I don't like your martial arts style...


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Covington, WA
...unless it's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Recently, there has been a resurgence in threads like this, so I thought I'd just cut to the chase and just call everyone out and save myself some time (and maybe you all some time, too).

So, if you train in TKD, I don't like your style. It's too Olympicky, with the jumping and the arms down thing. I don't like it.

Wing Chun? I don't like your style. Patty cake chi sao, cat fighting looking and too centerliney. And that goes for Ving Tsun, Ving Chun, Wing Tsun, Wing Man and Tsun Set. I don't care which lineage you come from or how you spell it.

Aikido? I don't like your style. It's not violent enough.

Karate? Regardless of which style, I don't like it and I'm not going to tell you why. You'll have to guess.

Internal MA? If I can't see it, I don't like it, and I can't see your chi. I don't like your style.

Taijutsu? I don't like your style. When I watched that show in the 80s, The Master, it had a terrible script. And ninjas are bad guys. Why do you guys want to be assassins anyway? I don't like your style.

And just to save a little time, everyone else? I don't like your styles, either. I may not really know much about them at all, but that doesn't make my opinion any less valid. So suck it! ;) Hell, I don't even like MMA, but Vale Tudo is okay, I guess.
Your right too many people are posting narrow-minded comments like that. Other martial arts are just as interesting to read about and watch. I would love to fight a Wing-Chun fighter one day when im more experienced.
Well, I do not like your martial arts style...

...unless it is Kendo.

BJJ, judo, jujutsu has no weapons.
TKD has no weapons.
Karate has weapons, but they do not spar with them like we do in kendo.
Ditto for iaido, kenjutsu, Haedong gumdo, shimgumdo, etc.
Kali/escrima spars but their sticks are too short.
Bojutsu must be compensating for something because their sticks are too long (know bo staff, but because I am a kendoka, my manhood is beyond question. Ladies who do kendo are likewise secure in their feminine vitues).
Najinata; see bo staff.
Aikido, Hapkido and taijutsu have swords, but they do not spar with them, thus it sucks unless you take kendo too, in which case Aikido/Hapkido is the best unarmed art one could possibly learn. Plus Aikido gets to wear hakamas, so they get bonus points.
Fencing is on the right track, but they tremble in fear at the awe inspiring might of kendo!
MMA fears the shinai, otherwise, they would let Kendo be a core art!
Capieora has music, so it is cool in my book, but is still no match for the mighty kendo!! Perhaps as an opening act before a kendo tournament.
Wing Chun sucks; why else would Bruce Lee replace it with JKD?


Now JKD I like: it is like a that black suit that Spiderman had. It is a symbiot that attaches itself to other MA's and makes them meaner, hehe.

Xuefu and macraméitsu-ryu quan do
Well, I definitely don't like Xuefu because I don't know anything about it!

Macrameitsu-ryu quan do... that one, I don't like because everything ends up looking like a potholder or an owl/plantholder! What's up with that???
Well, I definitely don't like Xuefu because I don't know anything about it!

Macrameitsu-ryu quan do... that one, I don't like because everything ends up looking like a potholder or an owl/plantholder! What's up with that???

But at least it is a pot holder in the shape of a fist.... actually we do oven mitts to
What about if you like all the styles, systems, sciences?
Yeah, well, your mother dresses you funny.

The absolute truth is that the only style worth a plugged nickel is Berserker Viking Fighting Arts (well, other than Xue-fu, in which I am Number Two in the world and West Coast Headman). Extreme violence and death by frozen carrot is the only worthwhile art out there. Mug the mugger, rape the rapist, kidnap the kidnapper, terrorize the terrorist, skewer his nuts with a pencil. Anything else and you are just wasting your time, ya bunch of losers.
Yeah, well, your mother dresses you funny.

The absolute truth is that the only style worth a plugged nickel is Berserker Viking Fighting Arts (well, other than Xue-fu, in which I am Number Two in the world and West Coast Headman). Extreme violence and death by frozen carrot is the only worthwhile art out there. Mug the mugger, rape the rapist, kidnap the kidnapper, terrorize the terrorist, skewer his nuts with a pencil. Anything else and you are just wasting your time, ya bunch of losers.

first Xuefu is "the ultimate advancement in the martial arts" :mst:

and now for the rest :lfao:
Yeah, well, your mother dresses you funny.

The absolute truth is that the only style worth a plugged nickel is Berserker Viking Fighting Arts (well, other than Xue-fu, in which I am Number Two in the world and West Coast Headman). Extreme violence and death by frozen carrot is the only worthwhile art out there. Mug the mugger, rape the rapist, kidnap the kidnapper, terrorize the terrorist, skewer his nuts with a pencil. Anything else and you are just wasting your time, ya bunch of losers.

I like that carrot idea.
That makes you a hippy... and you know what we think of them! ;)

You're just terrified of their hippimancy and hippyfu, probably because they didn't want to cuddle with you on the ground or otherwise destroyed your preconceived notions by using the dreaded Aquarius technique ;)
B-b-b-but, how can you not like our Martial Arts styles!? Unlike your silly BJJ, we can do things like shoot fire balls, and fight Dragons.

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...unless it's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Recently, there has been a resurgence in threads like this, so I thought I'd just cut to the chase and just call everyone out and save myself some time (and maybe you all some time, too).

So, if you train in TKD, I don't like your style. It's too Olympicky, with the jumping and the arms down thing. I don't like it.

Wing Chun? I don't like your style. Patty cake chi sao, cat fighting looking and too centerliney. And that goes for Ving Tsun, Ving Chun, Wing Tsun, Wing Man and Tsun Set. I don't care which lineage you come from or how you spell it.

Aikido? I don't like your style. It's not violent enough.

Karate? Regardless of which style, I don't like it and I'm not going to tell you why. You'll have to guess.

Internal MA? If I can't see it, I don't like it, and I can't see your chi. I don't like your style.

Taijutsu? I don't like your style. When I watched that show in the 80s, The Master, it had a terrible script. And ninjas are bad guys. Why do you guys want to be assassins anyway? I don't like your style.

And just to save a little time, everyone else? I don't like your styles, either. I may not really know much about them at all, but that doesn't make my opinion any less valid. So suck it! ;) Hell, I don't even like MMA, but Vale Tudo is okay, I guess.

Well, I think it's very open minded of you not to like anything, I know some people are very narrow minded and only don't like 1 or 2 arts.

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