Interesting Observation

Originally posted by Shodan
II have had both young and old cut in front of me in line, be rude in my direction, etc........I just try to do my part and remember to try to be polite to everyone when out in public........but you are not always going to see the same in return!! And is almost Christmas shopping season...........Yikes!!

:asian: :karate:

It also helps to just roll your eyes (this is a good maneuver in any situation where you don't understand - lol) I do that and it reduces the stress level.

X-mas shopping - ewwww. I hate to shop anyway so that's always a conversation with myself...."you'll be standing in line a long time......people will be stupid......don't let it get to'll have to park a mile away."
Christmas shopping philosophy:

There is no line when you shop online. I started shopping online a couple of years ago. This has probably kept me from suffering a major stroke. (I hate shopping malls, parking lots, and small children unattended by parents who fly like unguided missles meant to collide with sensitive parts of the anatomy.)

I think the whole thread either tongue in cheek or whatever... haven't been able to figgure it out yet:confused: . Seems to be about manners.

I was brought up to be well mannered as possible. If the seat is down and I gotta stand to use it then put it up and replace when finished. I found it's beneficial to me too whenever I gotta sit on it.
Holding doors open... ya I've been attacked BOTH ways for doing it and then NOT doing it. Double standards for sure from the opposite sex. (ok ok we men have the same deal on a different tack). So I hold them open regardless... know what fellas... seems I get a lot of appreciative smiles and thanks for doing so.
The day of the "Fiery-I am-Woman-Hear-Me-Roar-Don't-do-anything-for-me-that-I-can-do-for-myself type" woman is probably going the way of the Dodo. There are probably a few around but hard-to-find.

Anyway up or down, open or closed, is all basically along with everything else under the topic... of manners and consideration.
If more of us around the world would have these then we'd be a lot less grumpier.

dang... two cents cheaper again... hate it when that happens

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