I'm right, you're wrong.

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2nd Black Belt
Founding Member
Dec 29, 2001
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Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
DO you know what adrenaline stress response is? Have you experienced it?

Hell yeah! I know what it is and I still have trouble dealing with it. I was a security guard for nearly 10 years, and the school where I train, uses reality type drills and exercises at every opportunity. My instructor needs to know we can make it work, before we get promoted.



D. Cobb,

There is ALOT to be said for adrenaline stress response drills or reality based senerios. Ever been able to use the branching live fire F.A.T.S. before? We usually have recruits leaving the range after several senerios and go lose their lunches because of the stress. But it's very good intensive training. We have one system that will fire back at you [paint pellets] stressing proper use of cover tactics.

Beats standing there shooting paper :)


I wasnt going to respond to this thread simply because it seemed to be quickly turning into a flame.But after all the talk of security law enforcement and such.I had to say something.I was a bail enforcement agent for 4 yrs.For those that dont know what that is its a bounty hunter.I have been in some very hairy situations.And I am very glad for the martial training I have .It has saved my but more than once.I have been Shot once and ive been stabbed twice.Ive been cut open and even smashed in the head.By people both smaller and larger than me.It is not impossible for someone to survive an attack by a much larger and deranged person.I have the scars and medical records to prove it.Im not big im 6 ft 3 and i weigh a wopping 185lbs.And ive had people ask me if ive had all that happen how can I say martial arts helped me my answer is always the same.Im still here aint I.

JN you keep using refrence to fly by night instructors yet noone on this thread has said anything about being an all incompising founder of a new unbeatable style.They have however responded with the truth a 120lbs women with good training and in a desperate fight for there life can stand up to a 250lbs lunitic man maybe they couldnt beat them all out. But if they keep there wits and have had some good training there chances of being able to escape with there life is greatly improved.

just my two cents worth.........


A few years back I started working on translating Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” from Chinese to English because I didn’t care for the translation I had read previously.
This is an on going project for me that I do for fun…….OK I’m weird.
One thing good about it is I get to study the book more in depthly as I translate because I have to really think of what it says and how to relay it into English with the same nuance.

One passage I like and that may apply here is this one:

“When you engage in conflict and know only yourself but not your opponent you can only hope to have a 50% chance of victory.”


Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
How often do people in those professions have life and death confrontation without backup? If they did, they didn't follow procedure.

Policies and proceedures are there to protect you and in a perfect world back up would always be right around the corner, but we dont live in a perfect world and to get back up you must be able to get to your radio to call for it. You must think that LEO personell are able to see everything before it happens and have eyes in back of there heads, I'm here to tell you that even your most elite LEO personell can be suprised or taken off guard. Not every traffic stop is that simple and you never know who you could be dealing with, not every inmate in jail or prison is completely sane and sometimes even veteran officers can get sucker punched or jumped on. Trust me when I say that this happens everyday even if your doing everything by the book you could be dealing with a syko or someone who is on drugs and dont feel no pain, but you have to remember that these people are still human and braking bones will stop them.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
A few years back I started working on translating Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” from Chinese to English

How different is the Chinese of "Art of War" from modern Chinese? It must be quite a task!


RYU, very daunting task, I applaud you just on your courage to undertake it. And no your not weird, a little strange mabey but not weird.:rofl:

When you stated the concept of only knowing yourself and not your enemy = 50% chance for victory, I understand the inference for the constrants of actual war between nations, but in your estimation, does or can that statement be relavent to our everyday lifestyle. When we have an incounter with someone, it is most likely with a stranger.

Thanks in advance for your reply... :asian:

Johnathan Napalm

Black Belt
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by SteelShadow
.....JN you keep using refrence to fly by night instructors yet noone on this thread has said anything about being an all incompising founder of a new unbeatable style.They have however responded with the truth a 120lbs women with good training and in a desperate fight for there life can stand up to a 250lbs lunitic man maybe they couldnt beat them all out. But if they keep there wits and have had some good training there chances of being able to escape with there life is greatly improved.

just my two cents worth.........

Much to my dissappointmet (not really actually), all of you who claimed to work in Law enforcement, security, bouncing, yada yada yada, for how long and how long and so forth and so forth, NOT one of you have even mentioned the first principle of security! Shame on all of you. Some of you ought to be fired from your positions if you were actually IN those positions at all.

The most successful bouncers DO NOT get into fights! Sheeze! Any one who has been in the bouncing business successfully, would tell you that the NUMBER 1 rule is De-escalating the situation! Your job is to stop the confrontation from happening. No business owner would give a hoot about your ability to pound the trouble makers into a bloody pulp. No, dumb ***! You are not hired to create lawsuits for the owner. You are hired to PREVENT problems from happening in the first place!.

As for LEO. LMAO at those who claim to be LEO here. You ought to be fired for incompetency. Only the dumbest of the rookies would charge right into a situation without sufficient backup. You have been watching too much Hollywood BS. Every experienced COP will tell you his first and foremost concern is to go home alive at the end of his shift. It is always the phony BS instructors who would be talking about how to clear a house room by room ALONE! LMAO. Every experienced cop will tell you DON'T DO THAT you DUMB ***! Get a team of back up! As for Cops fighting criminals in hand to hand combat using MA.... LMAO Riiiightttttttt Watching too much TV again, huh? Just how did you graduate from the academy? :rolleyes:

Even the best of the best, who work security detail for States VIPs, would take RISK AVOIDANCE as the cardinal principle of operation. The FIRST RULE is DON"T TAKE the Unnecessary RISK!

Only 2 types who advocate the stupidity of resorting to force against a psychopatic sociopath 2X his/her size. The first type is the inexperienced newbies who do NOT know anything about the concept of RISK. They are what you called "all brawl and no brain". They will learn, if they live long enough. :D The second type is the phony half baked promoters who are pathetically patronizing the women and children by selling them a false sense of security, ie selling what Jill put as "horse manure" and what RSK called " a lie" .

Life is precious. There are OTHER options besides resorting to using force against a 250 lb psycho, putting your life and health at risk consequently!! It is called RISK AVOIDANCE!!!

Personal security is about SITUATION AWARENESS! THe first rule of preventing rape is TO AVOID Getting into HIGH RISK SITUATIONS !! Not the horse manure about how to defeat a 250lb psycho! Sheeze! Using force is the last of the last resort! Every genuine professional would tell you that! Always be aware of your situation. Take all necessary precaution and preemption. Do not assume unnecessary risk. ONLY when all other options are lost then you have no choice but to use force, taking a great risk to your health and life.

Moreover, EVERY genuine professional would teach you to use all sort of weapons (household goods or security devices such as OC spray etc), to put the odds in your favour. NOT one responsible professional instructor would advocate the horse manure been peddled here about using bare hand MA to taggle a 250 psycho!

To go straight to counting on resorting to using force, is plain stupid! You are betting the health and life of the women on an uncertain outcome! You are giving her a false sense of security. That is immoral and criminal! Not to mention incompetence!

Sheeze ! The degree of ignorance of these self appointed ''masters", founders (or flounders are probably more accurate) is mind boggling!


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
To go straight to counting on resorting to using force, is plain stupid!

That's probably why no one has been doing it in this thread.

Johnathan Napalm

Black Belt
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mya Ryu Jitsu

You responed last night, is that long to you? And if your unclear on the screen name it's in the upper left hand corner of the screen :rolleyes:

Really? Funny, since you only read about what I have done in real life, and continue to do on a daily basis. Basically your just still peeved that I proved a bullet can't throw a man to the ground, thereby dashing a cherished and erroneous belief on your part. You want to close your mind to information because of your grudge then be my guest.

Your life is not my fault.

BTW, there are several questions you have yet to answer, simply an oversight I'm sure.

Oh please! You proved squat. If anything, that Gun thread proves beyond a doubt what kind of phony operator you are. If I were you, I would wish no one would look up that thread ever. BTW, is that why you changed your name half way thru that threat? LOL

I chose to ignore your quetions because you are nothing but a waste of time.

Don't stoop that low as to prove words in my mouth.


I will agree jn that going home saftly is one of the formost thoughts .And I will even agree that trying to deescalate a situation is far better than use of force.But on the opisite side of the same coin It not always possible to do that.And in the situations that cant be taken care of peacfully as im sure any member here will agree you better be able to handle yourself.The moto of my system is simple but very true.

It Is Better To Have The Training And Not Need It Than Need It And Not Have It...........

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Bouncing and bouncers……….:rolleyes:

Most of the bars I have been in ( and that number is rather high) and have seen any sort of “bouncing” done was more often than not 2 or more bouncers knocking the stuffing out of some dumb guy that had the misfortune to drink too much and do or say something stupid.
Additionally, most of the bouncers I have known have also more often than not been “hotheads” that like bouncing because it gives them an excuse to get in a fight.
Bouncers are “supposed” to keep stuff from happening however such is not always the case. I found bouncers to be rather unprofessional in their approach to handling many of the situations.

I agree, that many places have multiple bouncers, yet I jsut wanted to point out, that things do happen when you are alone, or without backup.

Nice description of Bouncers. :D

Have A Nice Day, I know I have had one :D

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Talking them down.

Yes of course, I had to talk many down. I also got many to leave while they were calling me every name in the book, because it did not matter. Avoidance is the issue, yes I agree. Yet there are times, it just cannot happen.

If I was such a Jerk as to just start a fight, then I would have been in the police station longer then I was, and spent actual time in the local jail for assault and or other charges.

Did it get tiring? and did I want to quit? Somedays yes. Yet there were many times I could sit back and study for school and get paid. I could also get hours working around my school schedule. For me it was a means to an ends, to getting want I truly wanted.

(* Note: See we can have a discussion. *)


Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
The most successful bouncers DO NOT get into fights! Sheeze! Any one who has been in the bouncing business successfully, would tell you that the NUMBER 1 rule is De-escalating the situation! Your job is to stop the confrontation from happening. No business owner would give a hoot about your ability to pound the trouble makers into a bloody pulp. No, dumb ***! You are not hired to create lawsuits for the owner. You are hired to PREVENT problems from happening in the first place!.


If I had my own place I sure as heck wouldn’t hire some half-cocked hothead with an insecurity complex that needed to “prove” himself at the drop of a hat.

Johnathan Napalm

Black Belt
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by arnisador
That's probably why no one has been doing it in this thread.

Sure... Especially now that after I have pointed it out.... duh!

Ever heard of the expression, "Success has a thousand fathers while failure is a bastard" ? :D


Purple Belt
May 24, 2002
Reaction score
London UK
JN writes: I do not see the point for me to talk about my life story. (If you care, you can check out the Armpit pressure point thread).
Like the fool I am I just read your life story on the armpit pressure point thread.

It was not even entertaining fiction.

Because endless troll/anti-troll flame wars are disruptive to a discussion forum I am particularly tolerant of trolls, as a search through my posts here and on e-budo will show, but I have finally had enough, and I can't keep quiet any longer. I've had enough of you calling into question every posters credentials and credibility, while never, ever, giving me a reason to believe anything you say.

So I am calling you out. Tell us what your name is, where you are from (the unspecified Oriental village you speak of), what you do, and how old you are.

I am not asking for verifiable facts. Make the answers up if you have to. Just come up with three out of four of the above and I promise I will not make it my business to hound you wherever you wish to lurk.

Johnathan Napalm

Black Belt
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
I have turned down better men (people I respect) such as Yilisifu, Chufeng and Yiliquan1. What makes you think I would care what you think? LMFAO....

I have lived a life that you cannot even imagine. And I am only in my 30's. LOL. What do you think I have or care to prove to you? lol Do I care whether you believe my life story? Hell NO! I have already lived it! I never even wanted to talk about it, until Yiliquan1 dragged it out of me.

Posters whose credential I questioned, are b/c their assertions have holes in them, their claims are bogus, their facts are wrong.

Johnathan Napalm

Black Belt
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
A few years back I started working on translating Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” from Chinese to English because I didn’t care for the translation I had read previously.
This is an on going project for me that I do for fun…….OK I’m weird.
One thing good about it is I get to study the book more in depthly as I translate because I have to really think of what it says and how to relay it into English with the same nuance.

One passage I like and that may apply here is this one:

“When you engage in conflict and know only yourself but not your opponent you can only hope to have a 50% chance of victory.”

From the original text (written in classical Chinese) or one that has been translated into modern Chinese?
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