Neo-Ninja Training Camp

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<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
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Neo-Ninja Training Camp
April 1-3, 2005
At the HoJo on Route 5 in FlimFlam, Colerado.

3 days of Fun Fun Fun learning how to be Real Ultimate Ninjas!

Join us for our 3rd annual Ninja Convention and Promotion Extravaganza!

We will have real live ninja masters like you see in movies and tv to train you in the ancient and deadly arts of tv ninja-hood!

Special Guest Instructors:
- The Original Himself Master Sho Kosugi
Sho Kosugi?s place in film history is assured and his name will forever be synonymous with the word Ninja. He will be teaching a beginners class on smoke bomb usage.

- The White Ranger, Jason David Frank
It's Morphing Time once again with the Original White Ranger! Master Franks will be teaching Advanced MegaZord Handling, a definite skill for todays Neo-Ninja.

- Kira Reed! Star of the True-Life Docu-Drama Cheerleader Ninjas!
TnA can Kick some A!

Special Guest Appearance by Master Ashida Kim, the original American Ninja himself. A master of disguise, you'll have to look hard.

We will have senior students of Super Sensei Rick "Morphing" Tew on hand to demonstrate Advanced BackYard Training techniques like "falling off garage", "Im invisible, really" and the ever popular "writeacheck-do". They will be doing belt promotions all weekend long, so bring your VCR's so you can study hard!

Ninja GrandMaster Dux will unfortunately not be joining us due to his unfortunate accident involving that Karate Kid that was in the news recently. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Visit our website for full details:

All weekend members will receive a complimentary belt promotion just for registering!

Don't have a school? Don't Worry! The World Soke-Doke Council will be on hand again with a special show-only art registration! You too can be a real Soke of your very own art! Join the elite (who paid upwards of $25 bucks) for this universally recognized statement of your skill!
New Dealer Announced:

Ninjas R Us.

New Guest:

Master Shreader will be on hand signing his new book "Ninja Turtles - My Plan to Rule the World!"

We will also be having a raffle for a region-free dvd player. Some lucky Ninja will be able to really advance his or her training with this. The package includes the DVD player, and the complete autographed Sho Kashugi Ninja Collection! Only the first 100 registrants are eligible, so sign up now!
Is the actual way you view every neo?
The neos are not the only people that can be critisized.

Actually there is a pretty good indie seminar coming up in April. However there will be no movie Ninja at this one, sorry.
Bujingodai said:
Is the actual way you view every neo?
Yes, at least 99% of those I've encountered on forums.

The neos are not the only people that can be critisized.

Actually there is a pretty good indie seminar coming up in April. However there will be no movie Ninja at this one, sorry.
Mr. Tew will probably be very disappointed.

American Ninjutsu is like Canadian Kung Fu and Mexican Krav Maga.
A false name for a made up fart used to market a substandard system to simpletons who know no better. If it's "John Jones Self Defence System" call it that. Don't call it "American Realistic Karate" or "Canadian Hung Gar".

Neo-Nitwits need to realize that movie tricks DO NOT WORK in reality. There are no stuntmen to take the bump for you. You can't toss a smoke bomb and go poof. Matrix Moves only work when you have wires on you. You can't take 24 chair shots to the head and function normally. People need to know who their instructors are, and what their qualifications are, and stop being fooled by flashy marketing, fancy titles and misleading terms.

Neo training, hell, Non-TMA training is for fast food freaks who lack the stones and "suck it up"itness to make the grade in a real school with a real tradition. These are the "quick fix" fools who think a black belt and a title make them something special. Sorry folks. A black belt means nothing. It doesn't make you anything special. It's what is inside that counts, the heart and skill from working perfected techniques and logical combinations from an experienced instructor. Not some teenage wunder-shmuck who read some books and played power ranger in his back yard.

So, until one of these Neo-NitWits can show me a serious, world renouned and respected Neo, I'll keep taking shots at them. It's fun, it breaks up the day, and all more importantly, it's easy as they lack the ability to get on the floor and do anything about it. Well..unless we do it ECW style. Then maybe that VCR teacher of theirs will be a useful tool. LOL

Neo-Training is like watching the South Park episode where Cartman thought he had the power of invisiblity. Walking around nude saying "you cant see me" is just not gonna work.

I'll take real training, from real schools, with experienced instructors with a legitimate lineage, and I'll leave the books and videos for my entertainment time.

I like this forum because the kids aren't tolerated much. There is another forum out there for neos, where you can exchange tips and tricks for working the remote control, places to get masks, Xbox tricks and panty raid techniques. I'll stay here, and rub elbows (electronically) with folks who learn the real deal, and I'll keep slapping the stupids until I can't slap no mo.

*Poot* *Belch* *Buuuuuurp*
In a cloud of gas, I varnish!

Just announced: Sparring Room!

For the first time, we will have a sparring room available to work on techniques!
Seating is limited, so bring your X-Boxes!

This is "real" training at it's rawest folks.
Well, I wouldn't be hard pressed to chat with you in a mature manner due to the way you present yourself.
I'm sorry if you see the majority of Neos, Indies as being movie maniac martial artists. I'm sorry you have never had one plant you on your ***. Have you ever checked it out for yourself? Not to switch but to have an educated opinon rather than the cool 15 yr old dribble that has spewed out of your mouth.
Do you think that because the Kan's whom, I have no issue with as that is where I am from is without their issues? Their issues at some points are laughable, that includes the skill of their legitamite instructors. Today, it guarentees nothing.
Most of the indies are ex kan who left because of reasons such as skill and politics.
You may be suprised that the majority of the indies can't stand people lilke Kim as we always get batched in with them.
As for Tew, well he's skilled at something you have to be impressed with some of his ability.
I have on the other hand made it a point to meet these schools and see for myself what they offer. I can say to you the majority of them are not learning to disappear into walls or vie for the best movie ninja tricks. There are some real losers out there, however there are some incredbile practitioners out there as well whom I wish you would say this directly to them.
Where you located Alfred? If so I'd like to pay for your admisson and expenses to the upcoming seminar, if you are interested in a mature, experienced opinion. I am sorry if I came across as rude about this however your response seemed to be one of a teenager who gets off on this.
Because it's fun and breaks up your day
I did not target Indies.

I said Neos.

There is a difference.

Yes, I've been planted a few times. Never once by a smoke bomber though. By a Buj guy, name escapes me though. Was several years back at a seminar in Buffalo NY. (Folks are there, grew up there, visit from time to time)

I never said the Kans didn't have issues. They have many. But legitimacy is not one of them.

I see Kim and Tew as the same. Frauds out to make a buck by misusing a system name. I could care less how good his "bung pu" is. He's still a spamming ******* who is a fraud.

As to this particular thread, and me, I believe my past postings will speak for themselves. This one is a parody. Anyone who can't see that, well, maybe they should stop taking themselves so seriously. That, or find some real training that doesn't involve cheat codes.

I'm currently in Buffalo. Finishing up a project and will be on the road again shortly. I will check my calendar and if things line up let you know. The offer is appreciated. I enjoy real training, though my schedule as of late has left little time for such.


"Bester" forgot to mention the Bujinkan demonstration that takes place during this event, in which they take full kicks to the groin with their Juko Kai cohorts under the "Combat Ki" umbrella.. Guaranteed to dazzle you as Bujinkan / Juko Kai sponsored Shidoshi stand perfectly still, calm, and relaxed, as some NFL Field Goal Kickers jams them in the jimmy's....

Last group on Earth that she poking fun at any other type of martial artists is the members of the Bujinkan.

I never said the Kans didn't have issues. They have many. But legitimacy is not one of them.

Depends on your definition of "legitimate."
"jams them in the jimmy's"

Iron Wang training? :rofl:
Jeff Boler said:

"Bester" forgot to mention the Bujinkan demonstration that takes place during this event, in which they take full kicks to the groin with their Juko Kai cohorts under the "Combat Ki" umbrella.. Guaranteed to dazzle you as Bujinkan / Juko Kai sponsored Shidoshi stand perfectly still, calm, and relaxed, as some NFL Field Goal Kickers jams them in the jimmy's....
Not Bujinkan sponsored. Brotherhood sponsored.
I see Don Cunningham let his attack poodle out to play... :rolleyes:

OK well as a rule, Neo is just a bad name for Indie, of which I don't care either suits.
I wouldn't put Kim and Tew in the same spot, only due to the fact that I have seen both move, on video anyway. Whereas Tew has some actual body skills, Kim is an embarrassment.
I am glad you will look at the dates. And as for it being a jokle post, yes I got that but I guess it was more the target of it. Of which you have cleared.
As for the Kans legitamacy, I would agree for what I know. Yes they are the legit school.
However that means little when even the Soke says there is 50% good and 50% bad, whos to say you may be involved with the 50% bad. In which case does the paper history mean anything at all.
Personally for me, not it didn't. I have seen indies with skills obviously far surpassing many of the legit instructors I have met as well.
I am not about insulting the Kan, more just asking people to keep an open mind for why some schools exist in the 1st place and the valitdity at all.
Brotherhood is still Bujinkan. A set of liscenced teachers and the highest ranked Bujinkan in Canada.
Though a caveat I know there is some shakeups there. So obviuously something isn't right.
I trust Mike Pimblett Shidoshi and he left.
Kreth said:
I see Don Cunningham let his attack poodle out to play... :rolleyes:



I find it down right funny that Bujinkan members take so much enjoyment by bashing other Ninpo groups, yet, they are probably filled with more politics than any other martial arts organization.

Legitimate? In your mind, maybe. Historically? There's no proof of that. In self defense? That's debatable as well. Hypocritical? You bet. Up to the point that one popular (well, it used to be popular) forum has completely blocked all discussion concerning the Bujinkan and links to Juko Kai. Oh I know, there is no such links.

Whatever. Did Hatsumi issues an honorary rank? Yep. Did Sach then earn a legitimate rank. Yep.

Like it or not, he's connected. Like it or not, you are no better than those claiming to be Neo.
Bester please give it a rest. I can't stand this crap as much as you, but it seems like its all anyone talks about on these forums lately.

Let the pseudo-ninjutsu groups go on with themlseves...just ignore it.

I wish people would get back to constructive conversation...there is so much good info to exchange.
I am not a member of any of the *Kans. While I like the ideas, the actions of a few of their members have left me just as leary as Mr. Tews students and own actions.

Attack Poodle? Hopefully not me. My hair is not that Curley. Nuck Nuck Nuck.

Mr. Short, I cannot agree more. I will as you asked and "Let it Rest".
Though I do reserve the right to kick the pompous as Cartman would say "Squar in da nutz". :)

Bujingodai said:
Brotherhood is still Bujinkan. A set of liscenced teachers and the highest ranked Bujinkan in Canada.
Though a caveat I know there is some shakeups there. So obviuously something isn't right.
I trust Mike Pimblett Shidoshi and he left.
As far as I know, Hatsumi sensei has never stated that he demands that the Bujinkan as a whole supports the Juko Kai in any way. If he had, I don't think I'd be the only one to start doing some serious thinking about my membership in the Bujinkan...
Lets everyone stop for a second.

This thread was started by a Non-Bujinkan practitioner.

He did not, in his initail post, state this was an endorsement of the Bujinkan, in fact, I dont see it attacking the Genbukan, I dont See it attacking the Jinekan, I dont see it attacking Toshindo, I dont see it attacking Legitimate indies like Ken Harding.

What It was, was a play on the SPAM Rick Tew placed on this board where he stated you could come learn to be a "Movie Ninja" which, I am sorry to say, if even a "Legitimate" instructor said (and by legitimate, lets call that anyone who didnt learn their skills by watching ninja flicks and practicing kicks and punches and rolls in their backyard without supervision) would generate the same kind of comments.

Why that became an open invitation to attack the Bujinkan is beyond me... Much like an employee from Wal Mart, attacking McDonalds and having McDonalds supporters attack Burger King in return.

Yeah, THAT makes sense.
Jeff Boler said:
Legitimate? In your mind, maybe.
Really? Are you trying to claim that the Bujinkan has no links to Japan?
Historically? There's no proof of that.
You might want to do your homework a bit better. I'm sure Don Roley or someone else can fill you in on the details as to which documentation to look at.
In self defense? That's debatable as well.
Whatever. Did Hatsumi issues an honorary rank? Yep. Did Sach then earn a legitimate rank. Yep.
The honorary rank was revoked, and Sacharnoski was never licensed as a Shidoshi.
Like it or not, he's connected.
Sacharnoski is connected with one fringe portion of the Bujinkan, not the Bujinkan as a whole.

Kreth said:
You might want to do your homework a bit better. I'm sure Don Roley or someone else can fill you in on the details as to which documentation to look at.

Well, you might want to start with the two books by independent historian Koyama Ryutaro. I keep mentioning his work and the stuff that he has found to back up some of the story of the Togakure ryu, but no one on line seems to want to deal with it when they attack the Bujinkan.

And of course, as Technopunk has pointed out, this thread has been diverted from its original topic to the Bujinkan. I guess is is easier to divert attention than to try to argue for the neos that Gibb hangs out with on their own merit.

Coming into this debate late, I have to point out that the guys that Bester is poking fun at and Gibb is trying to go to bat for either fall into the fraud or incompetent catagory- or both.

It is not about history when I call someone a fraud. It is not really about something that happened two centuries ago. I am talking about the fact that members of groups that Dave belongs to make claims of being taught in Japanese traditions by Japanese teachers but cannot show even the slightest (independent) proof to back it up. They are unknown in Japan. This is not a matter of history as I said. You do not need any knowledge of history to look at the certificates Hatsumi got from Takamatsu, the interview Takamatsu did with Tokyo Sports News where he names Hatsumi as his succesor and the full DVD of scenes of them training together and then look at the fact that Yo Sato, Mark Grove, etc can't show anything to know the neos are lying.

Oh yeah, and when this is pointed out someone always has to say that they may not have paperwork but they are really bad dudes that will "drop you on your ***." And I actually believe that Gibb with the experience he has believes them to be skilled. After all, if you take the typical person off the street and show them Ashida Kim stuff they may believe he knows his stuff. But if you hang out with the experienced martial artists and survivors of the street I do, you might find a different opinion.

Let me use myself as a start to explain why I (and many others) hold the neos in contempt even if they don't claim to be the 45th grandmaster of a Babylonian ninjutsu tradition. I do not consider myself a master of the martial arts, and I am sure many would agree with me. :wink1: I do not teach martial arts, much less set myself up as a grandmaster of my own style. And yeah, a lot of people say that they never called themselves grandmasters. But if you do your own thing and people follow your curriculum with no authority above you, then all I can say is that if it looks like Dux and quacks like a Dux.....

I started training regularly in a Bujinkan dojo in the late 80s. My teacher was.... not the best. But rather than do like Dave Gibb and set myself up as a teacher of my own style, I came to Japan. There are no better teachers of the art than the Japanese shihan, and of course Hatsumi. I have been living here for about a decade now, going to class every chance I get with my Japanese teacher and occasionally with other teachers.

Ok. Now of all the guys who identify themselves as "neo ninjutsu" or "indies" can you show me even one who has bothered to seek out the best instruction in ninjutsu and train like I have under them? They want to start their own styles of ninjutsu because they supposably love the art. But I do not see the devotion to seek out the best instruction they can in the art before they start grading others in their own style.

Oh, and let us not forget the time. Can you show me one neo who has gone on a weekly basis to an instructor of ninjutsu for at least a decade before they decided they knew enough to be the head of their art? And be ready to prove it. I have seen more 18 year olds that have claimed to have been taught since age three by some guy they can't prove ever existed than I have honest car salesmen. I have seen people talk about their experience in the martial arts spanning 20 years while failing to mention that 19.5 of that was as the head teacher in their own style. I have seen people talk about how they started their experience in ninjutsu in a certain year, but fail to mention that it was a single seminar with Stephen Hayes and they never bothered to go to anything else in the years since.

Leaving aside all the experince I have had prior to Japan and in other arts I have about a decade of going to the best teachers on the planet on a weekly basis and still do not think that I have even begun to reach the full potential this art has to teach me. I find new things out ever week. I still think of my journy in this art in its early stages.

So how the heck should I think about someone with even less experience and drive than that who decides that he is qualified to set himself up as the head of his own style?
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