How would you deal with multiple attackers who are bigger?


Black Belt
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Oxford, UK
I know there was a thread on dealing with some one bigger and multiple attackers but its a whole new affair when the gang of attackers are much bigger and stronger than you, how would you all fair with such a threat?

It it were me I would run like Linford Christie!
Running, IMO, should always be the first option. Especially if there's multiple attackers. If you can't run and can't talk your way out of it, get in a corner. Find some way that you can limit the number of people coming at you at the same time. Not sure what else to say here.
Tony said:
I know there was a thread on dealing with some one bigger and multiple attackers but its a whole new affair when the gang of attackers are much bigger and stronger than you, how would you all fair with such a threat?

It it were me I would run like Linford Christie!

If I don't have a machine gun, or grenade, I would run. If the option was not available to me, I would keep moving and not stand in one place. Hit vital targets and hope for the best.
Tony said:
I know there was a thread on dealing with some one bigger and multiple attackers but its a whole new affair when the gang of attackers are much bigger and stronger than you, how would you all fair with such a threat?

It it were me I would run like Linford Christie!

Run! Also, I think mindset of how you are going to deal with them makes a big difference. What I mean is, you may not be able to beat them so to speak, but if you have for example 3 large attackers and you poke one in the eye, chop one in the throat, and kick one in the knee and run you may have a pretty good chance of getting away. If you try to stay and fight until all are on the ground out of commision you will likely not win.
1) Run; if you cannot, see 2-5

2) Let them know quickly you're not a victim, you're going to fight hard and mean--it may not be worth the fight

3) Take out the perceived leader in the most quick and decisive way possible, "with extreme prejudice"

3) Line 'em up, keep moving, use them against each other

4) Use carried/environmental weapons

5) Make lots of noise if you think it might summon assistance.
Multiple/larger.... puts a whole reality twist on the importance of fitness and martial arts. Technique in the aboved mentioned examples were never addressed. Creativity and self control seem to be the focus, that requires physical fitness. The more fatigued you become the less mentally sharp you become.
loki09789 said:
Multiple/larger.... puts a whole reality twist on the importance of fitness and martial arts. Technique in the aboved mentioned examples were never addressed. Creativity and self control seem to be the focus, that requires physical fitness. The more fatigued you become the less mentally sharp you become.

The most obvious was never addressed either. Don't let yourself get into that type of a situation in the first place.
When faced with multiple larger/stronger opponents...with no chance of a fighting victory...and no chance of escape...

I would tell them I studied Tae Kwon Do so that after they beat me up, they wouldn't think that Kenpo and BJJ are inneffective.
Speaking of running... escape/evasion training might be more appropriate an idea than flat out running, back to the fitness idea. Being versed in visual deceptions of camoflauge, planning executing escape routes (throwing things down as obstacles, crawling under,around and through things to slow them down/throw them off your track....


Has anyone taken/heard of an urban climbing class? I know of one person who took one in the service, but other than "buildering" enthusiasts frustrated by lack of natural rock access, I don't know anyone who has taken a program.
If equally matched, we can offer battle;

if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy;

if quite unequal in every way, we flee from him.

-Sun Tzu
Ok I have nothing against running as a tactic in order to survive! But lets say these assailants pursue, or you are cornered. A friend of a friend of mine was supposedly attacked by some Bouncers and we all know many of them aren't exactly tiny! I am not being negative about door security because their job is just as hard and hazardous as the Police! I really don't knowthe full details but I cannot believe these so called professionals woule resort to such neandertal behaviour! When in clubs I have felt safe knowing that the Bouncers are aware of trouble and deal with it efficiently!
But I am wise enough not to upset these people! However we can't always choose our attackers like our friends! Sizes vary and we should be aware of that! But everyone feels pain and bigger people are no exception!
Unless you are prepared to use a weapon you are gona loose. A team of bouncers isn't just a group of big guys, usualy they will be used to working together. Now I don't know the situation there, but if they were on the job I realy doubt they started the whole thing. The vast majority of fights in a social situation can be avoided simply by talking your way out of it. Hearing what you said and nothing more my emediate reaction would be to say your freind's freind probably didn't do anything to de escalate the situation and most likely agrivated it in some way.

If by chance you are stuck somewhere with a group of fighters who know how to fight, know how to fight as a team, and probably are armed with something. Unless you are an amazing fighter everything's stacked against you. You need a weapon to have any chance of evening out the equation.
Old Fat Kenpoka said:
When faced with multiple larger/stronger opponents...with no chance of a fighting victory...and no chance of escape...

I would tell them I studied Tae Kwon Do so that after they beat me up, they wouldn't think that Kenpo and BJJ are inneffective.
Oh i love the planning involved there......LOL :)
Ok its bad enough being faced by bigger and stronger attackers but supposing they have studied some style of Martial Art and have some proficiency! Its now a totally different ball game! Ok you if you did say you studied taekwondo like Old Fat Kenpoist suggested after they have beaten you up, one of them may have studied it too and just laugh at your lack of skills! It might be hard but not impossible if you use your head and i don't mean in the literal sense! It seems apparent to me a stronger person will be inclined regardless of any Martial Arts training to use his strength against a weaker opponent!
I would probably attack the legs and groin as obvious targets! there is no way I can wrestle with someone stronger! Going to the ground is not an option.
Okay, let's spin this topic around a little:

Since there are endless theoretically real scenarios could be created that would demonstrate how powerless the individual could be how about examining the training to find the aspects that would empower you in a multiple/larger opponent scenario.

What do you do now, in training that would help you deal with larger/multiple opponents. I know this could be very general in response but so far the discussion has really focused outward on the opponent and not really assessed what internal advantages we may be training/cultivating.

I think I brought up the tactical advantage of faster coordination on the part of the individual SD artist relative to the multiple attackers. One body one brain, faster action/reaction speed. The group will be cumbersome and hard to coordinate because it is larger and made up of many minds/bodies that could get in each other's way. Yes, practiced wolf pack tactics could be used to reduce the cumbersomeness of the group, but in general, groups are harder to coordinate than one body/person. So, I think the individual, well trained has an advantage of read and reaction speed over the multiple opponents. Not much or easy to employ, but I still think it is there.

Paul M
Okay here is my take on this. First of all, I don't care if it's one or a hundred my first option is just walk away. If I have to fight, then I control the distance of the lead person until I can't possibly hold out anymore. When their in the process of moving close enough to strike me, thats when I close the gap myself, fast and hard ! I'll destroy the lead persons knee and/or groin in the process. Hopefully this will scare off some of the other attackers, or atleast startle them so I can escape. I feel by taking the closest person out in a such a way that it makes him cry in agony and pain ( mercy is not an option, when your own life is at stake ) that it will at the very least, let your attackers know somebody is going to the hospital with you. Most people who jump someone are cowards and if their unsure of getting you without some damage being done to them, then maybe you have a chance.

I would say something to them like, " you may get me, but one of you is going to the hospital. " This hopefully will make them think twice, and since no one likes to go to the hospital and since they have no idea which one you will focus on they might be a little hesitant. But your first option before any other is to not be put in a situation like that, and your second option is to run, walk or do whatever to keep it from going down to begin with. I have no shame to make someone think I'm scared, no matter if I am or not. It also doesn't matter if there is one or a hundred, untrained or trained, you should always avoid confrontation if at all possible.

Well, normally there isn't much time for talk if someone wants to beat you up. If they want my wallet, I'll give it to them. Heck, I'd be like "I'll write you a check, who do I make it out to?" I probably would track them down unless they went off in a car.

Running is the best option with them just wanting to attack you.
If I couldn't run away, I'd grab a weapon for sure. I mean it's honorable and it's just plain stupid to see if you can be Jet Li. Only in the movies.

If I didn't have a weapon, I'd use the tactic that I've practiced in 2-on-1 sparring, which we do at my school. always use the person in front of you as a block between you and the other person(s), that way you get to fight just one at a time. Rotate around the person in front of you and fight that person first. Also, if your crowded, remember your elbows and knees. They are nice for close spots.

And don't hang around unless the person threatens your life in a situation. Say they are still able to come after you. If it's more than one, run no matter once. You get a clearing, run. Now if they have guns. Pray. Also, hope that you have enough adrenaline to move fast enough and also hope their guns malfunction. But that's if they intend on killing you. If they just want your goods, hands up and give it to them. Nothing is worth your life.
Make a miserable mess out of the first one so as to discourage further attacks. :jedi1:

Else, run away :boing2:
MisterMike said:
Make a miserable mess out of the first one so as to discourage further attacks.

legend29 said:
I feel by taking the closest person out in a such a way that it makes him cry in agony and pain ( mercy is not an option, when your own life is at stake ) that it will at the very least, let your attackers know somebody is going to the hospital with you.

I would tend to agree with these statements. If you are facing multiple attackers they are going to be pretty confident that their superior numbers will give them the advantage (it does) so you have to show them that they are going to have to pay to win.
legend29 said:
I would say something to them like, " you may get me, but one of you is going to the hospital."
I would modify this to "you may get me but one of you is going to be Dead! One thing to consider is that when facing multiple attackers whether they are armed or not; the rules change as to the level of force that you are justified in using. If it was me, obviously depending on the circumstances, I would be targeting the throat, knees, and eyes in an attempt to inflict the max. amount of pain and damage. Because in that situation you can't afford to be nice (and if I had a weapon I would be using it). As far as strategy, like some of the others have said, I would try to maneuver so that I would only have to engage one at a time, possibly by getting into a doorway and making them come to you.

loki09789 said:
I think I brought up the tactical advantage of faster coordination on the part of the individual SD artist relative to the multiple attackers. One body one brain, faster action/reaction speed. The group will be cumbersome and hard to coordinate because it is larger and made up of many minds/bodies that could get in each other's way.
This is a good point. I don't know how many of you have done any sparring or spontaneous work with multiple attackers but it seems like it's almost as hard to be one of the attackers as it is to be the defender due to the fact that you get in each other's way and the defender is usually throwing/shoving you into each other. It's an interesting experiment...worth a try.

Other than that pray that you're never attacked by multiple subjects and if you like hell.