Hello To All

Skip Cooper

Purple Belt
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I would like to introduce myself to the fine people on at MartialTalk.com. I am 31 years old and I have been interested in martial arts for a very long time. I began training many years ago in Aikijujutsu and Shotokan Karate. While training in aikijujutsu I also trained in submission grappling and Muso Jikiden Eishinryu Iaido. After the school closed due to finances, I began training in Hapkido, Kumdo and Guhapdo. In aikijujutsu, I earned the rank of sankyu (brown belt) and in Hapkido, I was given the rank of 3rd Kup equal to that of my aiki rank. I also competed in local grappling tournaments with mixed results.

Unfortunately, I have been unable to train formally for the last several years due to family obligations and my work schedule. Although, I have not been training, I have been reading and leaning more about the different fighting arts of the world. I enjoy both the classical styles as well as the modern combat styles. When I do return to formal training, it will probably be in Muay Thai or any of the Filipino arts.
Greetings and Welcome to MT...
Thanks to all for the warm welcome!!!

This just in...

I have started formally training again in Hapkido. This time around I am training in Jungkikwan Hapkido and I love it. It is great to have the passion again. I have found a new home and I plan to stay here for a long while.
Greetings, Skip—good to hear that you're back in active training!
Fantastic! Glad you are enjoying your new classes!
A late welcome and happy posting, along with I hope you enjoy your new classes!