidCC]I don't think you need Doc to shed light on this, you just need a better reading light or someting... You don't read very cloesly apparently. here is the section you are referring to:
Perhaps DavidCC if you go back and read, Mr. Bishop corrected me and I do stand corrected. I admitted my foul up. BTW :cloesly is spelled closely. Go Cornhuskers!
Hi Folks!
I realize that some people on this thread have gone on a tangent due to the interview that Mr. Geary had with Thomas Barros-Mitose. But, Please realize a couple of points here...

1.Christopher Geary is no martial arts historian. He had not read nor seen "Karate:History & Traditions" by Bruce Haines and since "What is true self defense" is extremely rare [yes, I have a copy] he would not be privy to some of the points that Thomas Mitose was eluding to on the phone.

2.Again, Because Mr. Geary is not a M.A. Historian, He did not realize that Thomas Barros Mitose had MISPRONOUNCED the name of the "Head of the USKA" which is Robert TRIAS, not TREJO as He lists in the written transcript.So, Whenever TREJO is mentioned,it's supposed to be Trias.

3.In the transcript, Thomas says that at time Mitose visited the Parker Studio [BTW, he did so on more than one occasion]That the people thought "he[james mitose] was a joke." However, If you ask Steve Hearing about one of Mitose's visits and what happened when Mitose hit him in the arm with one of his strikes, you might get a different story about how they felt about James Mitose...I know because Steve told me personally and he was there at that time!.What Mr. Parker questioned was some of the techniques that James Mitose performed, specifically one where Mitose knelt down from a standing position and punched his opponent in the foot! Later, Mr. Parker would use the incident to elaborate on the "kick to the head/punch to the foot" analogy.
Simply stated, Mr. Parker added upon the curriculum he was taught and gleamed information from many sources.

4.In regards to Bruce Juchnick,No one person has done more to promote Kosho Ryu Kempo and the legacy of James Mitose than Hanshi Juchnick. No one has made an active effort to contact all the old students of Mitose and gleam wisdom from these men and women and gather them together in one place and organize the information to assist Kosho Ryu practitioners.

I hope that I was of some service,
Great post
Really Hanshi Juchnich has also helped Thomas Mitose get some press-I have an old article with the both of them in it!

BTW-I also missreads part of the interview, about Parker and Mitose so I apologize
kenmpoka said:
Great post Kenpo Joe,

For what it's worth, I agree with all four points that you made. I have heard the same story from Mr. Hearing. Besides, Bruce lee performed the same technique on Samo Hung in the movie Enter The Dragon in the opening seen, and everybody loved that one!

I have never met Mr. Juchnick personally, but I have spoken to him on the phone on couple of occasions. He has done more for Kosho Ryu than The GGM himself and his family combined.


Brother Peter and myself have discussed this before. I've never heard anyone else criticize Bruce Lee for that scene, as Peter stated, everyone loved it!
Hi Folks!
1.Christopher Geary is no martial arts historian. He had not read nor seen "Karate:History & Traditions" by Bruce Haines and since "What is true self defense" is extremely rare [yes, I have a copy] he would not be privy to some of the points that Thomas Mitose was eluding to on the phone.

2.Again, Because Mr. Geary is not a M.A. Historian, He did not realize that Thomas Barros Mitose had MISPRONOUNCED the name of the "Head of the USKA" which is Robert TRIAS, not TREJO as He lists in the written transcript.So, Whenever TREJO is mentioned,it's supposed to be Trias.


I hope that I was of some service,
Can you elaborate on #1 please ;)

I have pointed out #2 to Shihan Geary and we will get that fixed ASAP.

Also, in the interview where TM was talking about his dad and EP... it sounded to me like TM was only repeating what he had read in Infinite Insights or somewhere, and not relating anything he knew first-hand. Doc Chapel has discussed a visit Mitose made to the studio one day when he was there, in a previous thread.


I have been strictly advised by the owners of this board not to respond to any more posts that attack my school or instructors. So I would greatly appreciate it if the attacks would stop. Thank you.
DavidCC]I've been warned not to reply to any more of your BS on the public boards, I guess you AK guys gotta watch each others' backs. But I just thought I would let you know that this summer you will get your wish! You may never be in Nebraska and so it was safe for you to say how you would set us straight if you were... Well guess what! Chris Geary and some of his instrcutors are coming to Hawaii. I hope I get to go becasue I would like to correct some of your misconceptions myself, in person.

I'm pretty sure you were just talking cowardly internet bravado BS, but just in case your cajones are as big as your mouth, we should be easy to find - the Hawaiian Martial Arts Society is naming us school of the year. So you get your chance to prove that a guy who took 5yrs to get his brown belt really CAN judge black belts' performance. See you this summer![/
#1. If my posts were so bad, nobody from Martial Talk ever emailed me to stop.

#2. Do you also personal email the Dark Kenpo Lord? Maybe go back and read some past posts.
#3. DO you really think threats will make me change my mind?
#4. Grow up. This is an open forum and everything is subject to opinion.

And last, do what you wish, we really don't care.
It took this guy eight years to go from 1st degree to 6th degree - when it usually takes a minimum of 20 years? Though I don't know this instructor - from an outside point of view - it does sound a little suspicious. To get to 6th in most systems - it is an honor of time in grade, which adds up to about 20 years. Now some people are exceptional practioners, but they still have to pay their dues and be patient. I'm sure he is a talented MA, but sometimes ones marketing and self promotion goes a little too far - in my opinion. One must practice humility!
DavidCC said:
Can you elaborate on #1 please ;)

I have pointed out #2 to Shihan Geary and we will get that fixed ASAP.

Also, in the interview where TM was talking about his dad and EP... it sounded to me like TM was only repeating what he had read in Infinite Insights or somewhere, and not relating anything he knew first-hand. Doc Chapel has discussed a visit Mitose made to the studio one day when he was there, in a previous thread.


I have been strictly advised by the owners of this board not to respond to any more posts that attack my school or instructors. So I would greatly appreciate it if the attacks would stop. Thank you.
Hi Folks!
Hey Davecc,
As far as the first point goes...I mention that because Mr. Geary had not read the books mentioned, he was not aware of certain points that mitose made during the interview that he would have been aware of had he read those texts as opposed to those of us who have no lives! LOL! [yes,like me!!]
I call myself a historian because those who have met me and seem my collection or spoken on various topics have called me the title stuck.

as far as point 2 goes, glad to hear it will be fixed!

as far as point 3, Thomas was not there but huk planas,steve hearing were there as well as others so they are the ones to ask about it.
I hope that I was of some service,
kenmpoka said:
Great post Kenpo Joe,

For what it's worth, I agree with all four points that you made. I have heard the same story from Mr. Hearing. Besides, Bruce lee performed the same technique on Samo Hung in the movie Enter The Dragon in the opening seen, and everybody loved that one!

I have never met Mr. Juchnick personally, but I have spoken to him on the phone on couple of occasions. He has done more for Kosho Ryu than The GGM himself and his family combined.


Hi Peter,
Saw your website recently and I want to add your logo to my kenpo patch collection! As far as the ETD reference with Bruce Lee and Samo Hung doing the same move,What are you refering to?
Hi Peter,
Saw your website recently and I want to add your logo to my kenpo patch collection! As far as the ETD reference with Bruce Lee and Samo Hung doing the same move,What are you refering to?
Hey Joe,

The ETD reference is at the very beginning of the movie where Bruce Lee drops down on one knee, punches Samo on top of the foot, Samo lifts his leg, then BL grabs his leg and throws him to the ground.....

Which patch are you interested in?

Dark Kenpo Lord said:

Thought David CC should see this as he's always bagging on Kenpo people with lots of red on their belt.

DarK LorD

Hey Dark Lord,

Thank you for posting the link..."Apple does not fall far from the tree". Pretty consistant with the behavior amongst the people of his original lineage. IMHO.

I hope that my friend reports this to GM. Gascon.......

Hi all,

The interview was one that proves if you keep your mouth closed and don't say anything sometimes you are better off. Then Geary edits it and does not say he did, talk about conspiracy. LOL

Geary has a nice web site, you have to give it to him for that, going to get an award for it also...I am going to go to Hawaii for a vacation, I will try to make it at that date and time. Need to do a little more research...

After watching a DVD with Mike Brown and Hanshi Bruce along with some more information I have found out, it just gets clearer and clearer as to the various agenda's that are floating around...Since many people have said that Mike Brown is a very forthright person and doing his home work, I would suggest you spend a little time and research on the DVD "Truth"...Very worth your while.

While on that topic anyone here going to go to the Seminar that is being put on in Sacramento? Tracy Kenpo and Mitose stuff by GM Ray Arquilla, you can go to the site at and get more information...

I wonder how this fugitive thing will play out for Geary??? Maybe he could give us his side of it...I know David CC is tired of the slam but he needs to keep in the hot seat for awhile, at least till this "Fugitive from Flordia" is addressed, or arrested...

Like I have said in other discussions "Rumor and inuendo is the gas that runs the engine of martial arts."

But fact is better then fiction on this one anyhow...

Thanks Dark Lord for the information...

Regards, Gary
 The interview was one that proves if you keep your mouth closed and don't say anything sometimes you are better off. Then Geary edits it and does not say he did, talk about conspiracy. LOL
I wondered what are you talking about, if the interview is not original, have you seen the unedited version.
That being said, I wondered what is his motivation for interviewing SGM Mitose. In terms of lineage and location he is not really in the loop what so ever. I'm sorry but it is not really any of his business. Also it seems that he is not really a student of the history, so it is not for posterity. Whatever goes on (or went on between) Hanshi Juchnik and SGM Mitose is between them (or their people).