I clearly do not have enough aggressive potential


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
Says it all.

I just got myself a new orifice ripped in the store for asking a woman (not a Lady) to let me get by. My was she ever in a huff, I dared to ask her to move over....her fat butt was pretty much blocking the aisle...

I wonder...if I ever get attacked, I am afraid I fall down and bleed, along the line of dieing cockroach and forget all my MA training.

I never thought that a 'Excuse me, I need to get by' was considered a provocation.
Your not escalating a disagreement with this cow into a mutual screaming match and physical altercation is a strong point in your favor.

I would say you have the assurance and self control to go far in the MA.
must be close to the ever pleasent holidays. She was just practicing. Boy am I not looking forward to the stores then.
must be close to the ever pleasent holidays. She was just practicing. Boy am I not looking forward to the stores then.

Thanks, I was more flabbergasted than anything, but cow was about right! ^_^
Says it all.

I just got myself a new orifice ripped in the store for asking a woman (not a Lady) to let me get by. My was she ever in a huff, I dared to ask her to move over....her fat butt was pretty much blocking the aisle...

I wonder...if I ever get attacked, I am afraid I fall down and bleed, along the line of dieing cockroach and forget all my MA training.

I never thought that a 'Excuse me, I need to get by' was considered a provocation.
Showing restraint in the face of a temper tantrum being thrown by a grown woman is admirable. You have the skills to handle yourself should the situation call for it. Otherwise, no need for aggression at all.

Think Mr. Miyagi. He spent a good amount of both the first and second K-Kid movies apologizing to others for things that he did not need to. Only when others were threatened did he actually make use of his physical skills.

In any event, this person's bad behavior is recognized as such by all who see it. She was probably upset about things that have nothing to do with you. You just happened to be her chosen target of verabal abuse.

The world would be a much more pleasant place if it weren't for all the other people.


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I never thought that a 'Excuse me, I need to get by' was considered a provocation.

Its not, but some folks in my business networking group (particularly those in retail) have been saying they think the bad economy has been spurring on an increase of ingratiating public behaviour. One person is an HR manager for a retail chain, and said that a (Latina) employee that has performing well on the job for 11 years, is suddenly the target of complaints from customers that say they cannot understand her because of her accent.
Its not, but some folks in my business networking group (particularly those in retail) have been saying they think the bad economy has been spurring on an increase of ingratiating public behaviour. One person is an HR manager for a retail chain, and said that a (Latina) employee that has performing well on the job for 11 years, is suddenly the target of complaints from customers that say they cannot understand her because of her accent.

I think this is part of the downhill slide of civilization. Some people think they are "entitled" to be jerks. This is the reason why I teach my children to be polite and courteous.

Granfire, my martial arts training has taught me more than anything how to "avoid" getting into a fight, which for me is truly a gift.
Loomie said:
Granfire, my martial arts training has taught me more than anything how to "avoid" getting into a fight, which for me is truly a gift.

The Master at my son's school often tells the story of the three men walking down the sidewalk.

The first has no martial arts training, and a group of bullies torment him and take his things.

The second considers himself a martial artist, he sees the group of bullies and readies himself for the fight, he defeats them and carries on.

The third *is* a martial artist, he sees the group of bullies and crosses the street.
Granfire and grydth,

Why is it ok for you two people to call this woman a cow and comment on the size of her ***? Does the woman's belligerence absolve you of all intolerant and abusive behavior? I can understand why you are angry with her, because her behavior was rude and aggressive, but targeting her body shape and using it as a way to insult her on a public forum is despicable. If it had been a thin person in a narrow isle, the outcome would have been the same, so you can't use the woman's size as an excuse for your vile name-calling.
Granfire and grydth,

Why is it ok for you two people to call this woman a cow and comment on the size of her ***? Does the woman's belligerence absolve you of all intolerant and abusive behavior? I can understand why you are angry with her, because her behavior was rude and aggressive, but targeting her body shape and using it as a way to insult her on a public forum is despicable. If it had been a thin person in a narrow isle, the outcome would have been the same, so you can't use the woman's size as an excuse for your vile name-calling.

well, if it would have been a narrow aisle, you would have been right, and no, her deriere was not sooo big, considering the average person I see in the store she was on the slim side, and still, she managed to block an aisle so you could pass her on neither side. I actually had a few more substantial names for her in mind, and you are right, no animal should be insulted in this manner.

You have missed the point tho. I have made no remark to her about age, gender color of skin or size of buttocks. I simply said 'Excuse me, I need to get by'
Yea.. I was once got crazy eyes and a cussing from a large (she was as tall as me and probably outweighed me) lady at the gas station for asking her politely to move her vehicle forward about 5 feet so I could reach one of the fuel pumps.

She was idling in her minivan in a spot that managed to block both of the only two pumps at the station. She even hopped out and squared up on me as if she were going to attack!
Its not, but some folks in my business networking group (particularly those in retail) have been saying they think the bad economy has been spurring on an increase of ingratiating public behaviour. One person is an HR manager for a retail chain, and said that a (Latina) employee that has performing well on the job for 11 years, is suddenly the target of complaints from customers that say they cannot understand her because of her accent.

I don't think it's the economy. I just believe society in general is less polite these days. I recently attended a college football game and I almost had to use my self-defense skills after my wife and young son were jostled roughly on the stairs by some foul-mouthed thugs.
well, if it would have been a narrow aisle, you would have been right, and no, her deriere was not sooo big, considering the average person I see in the store she was on the slim side, and still, she managed to block an aisle so you could pass her on neither side. I actually had a few more substantial names for her in mind, and you are right, no animal should be insulted in this manner.

You have missed the point tho. I have made no remark to her about age, gender color of skin or size of buttocks. I simply said 'Excuse me, I need to get by'

I understand that you did not insult her to her face. You were polite, and she was not. But then you come onto a public forum and discuss your angry feelings (which is cool), and insult her size (which is not cool). This is a martial arts forum, and I (in my naivete) believe that each and every one of us should work toward fostering an environment of respect and personal responsibility. When I read a post written by a fellow forum member in which he (or she, I don't know your gender) makes derogatory comments about a person's size, it makes me feel like those comments were made about me. Behavior like that fosters an environment of intolerance and superficiality.

We are taught in primary school not to resort to name-calling, to a person's face or behind their back. She may have been in the wrong, but in my opinion you lost your moral high ground when you came onto the forum and derided her body shape, which had nothing to do with the true source of your anger.

I love this forum. Please work with me to maintain a respectful atmosphere, where everyone can feel welcome, no matter what their size or level of fitness is.

for all you know I could be fat.


I gained about 20 lbs - not a bad thing because I was so skinny I about fell out of my clothes - but it's not fit weight....but a place to start.
