How many of the old crew still post on here


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Since my absent of mainly four years who is still here active and posting an a regular basis?
There are a lot of guys who've been around a lot longer than me. It's easier to point to those who have left.... But, it's good to see you back!
Welcome back Terry. I'm still here but don't really post alot. I find I stay out of trouble that way, for the most part...
Welcome back Terry. I'm still here but don't really post alot. I find I stay out of trouble that way, for the most part...
Agree. Lately, when I feel like to post, I would write it. Read it one more time, and delete it.

Sometime, the more that you post, the more trouble that you may get yourself into. People can always find something to disagree no matter what you may say. If you like to argue, that will be great. If you don't, what's the point?
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I don't argue just post at random, just like posting and keeping the title of Ultimate post whore extreme
Some still here some gone. I think there is a turn around with people stopping in again. Make new connections. :) It's really good to see you back.
Agree. Lately, when I feel like to post, I would write it. Read it one more time, and delete it.

Sometime, the more that you post, the more trouble that you may get yourself into. People can always find something to disagree no matter what you may say. If you like to argue, that will be great. If you don't, what's the point?

I disagree. Now you're in trouble. ;)

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Still here Terry and glad to see you're back on the upswing. Also glad to hear that you've started teaching again. Besides jogging and martial arts, are you able to do any resistance training?

This section, as with any has ebb and flow. All the important people are still here :cheers:
Still here Terry and glad to see you're back on the upswing. Also glad to hear that you've started teaching again. Besides jogging and martial arts, are you able to do any resistance training?

This section, as with any has ebb and flow. All the important people are still here :cheers:

Just started a week ago light though, but I am sure it will be getting better as times go.
Just started a week ago light though, but I am sure it will be getting better as times go.

Excellent! Take a look at YT for channel called Athlean-X. Me and the guys here at work have been watching his videos and putting into practice some of his tips. He has a lot of body weight stuff in addition to the weights. Some of this may be useful to you as you get back into it. Adding a little at a time can really make a difference in a short amount of time and go a long way towards adding strength.
Arnisador and Tez glad you are still lurking and hanging around
Im still around and post once in a while but mostly I read and think. Charlie is still around but never posts.
Hi Terry I am here, I've been writing a little, you know the old stuff clasic vs sport and so on but I am here and I am very glad to have you here again. Lyke you I am strugling with some issues but still love TKD and been inside dojang too, a few months I got my third degree black belt but my certification has not arrived yet and I am praying for it, my sambonim left my city and the dojang is in charge of a new female sambonim and the entire dojang (people) is in the setting back time. I really don't know the entire politics of the new sabonim but the last class (mine) was deleted in favor of some workout nites like zumba or some kind of gymnastics, so I got back to train with young studds and asisting the new sabonim.

I'm still here. Don't post as much as I should, but I still open my yap every once in a while.

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