<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Neo-Ninja Training Camp
April 1-3, 2005
At the HoJo on Route 5 in FlimFlam, Colerado.
3 days of Fun Fun Fun learning how to be Real Ultimate Ninjas!
Join us for our 3rd annual Ninja Convention and Promotion Extravaganza!
We will have real live ninja masters like you see in movies and tv to train you in the ancient and deadly arts of tv ninja-hood!
Special Guest Instructors:
- The Original Himself Master Sho Kosugi
Sho Kosugi?s place in film history is assured and his name will forever be synonymous with the word Ninja. He will be teaching a beginners class on smoke bomb usage.
- The White Ranger, Jason David Frank
It's Morphing Time once again with the Original White Ranger! Master Franks will be teaching Advanced MegaZord Handling, a definite skill for todays Neo-Ninja.
- Kira Reed! Star of the True-Life Docu-Drama Cheerleader Ninjas!
TnA can Kick some A!
Special Guest Appearance by Master Ashida Kim, the original American Ninja himself. A master of disguise, you'll have to look hard.
We will have senior students of Super Sensei Rick "Morphing" Tew on hand to demonstrate Advanced BackYard Training techniques like "falling off garage", "Im invisible, really" and the ever popular "writeacheck-do". They will be doing belt promotions all weekend long, so bring your VCR's so you can study hard!
Ninja GrandMaster Dux will unfortunately not be joining us due to his unfortunate accident involving that Karate Kid that was in the news recently. We wish him a speedy recovery.
Visit our website for full details:
All weekend members will receive a complimentary belt promotion just for registering!
Don't have a school? Don't Worry! The World Soke-Doke Council will be on hand again with a special show-only art registration! You too can be a real Soke of your very own art! Join the elite (who paid upwards of $25 bucks) for this universally recognized statement of your skill!
April 1-3, 2005
At the HoJo on Route 5 in FlimFlam, Colerado.
3 days of Fun Fun Fun learning how to be Real Ultimate Ninjas!
Join us for our 3rd annual Ninja Convention and Promotion Extravaganza!
We will have real live ninja masters like you see in movies and tv to train you in the ancient and deadly arts of tv ninja-hood!
Special Guest Instructors:
- The Original Himself Master Sho Kosugi
Sho Kosugi?s place in film history is assured and his name will forever be synonymous with the word Ninja. He will be teaching a beginners class on smoke bomb usage.
- The White Ranger, Jason David Frank
It's Morphing Time once again with the Original White Ranger! Master Franks will be teaching Advanced MegaZord Handling, a definite skill for todays Neo-Ninja.
- Kira Reed! Star of the True-Life Docu-Drama Cheerleader Ninjas!
TnA can Kick some A!
Special Guest Appearance by Master Ashida Kim, the original American Ninja himself. A master of disguise, you'll have to look hard.
We will have senior students of Super Sensei Rick "Morphing" Tew on hand to demonstrate Advanced BackYard Training techniques like "falling off garage", "Im invisible, really" and the ever popular "writeacheck-do". They will be doing belt promotions all weekend long, so bring your VCR's so you can study hard!
Ninja GrandMaster Dux will unfortunately not be joining us due to his unfortunate accident involving that Karate Kid that was in the news recently. We wish him a speedy recovery.
Visit our website for full details:
All weekend members will receive a complimentary belt promotion just for registering!
Don't have a school? Don't Worry! The World Soke-Doke Council will be on hand again with a special show-only art registration! You too can be a real Soke of your very own art! Join the elite (who paid upwards of $25 bucks) for this universally recognized statement of your skill!