I need a date for Friday night!


Brown Belt
May 2, 2009
Reaction score
Tonawanda NY
My husband and I were supposed to see the opening of Star Trek on Friday but he has been called out of town to Judge a music competition on Long Island! AUGHH!H Im SO wanting to see this movie but I really dont want to go alone!
It wont cost THAT much to fly out to Buffalo for a date will it? I will even pay for the popcorn! :highfive:
Shelly I am sure knowing Bob will help, I would come outbut I have a date with the wife and three sons to see it this Sunday.
Anymore, the flight might be cheaper than the movie and popcorn...

And I only wish I was joking...
Sheely come to Texas and see it with us Sunday my treat if you pay for your flight here.
Sheely come to Texas and see it with us Sunday my treat if you pay for your flight here.
I WOULD but my kids might not like me not being here for mothers day! They SO enjoy catering to my every wish! LOL
If there is any justice in the world my life will always be filled with temptations such as this..... however, I have a pre-existing engagement with 2 wonderful young women. Friday nights I always take my daughters, ages 10 and 13, out for dinner and shopping.
Maybe this iss a bad time to mention I'm the deputy quadrant commander of the Dark Vengeance Quadrant of the Klingon Assault Group (which includes NYS), and the web designer of both the DVQ and the Dark Moon Fleet (of KAG, which the DVQ is part of)........
I'm in.
My wife is at her folks place this weekend, plus she hates Star Trek...yeah i know, WTF are you doing with her??!!

My kids are working all weekend too.

So, lets see.... your about 2 hours from Toronto....the car's broke, so you gotta drive....I'm broke so you gotta pay....Oh and I'm planning on being hungry too...if you can throw dinner into the mix, I'm good to go!!:)
Maybe this iss a bad time to mention I'm the deputy quadrant commander of the Dark Vengeance Quadrant of the Klingon Assault Group (which includes NYS), and the web designer of both the DVQ and the Dark Moon Fleet (of KAG, which the DVQ is part of)........

And your point is...........?? LOL

When one is that big a Trek geek......

*Sigh* I miss the days when WNY had a real fan community. Free movie passes in exchange for showing up in costume. *sigh*

(makes note, 1 sm = 2 tickets, must get 20 sms so I can live at theater all weekend)