Ice storm


Sr. Grandmaster
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MTS Alumni
Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
Just stopping in for a minute while I know I still have electricity. As you may have heard on the news in the USA the area I live in got hit by a massive ice storm on Thursday. Power is an on and off again thing still at this time in my home town. Many area towns still without power and some will not have it for up to seven more days.
Electric crews are arriving from as far away as N.C., Missouri, and Nebraska to help get power back on across the state. More than 107000 homes still without power and that is just an estimate.
I have a student that lives 15 miles from me that I have not been able to contact and that town will have no power for at least six more days. Only one road open into town so far.

More details:
Yep. It's been...unpleasant. I live right down the road from you. Couldn't get out of town for 24 hours, and was 36 hours without electric/heat/water and we are on the main road. Other parts of town won't have electric for a full week. And yet, 4 miles away/'s like 'Oh...we got to work have bad weather?'

It was nice to see the National Guard, after 3 days, in front of my house. Where they should be...on home soil.
We were without power for a week during that massive Ohio outage several months ago, and it was very unpleasant, so I feel for you guys—and that was during the summer! No power in a New England winter? Yipes—it's cold enough there even when you do have power. And with everything else that goes with an ice storm... :erg:
Glad to here you guys do. I still don't, and am living in a hotel.

No power, no running water, and no heat.

80% of my town is still without power, the utility company is saying it will probably be next week before it is back. :(
Did I say 36 hours before electricity? That is what cold will do...befuddle the brain. 3 days = 72 hrs.

Now that I have my wits, and some coffee, offered up my new generator to the town for use. Just heard that people are buying water and hauling it in for livestock by hand....

Think I'll tell our town admin that the National Guard used to have 'water buffalos' that could help out. Wonder if he knows.
Glad to hear you're doing OK. Try to stay warm!
power has been on here for 24 hours stright. hip hip huray

Now we start getting snow and ice storms every other day for a week BOOO

Oh well at lest I can cook again or I shiuld say my wife can

Harlan any signs of getting your power back sooner?
I was in Springfield for the Blizzard of '78. Had very little except large quantities of spaghetti and hot chocolate, became very tired of them after awhile....

Best of luck to all of you out there. They were going to dispatch utility crews from here to your area except that we just had a storm and have 2 more coming.
We have more coming too. I still don't have power, and my electric company is saying next week. Of course, next week is Christmas and they won't have the full compliment of workers....

I'm leaving for my mom's house in NC until the power gets back. I've been at this hotel for nearly a week and can't afford to stay here any more.
I'm sorry to hear of your hardships. There never is a good time but when it's cold and frigid and near Christmas really stinks.
Hey Tshadow: being on the main drag (we have one main road in town), my house got electric back after 72 hours. Of course, that was about 6 hours AFTER I managed to locate a generator.

It's been a week now, and even though our town was on the very edge of the storm, there are still 200 homes today without electricity after a week. I'm sure it's worse as it goes North/your way.

Haven't seen MT member Victor Smith on the board...he is in NH....
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Sorry for the rotten news - we in upstate NY are supposed to get hit with a major storm starting tomorrow morning... the things usually head your way after that, so be alert for more heavy snow from Friday afternoon on.
Sorry for the rotten news - we in upstate NY are supposed to get hit with a major storm starting tomorrow morning... the things usually head your way after that, so be alert for more heavy snow from Friday afternoon on.

We're expecting a good lashing in Southern Ontario as well. For Toronto the prediction is that the snow will be worst during morning and afternoon rush hours, and, of course, tomorrow is also the last day of school before the Holidays. It should be fairly chaotic throughout the weekend with all the Holiday travel and shopping.

I have only my little putt-putt electric snow blower. The big gas blower is to be delivered on December 26.

This is nothing compared to what you folks are facing in NE. My wife just read that Quebec Hydro has sent trucks down your way to help out with restoring power.
We're expecting heavy ice tomorrow...and I have to drive an hour to pick up my son at the airport.

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