How do we rebuild New Orleans?

How would you rebuild?

  • Same location just with Cat5 levee systems

  • Same location but with an entirely redesigned system

  • Different location. Stay out of the flood plain.

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Jul 31, 2003
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Since all of us US tax payers are going to be paying for it in one way or another how would you do it?
Rationally, I'd like to see it moved.

I doubt that that will happen...but as we see estimates of $300 billion to rebuild, I am concerned about the effect on the economy, and wish we could try to ameliorate the effects of the inevitable next one!
Doesn't matter as long as simultaneously, a grand plan to rebuild the coastal marshes and boundary islands. Without the restoration of this portion of the geography, all other efforts are doomed to failure during the next hurricane event.
I'd like to see it moved out of the flood plain. I believe it's a mistake to rebuild in the same spot. Towns were moved after the Miss River devastation.....

Also, they should hire all labor from the Biloxi- New Orleans area....

Plenty of people need work!
I voted for what I think is the ideal, moving out of the floodplain. However, I also know this is unrealistic because as long as there are real estate developers, anything that has earth somewhere beneath it, they will try to build on it and successfully sell it to people who want to live near water.

If they're going to resurrect the existing location, the levies need to be rebuilt, eventually. They've been in place for - what? - 300 years? That means they are way out of date for our technology and for the needs of the region (clearly). If they're going to do this, now would be the time to do so.

However, I've never been a big fan of the inhabiting of floodplains - it never turns out well. Tragedy strikes, we all smack our foreheads and weep while the real estate developers laugh all the way to Mexico on their yachts.

Rebuild elsewhere, say I.
I voted for moving the city to higher ground. I also think it's about time the army corps of engineers removes all of the levees from the mississippi as they are causing the serious flooding, not preventing it. I've been preaching to deaf ears about this for twenty five years.
Just fence it off and ship in a bunch of criminals for a real life Escape from New York type scenario.
Just fence it off and ship in a bunch of criminals for a real life Escape from New York type scenario.
Well, if it's surrounded by water then Escape From LA or maybe No Escape would be more approriate
FearlessFreep said:
Well, if it's surrounded by water then Escape From LA or maybe No Escape would be more approriate
OK, nix the fence. Make it a moat instead, that should be easier at this point anyway.
ginshun said:
OK, nix the fence. Make it a moat instead, that should be easier at this point anyway.
And televise it. Make it sort of a Running man type scenerio.
I say we leave it alone. Who knows when the next natural disaster can happen there.
I saw a news story about Holland and their dike break that killed thousands of people (forgot when it was, 50's-60's I think). It took that for them to remake their huge, expensive and effective flood control system they have now. The thing is that that was a national threat, the whole of Holland was at risk. Is one US city worth that much expense? Do we all foot the bill to build a complex flood control system for New Orleans?
Yeah that billions that he is giving well that is paid by the U.S tax payers, but do you really think that we will be given the choice as to where to have it rebuilt. NO.

Rationally they should move it off the flood plane and still build CAT5 leveys.

They should come up with an evacuation policy also along with many other policies regarding the event of another hurricane.
Well everyone should be gone by now. Tell them not to return. Write off the losses as we usually do in this country and move on. I for one would like to see more people at work. Rebuilding would mean jobs for plumbers, electricians, HVAC, masonaries, engineers, architects, you know the list will go on and on and on. Business would be great down there however I still think we should leave it be let the families move on in another location of their choosing and be done with it.
jfarnsworth said:
Well everyone should be gone by now. Tell them not to return. Write off the losses as we usually do in this country and move on. I for one would like to see more people at work. Rebuilding would mean jobs for plumbers, electricians, HVAC, masonaries, engineers, architects, you know the list will go on and on and on. Business would be great down there however I still think we should leave it be let the families move on in another location of their choosing and be done with it.
So just leave it as it is? Just let everything sit there and rot? Just let it become a dangerous "mindfield" of violence?

I'm not trying to be funny or mean, I'm not understanding what your saying should be done.

As to people abusing the $2000...someone will always abuse the system. If they try to weed out the false positives, it'll take that much longer to get help to those hwo need it.

I don'tthink donated money goes to this, does it?

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