I get by with a little help



I NEED HELP GUYS in training we study a lot of close combat short sharp strikes pressure points etc. When it comes to throwing i get stuck in limbo no matter how hard i train at this. Can any you give me any pointers please.... :idunno:

I would first and foremost advise you to slow down and really "pick" the throw apart. Most people when learning a new throw will try to do it quickly and "muscle" the technique.

Take each part of the throw and execute it separately.Think of the throw in equal "parts"...as in entry,taking their balance,throw. The key is repetition,your body will tell you when you have it right,as there should be little to no strain involved. Stick with it,you'll get there!
No prob. I know that probably didn't help much,but sometimes we all need a reminder to slow down and look carefully at what we are trying to accomplish. Happy training!
I'm not hapkido, but also do pressure point throws. What works for me is breaking it down - come in to position for the throw and locate the point and practice that much repeatedly, then add on from there until you work through the entire technique.

Hope that helps.
these 2 words in this order should be the mantra for anyone practicing throwing arts. i will leave it up to you to try and figure it out.

down - out - down

Tony Annesi's down out down works well on pressure down type motions, Arm Bar Walk Downs, But does'nt work to well on Hip Throws or sweeps

i think the down out down thing came from don angier.........but personally it does apply to all throwing. its all about understanding the application.


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