Has there ever been a tournament/competition combining ITF and WTF?

No idea as I'm a Kukki-Taekwondoin, I was just quoting the rules ;-)

Exactly. But given the nature of how the rule is written simply quoting them isn't really going to shed much light on the subject. The best thing to do in order to understand any rule set, IMO, is to 1) compete in a few tournaments where they are used, and 2) attend a referee course on them (this really helped me get a better grasp of some of the nuances used in ITF competition, for example).

Maybe Earl Weiss can answer?

I already know the answer. I know people who have both refereed and fought at the WC's. You'd have to do some serious damage to your opponent in order to get DQ'd for "heavy" contact.

You should also remember that the rules you quoted are for ITF-V, not all the ITF groups. In ITF-C knocking someone out can get you disqualified it's not a guarantee since the way the rule is written the person responsible for the knock is the one who gets penalized. It doesn't state specifically the person doing the attacking, but the person responsible.


Well if you think about this question you would not know if there are two different styles vs. one another. All would simply fight by the rules of the competition. You would simply see a WTF competition with all players doing the same thing, regardless of their styles. That same would be true for ITF competitions also. I have been to many OPEN tournaments and know people that were from different styles. I have seen Karate people at TKD tourneys, as well as Kung Fu people as well. Even saw some Westcoast Martial Arts competitors at a WTF style OPEN tourney. I have even seen and talked to some WTF competitors that fought in ITF and Karate tourneys.

Gorillas kids are WTF trained but now compete and train in Karate tourneys as well as WTF trouneys still.

Now if you are asking if there is a specific tournament that only has WTF people fight ITF people, I don't think that exsist. What would the rules be? And if you said just fight by your own rule sets for each org then how to you ref that? If I was doing WTF style and then punched to the face did I violate the rules. You cannot have a fair or safe competition with two people using two different rule sets. No ref would even be able to manage that.

So yes I have seen WTF and ITF people compete togeather but they are alway only doing one or the other.
the fact of the matter is for an given acceleration the longer distance an object can travel the higher speed it will reach and therefore have higher Kinetic Energy (½mv²). Shorten the travel path of a strike and reduce it's impact.

Not sure what your point is and while this may be true in it's purest form, the human body has certain limits. At some point during the extension of the limb you need to "Put the brakes on" or risk overextension injury. So, there is a very real limit to the "travel" factor.

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