Help me pick a new name


Master Black Belt
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Sapporo, Japan
I`m like my name and I`m proud of it, however after spending the entire morning at the bank trying to sort out a mistake where my deposits were ending up in a different account I`ve given up. This has happened to me in 4 cities all in different parts of the world.So I`m thinking of having my name legally changed to something entirly unique. (I was one of three David Youngs at the first bank I ever had an account at, two of us had father with the same first name, and none of us were related. All in a town of 2,300 people.)

So if you have ANY ideas for a unique name that`s suitable to be aired in public, please feel free to suggest them. Thanks.
I`m like my name and I`m proud of it, however after spending the entire morning at the bank trying to sort out a mistake where my deposits were ending up in a different account I`ve given up. This has happened to me in 4 cities all in different parts of the world.So I`m thinking of having my name legally changed to something entirly unique. (I was one of three David Youngs at the first bank I ever had an account at, two of us had father with the same first name, and none of us were related. All in a town of 2,300 people.)

So if you have ANY ideas for a unique name that`s suitable to be aired in public, please feel free to suggest them. Thanks.
My cousin gets beat up by cops, on occassion, for having the same name as a local child molester. If that weren't so funny I would be upset about it. I figure he wouldn't be dealing with the police if he weren't committing felonies of his own. Anyways Keep your name but add a number or a Q.
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A good friend of mine picked a new name. Her first name was a result of very dirty family politics and her last name was from "a father who was never there beause he spent all his time with his mistresses".

She took the last name of a long-time mentor of hers, and had a contest among friends for her first name. She found that the names that intrigued her the most were names of places, which is what she adopted for a first name.

So in that spirit, you've been David all your life and your friends and family know you as David. My suggestion is David Sapporoski (Sapporo+Ski) ;)
Change it to your porn name, which is; your middle name become your first name and the street you grew up on become your last name.

No, its your first pets name and the street you lived on. That would make me Dillinger Carlisle.
I can't do that. I named my first pet DC after my initials... Shut up! I was 5...
It would make me DC Grand...
David is the 2nd most popular name in the USA. 1/28 of all Americans are named David, so it's popularity is 35.23 in a thousand. If this is compared to America's population statistics, there are 10,905,563, and 92,597 Davids are born each year
By the way, I know a David Young, and he isn't you either.
Google my name. I'm not the horse guy, or the musician. lol.

Change your name to a strange unpronounceable symbol. Deposits will take 10x as long, but they will be there. :D
Japanese/Polish, you don't see that combo very often...

Talkin' about the alpine kind of "ski" darlin', there's some damn fine powder up in Sapporo :)
While everyone knows you as David, Davids are a dime a dozen. Unless your middle name is horrendous, you could go by D. Jehoshaphat Young, or whatever.
MMmmmm....DC Grand, Dillinger Carlisle, and Tiki Kenwood.....boys, I'm Tigger Fairlawn. Come up and see me sometime ;)
I'd keep David, add a middle initial and change the spelling of Young, to Yonge. (The main Street of Toronto BTW).
David B Yonge or something like
You're right there are a lot of people named David Young around.
Some might even say too many ,to just be a coincidence.
Some might even go further to say that its almost like it has been planned this way.

WAKE UP PEOPLE , an alien race of David Youngs are plotting to take over planet Earth.
They are multiplying fast , we must locate their breeding chambers and destroy them.
They have already infiltrated our highest institutions and are masquerading as humans , be careful and don't trust anyone.
I must go now before they trace my location.



If I went by my current pet and street name, my porn name would be Lucrezia Montgomery. That would be great for a female, but bad for me.