How to open up fight


White Belt
Jul 19, 2007
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i would like to know what is the best way to open a street fight.
because my friends are always playing fight, and i would also like to be good when it comes to self defence...

PS: perferly muay thai style...
If you mean the best way to start a street fight - don't. Martial arts are for self-defense, not bullies; if you want to learn how to get into street fights, then you don't want to be a martial artist; you want to be a street brawler - get into a few street fights by insulting someone, get the crap beat out of you, and then you'll know.

If you want to know the best way to respond in a street fight - there are too many possibilities depending on the circumstances.

If you want to know the best style for street fighting... there is no "best" style; the best style is the one you can stick with and learn.
because my friends are always playing fight, and i would also like to be good when it comes to self defence...

Seriously..... my advice.... stop playing around and join a genuine school with a qualified instructor. Don't go on the internet to get an online medical exam for something that is making you sick, and don't go on the internet to learn how to fight.

If your friends want to "play fight" distance yourself from that, and become a real Martial Artist. Get the answers you seek from a personal source.... no matter how far you have to travel to train.

(also, I agree with everything Kacey said above!)

Good luck
Chief Master D.J. Eisenhart
I would have to fully agree with the 2 responses. Martial arts is for self defense, not for street fighting, or seeing who is tougher.

In aikido, we have a saying: "he who first resorts to violence, has already lost". And no matter if you win or lose, if you start a fight, I believe this is true.
While the previous posts make good points, there are times when violence is imminent. As they say, action is faster than reaction. If in a situation where you feel violence is unavoidable, do the unexpected, something fast and unanticipated to give yourself time to retreat to a safer distance, get aid, what have you.
How to open up a Thai street fight? Try a knock-knock joke, preferably something concerning lady-boys. Then, when they're busy being offended...

Hmmmm....I feel a disturbance in the force with this thread and poster, but, I'll give a quick answer, though reluctantly, anyway. If we're talking about a street fight, and how to start one--DON'T!!! There's always future retribution, and chances are you'll be unprepared, and out armed. (true of the inital fight we're talking about too)

Other than that, if you're determined to do so, I think you already know how to start a fight. It's very easy.
You've gotten excellent answers..Nuff said...
I believe the previous posts say it all and are to the point. You should concentrate on how to avoid fights, not how to find them.
i would like to know what is the best way to open a street fight.
because my friends are always playing fight, and i would also like to be good when it comes to self defence...

PS: perferly muay thai style...

The best way to open a street fight is a sucker "punch" with a 2x4 or field goal to the tailbone with steel toes on. Playfighting is another form of sparring if you call these gentlemen freinds, it's not real. For self defense, carry a gun and wear a vest. You don't need martial arts for any of these. All the power to you. Trouble's already looking for you, don't go looking for it. If you are serious about Muay Thai, join a kickboxing gym that teaches it.
i would like to know what is the best way to open a street fight.
because my friends are always playing fight, and i would also like to be good when it comes to self defence...

PS: perferly muay thai style...
You've actually asked three different questions, young_thai. So, I'll answer all three for you.

1) How to open a street fight: Apologize to the guy, even if it's his fault. Something like, Sorry, did I do something to offend you? Didn't mean to. I have escaped many violent encounters this way, and had several street-savvy fighters who were would-be opponents say, Wow, I've never had this happen before. On the other hand, starting a violent confrontation will probably get you locked up and sued in civil court. And my career is teaching young men who have done this very thing, and know all about how to start a street fight. For those who've been locked up several times and grown tired of it, they would agree the better question is, How can I avoid a street fight? Doesn't mean they're punks. Just the opposite. Means they're becoming men.

2) Play fighting is bad for two reasons: (1) It's nothing like the real thing, so will give you a false sense of what raw, rage-filled violence on the street entails. (2) It can start as fun, then someone takes offense and it turns serious. I've seen many teens who were best friends become deadly enemies this way.

3) Your last question is the one that has the most merit to me. Self defense is as far from 'starting a street fight' or 'play fighting' as you can get. So, by all means, if you like Muay Thai, find a good instructor and commit. Don't quit when it's not fun on some days. And become good at it--give it at least 6-9 months before making any changes. This will resolve your first two questions before you know it.

Best wishes in your quest. :asian:
OK,the steps one needs to take if going to open or start a street fight, even if "play" fighting friends.

1) Make sure all insurances are paid up to date
A) Health
B) Dental
C) Long and Short term disability

2) Retain a good defense Lawyer.

3) Make sure all personal affairs are in order

4) Take a good look at the blue sky, smell the fresh air, listen to a bird; it could be the last time.

5) Insult the nastiest looking guy you can find, Talking about their Momma is a great starting point.

See where I'm going with this? NOTHING is "playing" when it comes to fighting and starting one is about the damn dumbest thing a person can do in their life.
Ditto and support the above responses.

Kid, seriously. Don't start a fight. Don't spend time with people who want to.

Look at it this way. You want to be tough, strong, good in a fight. Nothing wrong with that. These guys you hang out with, who I think you'll agree, don't know what they're doing, they want to start fights.

The folks who've responded to your post are stone badasses. Multiple black belts. Security and police folks. Soldiers. Professional martial arts teachers. These people don't want to be tough. They are tough. You look 'tough' up in the dictionary, and it has a picture of Drac.

And all of these legitimate tough guys and gals are saying the same thing: don't start a fight.

Listen to them.
i would like to know what is the best way to open a street fight.
because my friends are always playing fight, and i would also like to be good when it comes to self defence...

PS: perferly muay thai style...
Sweep the lead leg as a move; but, you wanna position yourself to your advantage long before kicks and punches start flying.
Ditto and support the above responses.

Kid, seriously. Don't start a fight. Don't spend time with people who want to.

Look at it this way. You want to be tough, strong, good in a fight. Nothing wrong with that. These guys you hang out with, who I think you'll agree, don't know what they're doing, they want to start fights.

You don't need a rep as a trouble maker..What happens when you meet up with somebody who wants to try you and there are NONE of your friends around???

bushidomartialarts said:
The folks who've responded to your post are stone badasses. Multiple black belts. Security and police folks. Soldiers. Professional martial arts teachers. These people don't want to be tough. They are tough.


bushidomartialarts said:
You look 'tough' up in the dictionary, and it has a picture of Drac.

You are so full of it..I'm Gandhi.

bushidomartialarts said:
And all of these legitimate tough guys and gals are saying the same thing: don't start a fight.Listen to them.

I hung out with bikers and some members of an Italian "businessmens" club..We NEVER started a fight, we NEVER picked a fight among ourselves..IF someone was STUPID enough to start with US then that was a different story...
You don't need a rep as a trouble maker..What happens when you meet up with somebody who wants to try you and there are NONE of your friends around???


You are so full of it..I'm Gandhi.

I hung out with bikers and some members of an Italian "businessmens" club..We NEVER started a fight, we NEVER picked a fight among ourselves..IF someone was STUPID enough to start with US then that was a different story...
Thats funny I just saw to Bikers get into it a little last night... and they were friends.

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