By Mike Krumboltz mike Krumboltz – 1 hr 24 mins ago
Acclaimed by critics, scholars, and -- of course -- readers, Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is one of the great American novels. The book has been reprinted countless times, adapted into movies, and translated into just about every language under the sun. But should it be updated for today's times?
News that the manuscript would undergo some changes sent shockwaves through the Search box. According to Publishers Weekly, NewSouth Books plans to release a version of "[COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]Huck [COLOR=#366388 ! important]Finn[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]" that cuts the "n" word and replaces it with "slave." The slur "injun," referring to Native Americans, will also be replaced.
(rest of the story)
Granted now-a-days saying the N-word is politically incorrect. Back during the time line of the novel it was NOT. While fiction Huckleberry Finn is a historically accurate novel, in the lifestyle and goings on of the day. How people talked to one another, acted and lived their day to day lives as best as Twain can remember when he was writing the story, going on his memory as a boy growing up in the south.
Whites commonly referred to blacks as n------ or negros. Slave was their status not their race. Everyone now knows that blacks today have elevated themselves far above that status enforced upon them so long ago. A look at the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington D.C. will attest to that.
Injun (Joe)... more-n'-likely Twain's writing of the phonetic pronunciation of the antagonist's name.
The book is a classic and should remain as it is written!
People need to get over it. If an author wrote something akin to it today then yes, he should be vilified and shouted down and made to give an apology (along with the publisher who printed the book and then the distributor who put it in the stores).
Sigh, people need to get over it.