Hi from PA


Yellow Belt
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I'm Ben. I used to post here a few years ago but kinda just faded away. Looking forward to seeing how many old friends are still here and making new ones. I think I'll start with Doc, hopefully he'll remember me. Are you out there Doc??? somewhere?????
Welcome back! Doc is still here :) :)
I'm from Scranton, but also have family in Philly. Thats close to Bucks county I think.

I'll have to look Doc up now.

Thanks everyone.
Hi, Ben! And welcome back to MT!

How's the snow up Scranton way?

It started here in Northern Wilmington, DE around 7am... and we have an inch or two on the ground... and more coming...

Your Brother in the arts,

Thanks everyone

The snow is sick and I dont know how much is out there already. I think it started around 6:30pm Eastern and I've heard everything from 4 to 15 inches. It could be worse like those unfortunate people in upstate NY. I think the have 90 inches or some horrible amount like that.

Maybe I'll go out and do Forms bare foot or something. Probably not though :rofl:
Hello from a fellow Pennsylvanian!
I live down in York, about 25 miles south of Harrisburg...
Take care.
Welcome to Martial Talk! :)
