Hey Don...

Technopunk said:
Can you tell me what this says?

Thanks man.
It says, "Technopunk is lonely, desperate and has yellow fever"

Kizaru said:
It says, "Technopunk is lonely, desperate and has yellow fever"



Just wanted to make sure, before I post it in my BLOG.
There is now no way in hell I am going to let you near my daughter after reading that. :mp5:
NOOOO the first line says nihonjin or japanese people.
And the second line i dont know the symbols to that.
same as third, i dont remebr the symbols.
Generaly says your looking for a Japanese Girlfriend, you can buy that on shirts ya know
Hmm.... My GF would kill me if I wore that one.

I'll stick to this one. :D


  • $iron hentai shirt.jpg
    $iron hentai shirt.jpg
    13.5 KB · Views: 162
AaronLucia said:
So...what DO they mean?
"Hen Tai Hen Tetsu No Hito" literally it means "Deviating Commonplace Person"
but in this context it would figuratively translate into "Everyday Pervert" or "Low Life Deviant" in English.

Does posting that T Shirt violate Martialtalk's G Rating? I believe it does. I believe the moderators need to stand firm together and SUSPEND Kaith for posting such filth on Martialtalk.

Really, I'm flaberghasted.
Interesting. Where I got it from indicated it said "Iron Hentai", and listed it as a parody of "Iron Chef".

My apologies if anyone was offended, but I honestly don't see the big deal, either way.
There are two different ways of writing "tetsujin." One way is the way you are thinking of and means "iron person" or "person of iron will." The other way is what is on the t-shirt and it means a wise man of high charecter and morals.

I translate this thing as saying "A wise/accomplished pervert".

But there is no "iron" charecter in it.
If one does a google search on "Iron Hentai" (include the quotes) you will see a number of links to places selling that tee shirt, hense my mistaken belief that it said what I thought it said. Thank you for clearing up my misunderstanding.
Flatlander said:
Oh well, either way, it's still a suitable shirt for Kaith!
haha...this all reminds me of a story...i have a baseball cap with taekwondo written on it in korean...and one day someone asked me what it said...so i tell them, "it means taekwondo" and they were like, "how do you know?"....

i just looked at them and realized....i really don't...i don't speak or read korean...i can recognize taekwondo in korean...but how do i know that isn't some sort of huge practical joke that they are playing on the western world...
AnimEdge said:
interesting pictures in your ljiages folder :p
OOPS. Forgot I removed the placeholder that prevents access to the Index Of page...


Gotta fix that before i offend someone.