The new guy in the snow


Master Black Belt
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Sapporo, Japan
Hi, I`ve been lurking about a week and figured I`d join in the fun.
My name`s Dave Young and I`m an American living in Northern Japan. I`m 42 and teach jr high and high school English in a ski resort town here.I started out with Kung Fu when I was a kid back in Ohio, and as teachers or I moved I got into Karate, Kali, and just a tiny bit of Silat. I`m hoping that I can learn more because I really enjoyed the Silat and how it fit in so well with what I was already doing.
This town is really tiny. About 2,000 people. There`s a small Judo club but it really doesn`t interest me like striking arts do.
I love to cook, and learned lots when I arrived in Japan and the only job I could land at first was working in a resturaunt 14 hours a day. Now I keep happy baking for some of my friends and students.
I worked weekends as a bouncer in college, but never had any big dramatic fights. I also ran the Kung Fu program at a friend`s dojo for 2 years, but I just taught and never got into the business side of running things.
Hope to learn a few things and have fun here.
Welcome aboard David, it sounds like you have a lot to contribute to the site. Hope to see you around on the board.
Welcome to MartialTalk.

If I may recommend that you should seek out some Bujinkan training while you are in Japan. It has some similarities with Silat and well it is a lot of fun.
Welcome aboard, David. It sounds like you're having an interesting time in the Land of the Rising Sun. Hopefully you'll find that MT is a place where you can find and generate interesting discussion. Bringing your experiences of life in Japan to the fora would make for a fascinating read I'm sure.
:stoplurk: haha it works it really works :lol:

welcome aboard!
Greetings and Welcome...
Welcome. The temperature in Akron Ohio was 17 degrees this morning althou all of the snow is gone now.
Well you guys seem to be the friendliest bunch I`ve seen in a long time. I`m glad to be here. (Especially since it sounds warmer than Akron. I`m from just west of Toledo myself.)