If The Election Were Held Tomorrow, Who Would You Vote For?

If the Election were held tomorrow, who would be your choice?

  • Gene Amondson/Leroy Pletten

  • Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle

  • Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root

  • Róger Calero/Alyson Kennedy

  • Charles Jay/Thomas L. Knapp

  • Alan Keyes/Brian Rohrbough

  • Gloria La Riva/Eugene Puryear

  • John McCain/Sarah Palin

  • Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente

  • Brian Moore/Stewart Alexander

  • Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below)

  • Barack Obama/Joe Biden

  • Thomas Stevens/Alden Link

  • Ted Weill/Frank McEnulty

Results are only viewable after voting.

Bob Hubbard

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Land of the Free
I'm taking a page from Comedian Mark Russel's book here and doing the "If the Election were held tomorrow". I'll try and remember to reset this poll each week as things move along.

Candidate List: Those who are on the ballot in enough states to win a majority in the U.S. Electoral College are marked in bold.

Presidential candidate/running mate Party Campaign site

First Round Results: Voters: 30
View Poll Results: If the Election were held tomorrow, who would be your choice?

33.33% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 10
30.00% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 9
20.00% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 6
13.33% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 4
3.33% Brian Moore/Stewart Alexander Socialist, Vermont Liberty Union 1

Second Round (9/27-10/3) TIE Voters: 18.
27.78% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 5
27.78% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 5

22.22% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 4
11.11% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 2
5.56% Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle Constitution, Kansas Reform 1
5.56% Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente Green 1

Third Round (10/4-10/10) 19 votes
40.00% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 8
25.00% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 5
20.00% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 4
5.00% Charles Jay/Thomas L. Knapp Boston Tea 1
5.00% Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente Green 1
5.00% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 1

Fourth Round (10/13-10/31) 26 votes
34.62% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 9
26.92% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 7
23.08% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 6
11.54% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 3
3.85% Thomas Stevens/Alden Link Objectivist 1
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I just get a kick that there is an actual Boston Tea Party. :)
  • Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez (campaign) Independent, Independence-Ecology[1], Peace and Freedom, Michigan Natural Law, Delaware Independent, Oregon Peace votenader.org
i refuse to vote. i was president of the voting sucks club at my high school. i didn't get re-elected.

in all seriousness though, i'm slightly less terrified of obama/biden than mccain/palin. but i'm still not voting; i've never been comfortable with choosing the lesser evil.

i refuse to vote. i was president of the voting sucks club at my high school. i didn't get re-elected.

in all seriousness though, i'm slightly less terrified of obama/biden than mccain/palin. but i'm still not voting; i've never been comfortable with choosing the lesser evil.

You do realize that those are not the only two choices you have, don't you?
Personally... I'm getting tempted to write in Abe Lincoln and Harry Truman.

I don't think a couple of dead people can do much worse than any of the current politicians. Hell, they might do better!

I really want a viable, effective 3rd party. Right now, the two major parties have a whole lot in common, and most of the 3rd parties on from the nut fringe.

Hell, maybe I'll vote for Lyndon LaRouche this time around...
Just remember, write in's often are only counted if there isn't a clear winner in the district.
You do realize that those are not the only two choices you have, don't you?

I voted constitution party last time but I've come to believe that the system iis flawed and to participate in it is to endorse it.

By flawed I mean that between the primary system, the party control structure and the media, very few people actually have much choice in who to vote for,
You do realize that those are not the only two choices you have, don't you?

theoretically, yes, i have other choices that i don't agree with & have zero chance of getting elected. i was just discussing the two that are the actual possibilities.

I saw an op-ed piece about this as well. Extremely embarrassing to all humans and especially the Democratic Party.
Worse than that I think, it hurts current race relations as they are now. It's been better far as I've seen it. Where I live (Chatt. TN) I recall growing up here as a teenager and relations were say ... tense, having been fresh off the riots of the 60's , MLK assassination and etc. This is still the tip of the deep south and so attitudes were (then) still prevalent.
Now, it's much better. I've had lots of friendly banter with black strangers and helped out and been helped out here and there. Got some good black friends now. But there's still that "undercurrent" that can be felt if you listen closely enough. That tension is still there however faint. Call it a smoldering ember from the fires of racism.

If Obama loses for the "right" reasons then things will be okay. Black pride and hope will still be there and where it's supposed to be. Higher than it was before. If he loses because whites are still uncomfortable with the idea of a black man in the white house then yes, it could fan that ember.

It's stupid that we're still dealing with color predjuice, after 30+ years of the Civil Right Movement we should have been past all of that. Blacks in this country are accomplishing much more today and there's hope they'll accomplish more tomorrow. Obama is proof of that. I'm not saying he'll make a good president, maybe he will, maybe he won't but the OPPORTUNITY is open for the man and racism shouldn't be one of the bars he has to cross.
theoretically, yes, i have other choices that i don't agree with & have zero chance of getting elected. i was just discussing the two that are the actual possibilities.


If you persist in that sort of thinking....you never will... have other choices that is...:uhyeah:
McCain/Palin. The criticism that M/P is another 4 years of the Bush regime doesn't wash with me. Barack is a wonderful speaker with little to zero experience. Very exciting election this year, though.

I think "wonderful speaker" counts for a lot when you're the persident (it's a "bully pulpit"). The Congress passes the laws that affect most people most of the time, but a good speaker a la JFK can really move the country by his rhetoric and influence. I think that'd be one of the real strengths of an Obama presidency.
I saw a comparison that made me chuckle. It said the the election is down to the Football Team Captain and Head Cheerleader vs the Class Nerd and the Teachers Pet.
Didn't you Americans have a viable 3 candidate race one year? We have 4 and sometimes 5 party Elections in a country with about what, 1/5 your population. And we Canadians are an apathetic bunch. We would have just elected Trudeau, "Prime Minister For Ever" if he would have stayed, and he could have just made up his own rules as he went along, which he kind of did anyway.
If enough people don't like the big 2, find a 3rd and a 4th. We do it all the time.