How to piss off Telemarketers

Ooooh very good thread. I like this.

This actually happened in the UK. He was getting phone calls from telemarketers asking him to buy double glazing, so he invited a rep round to have a talk. A door to door saleman knocked on this mans door after pulling up in front of the house. This man let him in and for 2 hours this salesman went through the patter of selling. The owner of the house got up, walked outside and blocked off the driveway with his car.

He then phoned the company. He told them that he was a hostage and will not be released until he had assurance that he would no longer get any calls from their company and hung up. the salesman was treated nice in the home, was given a meal ETC. Then the boss turned up saying all the apologies and was assured that it would not happen again, at which point the salesman was released and allowed to drive away.

the thing is, the homeowner had double glazing himself.
Prior to being added to the "Do Not Call" list here in Pennsylvania, I used to like to use the line from "Seinfeld".

Seinfeld: "Hello?, oh you know what I'm really busy right now, how bout you give me your home number and I'll call you back later?"

Telemarketer: "Umm, we're not allowed to do that."

Seinfeld: "Oh, so you don't want people calling you at home?"

Telemarketer: "No"

Seinfeld: "Now you know how I feel ... "Click"".

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