How do we see ourselves...



An easy question for you lot...

Do we see ourselves as Samurai, ninja or just practitioners of a system.

Within the Bujinkan, 6 schools are samurai based, 3 are ninja. But are we samurai or are we in fact ninja with the other 6 schools as add ons?

Your views please.
Elizium said:
Within the Bujinkan, 6 schools are samurai based, 3 are ninja.

Oh God, stop me before I kill again................
Don Roley said:
Oh God, stop me before I kill again................
Oh go on Mr. Roley, I know you want to :mp5:
While Don is pondering the merrits of mass-homocide....

Within the Bujinkan, 6 schools are samurai based, 3 are ninja.

This statement is incorrect. It started years ago...and has been unable to be cleaned up on the internet or by word of mouth.

We're just guys that study martial arts.
Well I for one see the whole bujinkan ninja thing as a joke.

Yes some are in essense ninja, but the MA is what it is. This is considered supreme ultimate MA. WE are not little assasins like what sojobow is thinking we are. The Black Dragon Ninja Society is a white mans joke at the expense of the history of Japan.

Mr. Severe sent me a mail regarding this. I for one wished he posted it on here as his view is interesting. Personally I wouldn't mind posting it upon this thread, but as it is a mail I will respect his wish if Mr. Severe does not want his mail to appear here.

What we are as taijutsu/taijitsu are following a path. The path is of self discovery. We are making ourselves better people through budo. The way people see us are the ninja who go out and kill, be mysterious and do all the things you see in a cheap Asian movie. But who are we really?

Some people who do taijutsu are military, police or work in the high risk areas that demand public safety, bodyguards. Even Mr. Lindsey of e-budo is in Iraq doing the thing that should make us proud: a protector of peace. Is that not what the Samurai did? Work for the greater good or higher power?

To me, we are keeping a history alive. After Hatsumi leaves us and takes his place in memory beside Takamatsu, the art will live on. We have 9 schools to work with. 9 of which the ancient art will remain alive. We are not Koga, we are people that are doing a system that started off as a fad, grown into a worldwide phenomenon and is still growing to this day.

So now I ask again: How do we see ourselves?
Elizium said:
So now I ask again: How do we see ourselves?

I'm pretty much with Jay Bell on this one: "We're just guys that study martial arts."

I'd just add for myself as a Bujinkan practitioner (others' mileage may vary) that we're also part of a living tradition or "flow" which has come down to us through Takamatsu and Hatsumi.

The whole "samurai/ninja" thing is, in my personal opinion, pretty meaningless.
We study an art. If you have a good teacher, you also study a Way. How much we engrain that into our lives tells us who we are because of it.
It is all meaningless. This ninja thing has passed and we all know the real deal. The history is alive along with the names of the people that are the creators or grandmasters of before.

It is like the thought of placing an advert in the paper saying "Want to be a kick *** ninja?". What do you get? The people that have more than one screw loose in the head and a lot of problems. If you place an advert saying that people can learn a traditional artform of fighting, the numbnuts do not appear as much.

We do Taijutsu as a passion for what it is. Yes we can go round in the shadows looking like shadows and do the things that is expected, but you don't wear tabi's and dress in black. The colors become more olive green and disrupted.

my thoughts, muse over them.
Elizium said:
Well I for one see the whole bujinkan ninja thing as a joke.

Yes some are in essense ninja, but the MA is what it is. This is considered supreme ultimate MA. WE are not little assasins like what sojobow is thinking we are. The Black Dragon Ninja Society is a white mans joke at the expense of the history of Japan.

Mr. Severe sent me a mail regarding this.

So now I ask again: How do we see ourselves?
First you say, in part: "The Black Dragon Ninja Society is a white mans joke at the expense of the history of Japan."

Then your signature says: "Whether your a caucasion or a poor asian, racism is a weapon of mass destruction" Mass Destruction, Faithless

Are you a Racist or not? Make up your mind. Very typical. History of Eta raises his ugly head again.
Does the title really matter?

If I choose to call myself Ninja, and you choose to call yourself Samurai, and Sojobow calls himself Dux Jr... ( :uhyeah: )

Ralph Severe calls himself "Master" and Dale Seago calls himself "Practitioner"

Its not the title... its what we take away from our training...

Titles are all Ego Gratification anyhow.
Sojo...the signature is something called irony and should not be taken literally.

I'm not a title at all. A title doesn't represent who I am. I do. I'm just Jay. As I've always held to the belief, telling yourself in the mirror that you've mastered anything with a straight face is pretty rediculous. I guess some people need that in their lives.

I remember at a seminar with Vladimir people were pretty in awe of his abilities and his presence. People would tell him how amazing he was, etc. His response made me chuckle. He said, "Ehh...I'm okay at this stuff. Michael, now he's good." The energy he gave off when giving this statement made sure you understood it wasn't lip-service to promote how "humble" he was. You suddenly *knew* how humble he was.

I hope some day, regardless of martial art, that most people realize that they are nothing special. When titles and glorification are set aside as something silly and trivial and people start working for the meat of it all. Ehh...fat chance.
sojobow said:
First you say, in part: "The Black Dragon Ninja Society is a white mans joke at the expense of the history of Japan."
Well the Black Dragons are relaited to the Yakuza through history. Kim/Hunter knows of this, Dux does as well but they still make out that it is Black Dragon

sojobow said:
Then your signature says: "Whether your a caucasion or a poor asian, racism is a weapon of mass destruction" Mass Destruction, Faithless
Find the song, listen to it. Any weapon to pull down a nation does not have to be a WMD. It can be either political, historical or mass genocide. All are capable of being commited by humans to opress thier fellow man. Even TV is a Weapon.

sojobow said:
Are you a Racist or not? Make up your mind. Very typical. History of Eta raises his ugly head again.
No. But say it to my face and I will spend 5 minutes taking your teeth out from my fist. Apologies to all for that aggresive comment, but saying that I am a racist is to me, laughable. How can we learn a MA from another country that may be considered inferior?
Elizium said:
No. But say it to my face and I will spend 5 minutes taking your teeth out from my fist. Apologies to all for that aggresive comment, but saying that I am a racist is to me, laughable. How can we learn a MA from another country that may be considered inferior?

A particular reference is made within the above that is quite interesting. Elizium says "...........spend 5 minutes taking your teeth out from my fist....."

As there are some higher ranking individuals posting in this section, I am hoping someone will express why (1) a martial artist, and especially those training in a Ninjutsu or Ninjitsu school, would ever seriously do this let alone express "taking your teeth out from my fist.....?" (2)Isn't there something terribly incorrect in any technique resulting or ending in this fashion?. (3) Would any of you consider a strike made by their hands, elbows, knees, feet, that resulted in someone teeth being lodged within them a correct technique in any fashion?

Could be Elizium trains in some other martial art where this would be acceptable. I really don't know what style he trains in however, doesn't seem acceptable in a Nin environment.

A subject for another thread on Nin Techniques but our Administrator might let us get away with it if we keep is short.
sojobow said:
(2)Isn't there something terribly incorrect in any technique resulting or ending in this fashion?.

Nope. Its a very very common literary technique called "Figure of Speech"

Nice try tho.
Could also be due to the fact that in your previous mail you insinuated he was racist, from personal perspective he is not.

And yes he is a student of the XKans not a made up version of Ninjutsu / Ninjitsu which seem to be prevelant nowadays.

Now back to the origional question, I'm a student of the Martial Arts admitedly one thats getting older by the day (Thats a joke by the way) :boing2:
Sojobow, if you look after making that statement, I made an apology to the rest of the users of martial talk over my address to you saying that I am a racist. Now as you have called me that, I may press for libel under the fact that it is written and not spoken (which is slander).

As it is a written statement, the libel laws come into play. You have made an accusation against me of which is not true. I do hope you have basis in fact to prove that I am a racist, or I may consider taking action, which is within my rights as an individual person of martialtalk.

And yes I am a kan member with a black belt. I do not need to say anymore to you on this matter, and if you say anything more regarding your statement, I may have thoughts to proceedings. At the moment I am willing to let this pass, for now. So best thing for you sojo is to either apologize or not bother to post stupid comments like what you have done on this thread.
Now let us get back to the subject in hand.
The subject at hand is: Would a martial artist believe that a technique, ending with an attackers teeth lodged in the martial artist's body, be considered a proper technique? If not, why not?

Since most of you are blackbelts, this should be an easy question to answer for you.

Next, we'll talk about what is more important: Speed or Power?

Your question at hand may be that, but this thread is not. If you wish to discuss that start a new thread and give your opinion up front:asian:

As to your other parts Speed and Power again different subject, but speed kills:rolleyes:
sojobow said:
Next, we'll talk about what is more important: Speed or Power?
Well as you seem to be the foremost in any given subject, why don't you open a thread and say this. It is digressing from the point of the intention of htis thread.