Holiday Burnout


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
I have been training for over forty years and never before Have I had Holiday burn out, I mean I do not wish to be in the Dojang at all. As I sit here this morning, I'm wondering why. Students come in not ready, to involved in shopping not TKD, parents just need a break from them being home so we become more of a babysitter, then instructors.

I know my motto is just train and ask question later so this is the complete opposite of me. I need to find the right answer to the wrong question. I have plenty of instructors to operate the Dojang if I take off, but I like to be involved in every aspect of there training.

So how do you deal with it and what action do you take to resolve a matter like this?
Terry Lee Stoker
I hear you - I used to teach high school [UK equiv] and often had that exact conversation with myself and close family. You know, this could be fleeting, tomorrow you may be re-encouraged, in which case you might view it as more of an MA equivalent of temporary writers' block. I mean, maybe you do just need a break, we all do - and so we should. You trust your other instructors I'm certain - so let them take the reins for a time. Furthermore, a time away may make students and parents alike appreciate more exactly what you bring to the dojang...

However, if this is more significant than a holiday-blues situation, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Be positive - this may be a signal for you take time and truly consider what you're doing and how you're doing it. To quote the great Talking Heads: "And you may ask yourself, well... how did I get here?"

Maybe this is a reflection or symptom of some other underlying issue that you're not happy with?? But my advice FWIW is to take a step back, though I'm guessing that'd be difficult for any of you super-committed instructors [I know what you're all like]. Seriously though, take some time specifically for yourself to clarify your thoughts - after all, without the instructor, what's the class??

Anyway, sorry, that's not a solution but good luck.

It sounds like you really pride yourself on being the Cal Ripken of TKD. Its an admirable trait to be sure. But it seems now (for whatever reason) even the little things that have always been there are bothering you.

I've been there with a lot of things that I love, too. There's no shame in needing to recharge your batteries for awhile & do something else who a few days. Fish, run, golf....whatever will help you recharge your appreciation for the rest of the world. In the long run, it will help you appreciate the Dojang, too.

my 2 cents.
For me, I'm just starting training in a new style so I am excited to go to class this afternoon!
IcemanSK said:
There's no shame in needing to recharge your batteries for awhile & do something else who a few days. Fish, run, golf....whatever will help you recharge your appreciation for the rest of the world. In the long run, it will help you appreciate the Dojang

All great ideas..Me I rent some movies that I have missed and spend a couple of days "vegging"..I return to train harder...
Thank to your suggestion, but I'm really not sure what the problem is our end of the year banquet is Monday. Then my wife leaves for Science camp with the whole 5th grade class for a week. Leaves me with the two dogs, a cat, arat, a turtle and a snake along with three kids to mend to and another 40 at the Dojang. One instructor is having hip replacement surgery and the other is there to lean on. My new instructor is only there a couple of times a week now, maybe it just come down to the better have being gone for a week around this time of year.
With family away or going away the mind tends to not always be on studying or teaching.
Maybe it could also be tha hearing everyone talk more about the time of year and less about the class could be getting to you.
I have no solution, I do know that my class gets smaller at this time of year and I sometimes don't look forward to teaching basics all night. Maybe if you trow some crazy game of foot tag or foot vollyball into the mix for a night (just to have a change) things might look brighter

In your first post, you mentioned you have instructors to run things if you leave off, but then later, mentioned that things will be questionable if you do. So I picture you hanging out at home, feeding everything to the snake while you're thinking about the school and other distractions the entire time. Why put yourself through it? Just plan on being at the school and refocusing. I think you'll be happier there not wallowing at home thinking about your family. Those make for looonnnggg days, I know. You don't strike me as the type that spends much time on his heals. After the first day, you'll be glad you did.

Good Luck, Brudda.
terryl965 said:
Thank to your suggestion, but I'm really not sure what the problem is our end of the year banquet is Monday. Then my wife leaves for Science camp with the whole 5th grade class for a week. Leaves me with the two dogs, a cat, arat, a turtle and a snake along with three kids to mend to and another 40 at the Dojang. One instructor is having hip replacement surgery and the other is there to lean on. My new instructor is only there a couple of times a week now, maybe it just come down to the better have being gone for a week around this time of year.
Yep, you're right, no doubt about it - that's gonna be some challenge. But wait - are you saying you're not up for it? Life's like that isn't it? You can plan fer it all ya like [you could have known and taken the week PTO] but the only thing one can ever truly plan for is how one copes with the unexpected.

I say use home time as an opportunity to be with the kids - just you and them - there's always a different family dynamic at our house when my wife's away. And just chill a bit in the dojang. Go easy on yourself and remember - *breathe*! As already suggested, take a minute, gather, refocus and know that not only are you up to it but that you may even enjoy meeting your challenge.

Good luck
Gemini said:

In your first post, you mentioned you have instructors to run things if you leave off, but then later, mentioned that things will be questionable if you do. So I picture you hanging out at home, feeding everything to the snake while you're thinking about the school and other distractions the entire time. Why put yourself through it? Just plan on being at the school and refocusing. I think you'll be happier there not wallowing at home thinking about your family. Those make for looonnnggg days, I know. You don't strike me as the type that spends much time on his heals. After the first day, you'll be glad you did.

Good Luck, Brudda.

Yea your right, don't get me wrong I have all the faith in the world in my instructors, but I'm a hands on guy and the only way to get though the long days is by being in there working though them. Thanks Gemini.

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