Tough being a BIG Guy!


White Belt
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
Hello all,

Certified big guy here(known as MOX: half Man half Ox)...5'7 260(at 190 I would be around 9% body fat) don't lift weights, but look like I do...just genetics.

So i'm curious:

What do you think in a court of law what others would say if you had to defend yourself and your attacker is much smaller than you? Even if you only hit the guy 1 time.

story example....a few years ago at a hockey game two dads got into it and the little guy attacked the big guy and the big guy hit him one time and knocked him down. Consequently the smaller dad when hitting the ground hit his head and died. Now the out cry at the time was that the bigger dad didn't have to hit the smaller guy so hard. I don't recall the final outcome but the bigger dad was charged and went to trial.

Seems to me that average people who would form a jury will most likely see the bigger person as the brut if he defends himself.

Thanks for your thoughts!


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
The question is very complicated. Size, musculature, training, current condition (are you sick, injured, exhausted from a chase...) are all part of the legal equation of the use of force...

And when you throw a jury into the mix, anything can happen. And has.

If you're concerned about use of force law, you really ought to take the time to research it thoroughly, discuss it with a lawyer, and look into courses like the ones Massad Ayoob teaches on the subject. Anyone offers specific legal guidance in an online forum is being overpaid for what they're telling you... and you aren't paying them a dime.


White Belt
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
Thank you for your reply. Forgive me if my question seems a bit on the leagal side. I am a bit tired due to studying for finals.

I am just looking for other perspectives, especially those of big guys. I have a bit of this concern for myself. God forbid I ever have to defend myself. I have trained very hard to be very fast and very effecient. I have every confidence with all humility that if an altercation arose it would end in seconds. All in All I painstakingly go the extra mile to be very proficient with a great deal of self control as not to hurt more than is neccessary.

Thank you for your input.


Master Black Belt
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Sapporo, Japan
I`m another big guy and I know just what you mean. You`re damned if you do and damned if you don`t. Wilt Chamberlain used to say "No one ever cries for Goliath." So I call it the Goliath Syndrome. As a big guy you`re always seen as being a little more at fault when things get physical. And it`s been my experiance that a lot of smaller guys who are looking to prove something will take advantage of that.

All you can really do is know and understand reasonable use of force and what the law in your area says. And then try to keep your nose clean. The basics are the same for big guys as they are for little guys. Namely if you`re fighting because you feel like you or your loved ones are in danger you may wind up okay. If you`re fighting because you`re mad, or because you`re trying to prove something to someone, you probably don`t have a legal leg to stand on.

Either way, if you hurt someone and the cops are called, even if you are in the right you`re probably gonna see the inside of a squad car and have to let the lawyers argue it out.

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hello, Big guys....wait till you live the life of a small guy (person) ....

It seems big guys do not get pick on as much as smaller guys....

Key is? ...know how to act the innocent person, what to say, how to stand, get witness on your side...POLICMAN wil never be any one friend when to come up to any situtions...

It is part of there job(police) to find who is the guilty and innocent person on the spot...later the courts will determined that...

Know your rights, know what to say..or best NOT to say anything at all...
Read the book...( Surviving Armed Lawrence A. Kane...Great info's for you and everyone too...!


Deaf Smith

Master of Arts
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score

Disparity of force is the main issue of the law you would have to be concerned with. And in court it is not so much the actual skill level of the individuals but what at the time of the attack the defender KNEW of the attacker’s skills and ability to carry out their deeds.

But I'll say this, if in a dark alley I meet someone who issues threats and they are twice my size, I am not going to wait to see just how skilled or fast they are. I will consider my life in jeopardy.


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