help needed for easy bruising

Rachel -

I, for one, am really happy that you find such pleasure in training. It has been my sad experience to have precious few women in training alongside of me... Too much testosterone, perhaps, too much senseless pain and violence also.

Keep with it. Think about the diet changes and such, and I am sure the bruising will eventually abate.

:asian: :tank: :asian:
Is it just the wrist grabs that bruise you or do you bruise from excessive blocking as well?
With the wrist grabs, it may be that you are actually trying to muscle the technique, or doing your techniques incorrectly.
However with blocks, I have found that incorrect breathing techniques will affect the amount of bruising that happens during training. Could be worth looking into......


Originally posted by Master of Blades
Choke it up and take it like a man!.........or woman in this case :asian: :rofl:

Way to add to the conversation:shrug:
I think through time your arms will adapt to the rigors of training and eventually you will see the bruising less and less. Don't quote me on that:D
First off, all the women I know who train go through a period that one of them, my original teacher, called, "Oh, honey, you don't have to stay with that man,"--as in little old ladies coming up to them on the street and saying, "Oh, honey, you don't have to stay with that man."

I used to bruise a lot easier than I do now, too. It's just that when you're a guy, little old ladies don't comment on your bruising. But other things being equal, they're just part of training. My sweetie started about six months ago, and she's been bruising pretty good--what's scary is that she finds it kind of cool, which probably suggests that she's going to be a future terror of kenpo.

There is the chance that other things may not be equal. You mentioned wrist grabs. Are you constantly working out with some big galoot who doesn't control what they do? Are you in over your head too early in your training--it took me a long time to get used to wrist grabs and joint manipulations, and I'm still not there yet. Is the instructor who's running the class keeping an eye on what's up?

I'd also check with the head of your school, and your doctor, if the problem keeps coming up. Personally, I absolutely wouldn't start loading up on supplements and obscure Chinese medicines (dit dat jow and ice, applied topically, aside) until I was darn sure that my doctor approved..she or he may even want to run some blood work to check for clotting issues.

And the posters who noted that sometimes veggies run into vitamin deficiencies were quite right.

Probably, though, it's just a matter of working through it. Fortunately, it's just bruises. Wear them proudly; they tend to mostly stop, after awhile.